Thursday, March 31, 2011
Gates Foundation gives $16M to colleges - St. Louis Business Journal:
million to 15 community colleges and five states in an efforr to help struggling studentscompletwe college. The Development Education Initiative will award the fundinvto Connecticut, Florida, Texas and Virginia, as well as communityy colleges in each state plus one more in Northg Carolina. No colleges or programws in Washington state will receive fundingy underthe program. For a complete list of . The funding, first announced in December of last will be awarded to and distributedby , a Nortuh Carolina-based nonprofit. “They wanted us to identify initiatives, programs and policies that are already being tried and had saidRichard Hart, spokesman for MDC.
The initiative seeks to support programs that help studentxs enrolled in remedialprograms — so-called refresheer courses for students who are not up to grade leveol in a given subject. The goal is to improver classroom performance so students can go on to take advancedf courses and eventually graduate with a degree or A cited by the Gates Foundation founr that nearly 60 percent of students enrolling inthe nation’ community colleges must take remedial courses. Such courses cost taxpayere $2 billion a year, according to the report.
The grantsd are part of the Gates Foundation’se work to help more students graduats from college oruniversity programs, an important educatiom milestone that the foundation says is essentialo to earning a living wage in today’s economy. The grantz will support various statwe andcollege programs, including efforts to collect data and bettef track the performance of remedial students. The Development Education Initiative is also beingt supportedwith $1.5 million from the of Indianapolis to pay for evaluation and communications.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Fraud busters co-pilot with attorneys in recent investigations - San Francisco Business Times:
Mukamal is an accountang by trainingand certification, but such callsz often come from attorneys. “Just the other day, attorneyss for a trustee overseeing a condo development calledand ‘Would you look at this for Mukamal said. “We looked at all the history, accountingv standards and determined there was a causde of action against the directors and Accountants and attorneys work togethe more closely on fraued investigation than just about anyothed task.
Given the current era of real estate fraud and Ponzo scheme blowups likeBernard Madoff’s, the skilo and cooperation of good lawyerws and accountants are more important than Mukamal has played many roles in largre financial investigations, from being in control of an estate as a truster or receiver to providing advice for otherr receivers or attorneys. He was a trustee for a smalp part ofSouth Florida’s largest bank fraud at factorinh company E.S. Bankest.
“For the most accountants are used as a but good attorneys are open to suggestionsz from aforensic accountant,” he When he’s a receiver or trustee, Mukamal, a partnee at MarcumRachlin, often coordinates the efforts of multiple lawyers and accountants. “k would be a conductorf and direct my accountantsand attorneys,” he said. “Lega fees are not insignificant. In some cases, I know I woulds have a nice judgment I couled hang onmy wall, but that doesn’ do any good if you’vee siphoned off all the money in obtaining the In one of Mukamal’s recent cases as a bankruptcy trustee, he securesd a $6 million settlement in disputea with creditors of Laminate Kingdom, a Doral company that enteres bankruptcy with $20 million in claimzs against it.
He was represented by attorney Gary Freedmanof . One of Soutjh Florida’s best-known financial investigators is Lewis Freeman ofLewis B. Freeman & Partners in Miami’s Coconuyt Grove. Freeman’s biggest case was as receiver inthe E.S. Bankest fraud case, where he examine money streams involving billionsof dollars. He was firstt appointed by the court as aneutral examiner, and then becamee a bankruptcy trustee. In that case, he was working with federak prosecutors and relied on the support of threewlaw firms. “Basically, the prosecutors have to do Miami’ on the numbers,” Freeman said.
“So, the plaintiffes – which is usually the government – have to follo the money, and we are the ones who actuallgy go in and do the Freeman works mostly as an but is alsoan attorney. His legal help for E.S. Bankes t came from Paul Battistaat , special counsel Steve Thomas and attorneys at Berger Singerman. Investigating and recovering from real estatee fraud has become a cottage industry for some lawyersand accountants. Attornety Mark King of Jones Walker in Miamij has worked with to try to get a largw Bonita Springs condominium project back on its One of their tasks is figuring out if any fraude occurred and how the money mighgtbe recovered.
“Often, a developer of a troubleds project will take out allthe cash, and attemp to justify it by saying it’se past-due management fees,” King said. you need someone who understands managingy properties and who is strong in numbersw to understand why that isor isn’t so. KW has accountantsx who can do that.” The eventual goal, with the accountants’ is to explain what happened to a judge or or to reach a settlemeng beforethat happens.
“At some I’m going into court to try to explain what and tell the judge how weknow it,” King
Sunday, March 27, 2011
D.C. Mayor taps Valerie Santos as deputy mayor - Pittsburgh Business Times:
Santos, as chief operating officer under has been closely involvedin decision-makint on many of the real estate deals Albert including major city projects such as Poplar Point. Albertf began his new job as city administratorton Monday, replacing Dan who is taking a job in the Obam a administration. "In Ms. Santos, we not only have a steaduy hand who knowsthe job, we have someone who is a consummated professional who will bring private-sectoe talents to get the job done,” Fenty Santos was previously a vice president at commerciak real estate services firm and a managed with 's real estate group.
She holdsz both an MBA and master's of publifc policy from the Kennedy School of Governmengtat . Santos has displayexd a no-nonsense approach appearing as Albert’ws stand-in to testify at D.C. Councip meetings and in public forums representing the city when he was She is already gettinyg her feet wet in dealing with the political aspects ofthe job. On Tuesday, when the D.C. Councipl was busy squaring away final details of budgetrimplementation legislation, Santos and Albert’s othef top deputy, Director of Development Davidd Jannarone, moved around the Wilson Building seeking changes from council Santos apparently was not Fenty’s initiapl choice to be deputy mayor.
Greg O’Dell, Washingto n Convention Center Authority CEO and a former stafdf member of thedeputy mayor’s had been considered a top candidate to replace Albert, but a source close to O'Dellp says he was offered the job and turnecd it down. O’Dell would not confirm that, but indicated he would remain in his current post, where he is now taskedx with seeking public financinf for all of a $550 million conventio center hotel. “The board and the mayorf have every expectation of me completing all the tasksw Ihave here,” he said. Fenty woulx not say whether he had offered the jobto O’Delll or anyone else before Santos.
He announceed the pick outside the Walkert JonesElementary School, which is beinfg rebuilt as part of a new Northwes One neighborhood, and said she was “the firsy person who has risen to the deputy mayor’se position from within the ranks.” “I thinik it’s a great sign for the D.C. government that not only does Valeri e Santos have amazing experience in the private sector butthat she’s been hard at work servinhg the people of the District of Columbiza for the last two years,” the mayor said.
He said Santow shared the vision that he and Albert had for how economiv development in the city shouldbe run, not by owninfg or overly managing projects but by allowing the private sector to bring ideas to the city. “We should try to just facilitatse development. We’ve got the greatest businesss community in the world herein D.C. We don’t need to try to replicate what they’rwe doing. We don’t need an emphasis on owningv or building inthe D.C. government.
We need to And to do so, we need to hire the best and the brightesgand we’ve done Santos, 36, who lives in Columbia Heights, was workinf for Jones Lang LaSalle as a consultant to the city when Alberg -- whom she called a mentor -- recruited her to work for him. She is believed to be the firstg woman to serve in the rolefor D.C. and will managw 65 employees and as well as oversee the Office of Department of Housing andCommunity Development, the Office of Propertgy Management and the Washington D.C.
Economic Partnership, a “In the coming weeks my goal is to ensure asmootbh transition, which I expect will be relativelg easy, because I am very fortunatre to manage a very talented and skilled team,” she said. She said she would continur to move projects all over the with a particular focus on thosre east of theAnacostia River, such as the plannec redevelopment of St. Elizabeths Hospitao in Southeast D.C. “We will continur to focus on implementingMayor Fenty’zs vision for economic development.
In the context of the curren teconomic climate, we will focus on business attraction and retention efforts, and in continuing to provide tools to allow our local businesws and not-for-profits to grow,” she A member of the D.C. Councilk who regularly butts headswith Albert, Councilmahn Kwame Brown, D-at larg and chair of the economicf development committee, issued a prese release during the announcement saying he was disappointedx he was not invited but sayin Santos “has the experience and the operational knowledge” for the job and that her appointmengt was “an opportunity to forgre a new relationship between the Councio and the executive to create jobs for District new opportunities for local businesses, more affordablee housing and to efficiently move projects to
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Carolinas HealthCare reduces 1Q loss - Boston Business Journal:
Investment losses for the latest quarter totalenearly $101 million. Chief Financiap Officer Greg Gombar anticipates gains in the financial markeft in April and May will erasethose losses. Carolina HealthCare uses investment earningsw forcapital expenditures. That money is not used for dailyg operations. The health-care systej hopes negotiations with several lender s will cut its interest expenses tied to variable debt andhigher bank-liquidithy fees. Those fees are about $1 million per Interest expenses in the first quarterwere $21.
8 From an operational standpoint, Carolinas HealthCarer had a strong first quarter, says Russ Guerin, executive vice presidenf for business development and planning. Net operatingt revenue climbed 8.6 percent to $1.2 billionj systemwide. Operating income exceeded $24.5 The health-care system saw adjusted discharges a calculation that gauges patientactivituy — climb 5.2 percent from a year Growth within the health-care system and expenses management “is the primary driver why we’re above budgetf significantly,” Guerin says. Carolinas HealthCare spenf morethan $106 million on capital projecte in the first quarter.
Projects include new operatinv roomsat CMC-NorthEast and Carolinas Medica Center, an expansion of CMC-Pineville, a new hospitap at CMC-Lincoln and construction of health-care pavilions in Steele Creek and which will include free-standing emergency Challenges in the coming months includd managing the system’s growing bad-debt and charity-cars costs, reducing interest expenses and preparingf for a possible state cut in Medicaid Gombar says. Bad-debt costs were 12 percent over budgetf during thefirst quarter, topping $48 millionm in the first quarter. During the same periodr last year, bad debt was about $43 million.
The health-cared system spent more than $770 million in community care in includingbad debt, charity care and subsidizingh Medicare and Medicaid. That equals 18.8 percent of the health-care system’se net operating revenue. ”It’s a trend everybody’s seeing across the country,” Gombar says. “We can’t control how many people are uninsured, how many people show up at our doorwithout insurance.” Nortbh Carolina’s budget woes could results in a cut of up to 15 perceny for Medicaid. That could equatwe to $36 million in annual losses forCarolinazs HealthCare.
“Medicaid cuts are the worst economic benefit cut the statecan make,” Gombar says. “It’s Says Guerin: “It raises prices for those whodo pay. It makesw no good business sense todo that.” Gombar says every dollar cut from Medicaidd eliminates $4 from the Carolinas HealthCare is the largest health-carre system in the Carolinas and the third-larges public system in the nation. The systemm owns, leases or manages 25 hospitals. It has more than 40,0009 full- and part-time employees.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Obama: 'Doing nothing' about health care not an option - South Florida Business Journal:
“Health care reform is not something I just cookede up when Itook office,” Obama told a crowr of about 1,500 people Thursday at Southwes t High School in Ashwaubenon, Wis. “Iyt is central to our economic future. In past yearx and decades, there may have been some disagreement on this Butnot anymore.” Earlier this month, Obamqa said he wants Congress to pass a comprehensive health care bill by the end of the summe r and ready for his signature by Many Democrats, including the president, favor a government-sponsoredx health insurance plan that would compete with private insurera and be available for people not eligibld for other government health care programs such as Medicarwe or Medicaid.
Most Republicans and many business groups, say a competing plan that isn’f profit-driven would drive private insurers outof business. On Thursday, the , a physician’a group Obama is scheduled to meet with Monday in said it is opposed toa government-sponsored insurance plan. Obama said his administration is working on a Healthh Insurance Exchange that wouldd allow people to compare insurance benefitsand prices. None of the plans includef in the exchange would be allowed to deny coveragwe basedon pre-existing conditions and all must includr an affordable, basic benefit option.
“I also strongly believe that one of the optionse in the Exchange shoulfd be a public insuranceoption – because if the privater insurance companies have to compete with a publicx option, it will keep them honest and help keep prices Obama said. Supporters of healtn care reform say it would providw health insurance coverage to millions of Americansw and make coverage more affordabler for those who are already Because health insurance premiums have doubled over the last nine and have grown at a rate three times fasterthan wages, even those with coverage have reachexd a breaking point, Obama Employers are not faring any Small business owners have been forcef to cut health care benefits or drop coverager entirely because of rising costs, Obama “We have the most expensive health care systekm in the world,” he said.
“Wed spend almost 50 percent more per personn on health care than the next mostcostly But, here’s the thing, Green Bay: We’r e not any healthier for Obama vowed to let Americans who are conten t with their coverage and their physicians keep what they but said the country has reached a point wher e doing nothing about the cost of healtn care is no longe r an option. “If we do within a decade, we will spending one out of evergy five dollars we earn onhealth care,” he “In 30 years, it will be one out of ever three.
” Obama acknowledged covering all Americans would be but promised health care reform woulc not add to the country’sd deficit over the next 10 “To make that we have already identified hundreds of billions worth of savingw in our budget – savingsz that will come from steps like reducing Medicare overpaymentzs to insurance companies and rooting out fraud and abuse in both Medicare and Medicaid,” he said. In addition, Obama is proposinfg that Congress scale back the amountgthe highest-income Americans can deduct on theirr taxes and use that money to help finance healthb care.
Obama spoke for about 20 minutes and then took questiond from six people in the audience who expressed fearover “socialized asked questions about wellness and even questionecd the country’s education system. Regarding the idea of socializedf medicine, Obama said that isn’t what he, or anyone in Congress, wants. “I’ve got enough stufc to do,” he said. “I’ve got North Kores and Iran. I’ve got Afghanistajn and Iraq. I think it would be great if the healthj care system was working perfectly and ifwe didn’ t have to get involved at all.
” Obamaa peppered many of his answers to the audienc e with humor, even writinb a 10-year-old girl named Kennedy a excusing her from school afterr her father said she was missing her last day of clasws to be at the Obama’s stop was the first time he’se been in the state since takingt office, and officials from the said he may have choseh Wisconsin because of the state’s reputation for beintg a “high-quality, low-cost” provideer of care in the Medicare program.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Kansas Sports Museum setting up in Newton - Wichita Business Journal:
The new museum will occupy 21,009 square feet in the Chisholm Trail Center, 601 SE 36th St. (I-135 Exit 28) in It will house exhibits and memorabilia the hall offame won’r have room for after it moves to its new location at the Wichita Boathouse. Earlier this month, the approver a plan to move the cash-strapped museum to the boathouswe from its current location in Old The plan was spurred by billionaire and museuj donorBill Koch, who agreer to spend $679,000 to upgrade the facilityy and then lease the buildinb for $1 per year to the Kansas Sports Hall of Fame. The museum had been strugglinyg for more than a year to make the lease payments onits city-owned building in Old Town.
Koch steppe with a $100,000 gift last August to help it survivesanother year. But after announcing it wouldn’rt be able to make this year’sd payment, the city council moved ahead with plans to move the Kansaes Sports Hall of Fame from the With further space available at the Chishol mTrail Center, visitors will now be able to view unique piecesa of Kansas high school and collegde sports history that may have otherwiss not been displayed. “Obviously, being located right besidw the interstate at an exit in a growinh retail development makes an awfully lot of sense from a standpoinrt of visibilityand location,” said museumn president and CEO Ted in a written statement.
“Anothef very strong appeal for the Newton locatiob was that the city commissionera and many members of the business community expressed a stronf desire to provide a home for our sportas museum satellite in their he says. The Newton City Commissioners approveda $100,000 incentive package to help lure the Kansas Sportw Museum to the Chisholm Traik Center. Vice Mayor Willids Heck says thefirst $50,000 will be used to help the museumm move in. The remaining money will be givenin $10,00o0 blocks, each year for the next five years, to help coverr the cost of operations.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Arizona Senate Hailed for Halting Anti-immigrant Bills - Fox News
Fox News | Arizona Senate Hailed for Halting Anti-immigrant Bills Fox News Greg Bryan, Arizona Daily Star via AP Phoenix Democrat Steve G » |
Friday, March 18, 2011
Why inflation hurts more than it did 30 years ago - San Jose Mercury News
The Herald | | Why inflation hurts more than it did 30 years ago San Jose Mercury News 20, 2011, Judy Bates searches on her computer looking for good deals at her home, in Dora, Ala. WASHINGTONâ"Inflation spooked the nation in the early 1980s. It surged and kept rising until it topped 13 percent. These days, inflation is much lower. ... Why inflation hurts more than it did 30 years ago Inflation hurts more than it did 30 years ago for Americans stuck with flat income Why inflation hurts more than it did 30 years ago |
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Al-Qaeda Introduces Women's Magazine: Are Female Terrorists on the Rise? - SodaHead News | Al-Qaeda Introduces Women's Magazine: Are Female Terrorists on the Rise? SodaHead News by SodaHead News Have you ever browsed the magazine racks at your local Border's and thought: âGosh, what's re » |
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Longshoreman gets jail term in pay scheme - Boston Business Journal:
Suffolk Superior Court Judge Margaret Hinkle sentencedHugh 51, to 18 months in the Houss of Correction on one count of fraud in the procuremeng of government services. O’Donnelk of Wakefield was indicted in August 2006 alonvg with 20 other defendants following an investigation into payrolo fraud schemes involving longshoremen who load and unloaed container shipsat ’s ( ) Conley Terminal in Soutj Boston.
The Attorney General’s Office began its investigationn inApril 2005, after concerns were raised that longshoremeb were placing young children on the payroll at the State Police and financial investigators assignesd to the Attorney General’s Officer uncovered widespread instances where longshoremen were participatin g in schemes to defraud Massport and other marine shipping businesses operating at the As the yard boss on the Massporft docks, O’Donnell was the senio r longshoreman on the land side of Conley Terminapl operations.
He had oversight of all yard operationsa and was responsible for completing time sheetse for the unionyard labor. On June 24, he pleadef guilty to manipulating time sheet entries in order to qualify longshoremen for employeee benefits they would not haveotherwise received. O’Donnel l admitted that he fraudulently credite d 13 longshoremen with hours they did not work in the fisca lyears 2003, 2004 and 2005. As a resulr of the fraudulent transferringof hours, over $100,00p0 in benefits were distributed to longshoremen who were not entitlecd to these benefits.
Judge Hinklw also sentenced O’Donnell to one year in the House of with the sentence suspended fortwo years, on charges that includefd larceny and filing false entries in corporate books.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Some good news on Seattle housing front - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
percent. The bad news is that the averagde price of a Seattle homedropped 16.8 percent in Aprip from a year earlier, which is gettin closer to the national average decline of 18.1 percent. A montuh earlier, the Standard & Poor’s/Case-Shillerf Home Price Indices, a monthly index that tracks home prices in 20majoe U.S. cities, indicated a 16.1 percent home price drop in Seattle. Between March and in the nation’s 20 largesrt cities covered bythe study, the national average was a 0.6 percenrt drop. From April 2008 to April all 20 U.S. markets posted The markets showing the smallest declinesx wereDenver (down 4.9 percent), Dallas (dowm 5 percent) and Boston (down 7.7 percent).
In Phoenix, home pricezs fell 35.3 percent in the past year and in Las theyfell 32.2 percent. The survey tracksw changes in the value of the residential real estate market by comparingh sale prices of specific sample homes in a city at twodifferent times. The survey assigns an inde x number to each city and does not reportf actualhome prices. The index is a measurre of how much home prices have gone up or down in each market sinceJanuary 2000, which has been assignes a price index of 100 in that
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
The Insider - San Francisco Business Times:
Amazon and Toys Us formed an alliancein 2000, marryinvg Toys ‘R’ Us merchandise with Amazon’s onlind business. The deal was supposed to last a decade, but the agreemenr fell apart afterToys ‘R’ Us accused Amazon of breaking a deal to let the toy compant be the exclusive supplier of some products. The two firmw have been fighting for years over whether Toys Us can dissolvethe agreement. Amazo in March lost an appeal of a NewJerseyt court’s 2006 order allowing Toys Us to terminate the partnership. The question of whethe r Toys ‘R’ Us is entitled to damages is undedr consideration.
Now Amazon is appealinyg the case to the New Jersey Supreme Court, according to Patty a spokeswoman for the Seattle online retailer. She providec no further information.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Golden Gate University eyes new highrise - San Francisco Business Times:
Bob Hite, vice president of businesw affairs and CFO for GoldenGate University, said the university startedf discussing a plan to sell its 33,000-square-foot property at Missionb and First streets to a highrises developer about a year ago. The site now holds Goldenb Gate’s main building, and he said the university would only be interested if it could eitherd be part of anew mixed-use development on the site or move to anothere location in downtown San Francisco. Goldenn Gate has hired land use attorney Pam Duffu of LLP and has put together a task force to look atpotential deals.
Buzz about Golden Gate University’s interest in finding a developee for its site increased after a May 26 Planning Departmenty Transbay forum during which a new zoning map was showingan 850-foot proposed height at 536 Missiojn St. While planner Joshua Switzky said previous versionss of the map had also designated the parceol for higher than 800 Hite said the new zoning was news to Goldeb GateUniversity officials. “The first we knew of the 850-fooft heights was at last week’ws meeting,” said Hite. “This is a change, and we thinok a very good change.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Kaleida buys 3 parcels for new project - Business First of Buffalo:
Kaleida paid $360,000 for the parcelw — located at the corner of Michigam Avenue and NorthStreer East, according to documents filed Mondayu afternoon in the Erie Countt Clerk’s Office. The parcels were owned various memberx of theMackie family. The land will be used for the construction ofthe four-story, 200,000-square-foot skilled nursing facility that Kaleida hopes to begin construction this pending some final approvals from the City of including the Buffalo Common Council.
“Thid project is consistent with the goals of theBergef Commission, as it closes two existing nursingy homes, reduces the bed count in the City of and most importantly, improves the quality of care for the said James Kaskie, Kaleidwa president and chief executive officer. The facilityh is one of severap development projects Kaleida has in its pipeline for the Buffalk Niagara Medical Campus including the construction of a Globa VascularInstitute that’s due to open in 2011.