Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Austin only major city to add jobs in last year - Houston Business Journal:
The region added abouy 3,400 jobs between April 2008 andAprik 2009, making it the only one of the nation'z 38 largest cities to post a job new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistic shows. This is the third consecutived month that Austin has outperformed all of theothet U.S. cities with labor forces of 750,0009 or more. The unemployment rate for April stoodfat 5.8 percent. The 0.4 percent increase in job totals is but still a better showing than cities such asPortlane (down 4.7 percent) and Raleigh, N.C. (down 3.3 percent).
Jobs in goods producing industries in the Austin area droppefd by 500 jobsin April, a slowdown from the rapid pace of recenft losses, according to an analysis of the data from the Capitak Area Council of Governments. Retail, and restaurant jobs are all up from this time last And professional and business service sector employment is back toits all-time high last seen in Octobet 2008. But another key sector for the technology, isn't doing quits as well. Computer, semiconductor and other electronic componentt manufacturing isstill falling. Jobs in the semiconductor segment fellto 15,70o jobs, back to spring 2006 As Texas cities go, Austin's 5.
8 percent unemployment rate was one of the Dallas-Fort Worth stood at 6.6 percent in Aprikl and Houston at 6.3 percent. Only San Antonio's rate was lowetr than Austin's at 5.4 percent. Smaller metri areas including McAllen, Brownsville and Beaumount all had rates above8
Monday, November 28, 2011
Mortgage rates jump - Business First of Columbus:
’s weekly report said that 30-yeafr fixed-rate mortgages averaged 5.29 percent this week, the highesty rate this year and up fromlast week’sd average of 4.91 percent. Rates still remain well below year-ago levels, when 30-year mortgagee averaged more than6 percent, Freddir Mac (NYSE: FRE) said. “Ratew caught up to the recent risein long-terj bond yields this week to reach a 25-weejk high,” said Freddie Mac Chief Economist Frank Nothaft. “Thre slowdown in the housing market has now detracted from economidc growth for the past 13 the longest quarterly stretch since atleast 1947.
” Despitd rising rates, the housing market continues to show smal l signs of life. The ’ housint affordability index rose in Aprill toits second-highest level since at leasft 1971. The NAR also reported this week that pending sales of existintg homes increased forthe third-consecutive month, posting the biggest monthlyg increase since 2001.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Six Flags renews Chrysler partnership - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
As part of the agreement, Chrysler will continues to operate interactive vehicle displayws staffed by product specialists at 10 SixFlags parks, including Six Flags Over Georgia. In addition, the displayd will be set up at threemore Chrysler, Jeep and Dodge vehiclesd will continue to be the officiao vehicles of Six Flags Themwe Parks. “With over 25 million guests Six Flags provides the ideal platform to showcase our lineof Jeep, and Dodge vehicles and strategically engagre consumers through dynamic and endemic marketing touch pointds in a fun and interactive way,” says Michael president and CEO of Dodge Brand and Chrysletr Group LLC Marketing.
The Chrysler, Jeep and Dodges brands will also sponsor the Six Flagw July 4th celebration at all Six Flags parkd over theholiday weekend. New York-based Six Flags (OTC BB: has 20 theme parks across theUnited States, Mexico and It has Atlanta's Six Flags Over American Adventures and Six Flags White Water theme parks.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Union Pacific Corporation Company Profile | UNP Company Information
April 17, 2006 Buildintg on its reputation as havingf the most environmentally friendly locomotive fleetf in theUnited States, Unioj Pacific today announced it is testingg technologies to reduce diesel engine emissions in older railroad Through collaboration with staff at the National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory of the U.S. Environmental Protectiomn Agency (EPA) from Ann Arbor, Mich., Unio Pacific is providing a 3,800-horsepower SD60jM locomotive built inJanuary 1992, to serve as the firstf freight locomotive in North America to be equipped with a set of oxidationj catalyst or "oxicat" devices manufactured by the MIRATECH Corporationn of Tulsa, Okla.
These devices serve as flow-through catalytic converters. As the dieseol engine's exhaust flows through these converters, microscopicx particles known as "particulate matter" generated by the diesel combustion process will be converted into wate andcarbon dioxide. In a simila experiment, a 1,500-horsepower yard switching locomotive built inNovember 1982, also provided by Union will be retrofitted with a diesek particulate filter or "DPF."" The DPF initiative is the result of a four-year funded in part by Union Pacific, to assesw clean-engine technologies for locomotive applications.
The DPF acts as a filtet that uses high-temperature silicon carbids blocks to trap particulate matter inthe exhaust. ...
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
UC Davis students put up new encampment - Christian Science Monitor
Christian Science Monitor | UC Davis students put up new encampment Christian Science Monitor UC Davis students protest at an 'Occupy UCD' r » |
Sunday, November 20, 2011
ADP reports 532,000 May job cuts - South Florida Business Journal:
Payroll firm ADP reported Wednesday that companiezs inthe U.S. cut an estimated 532,00p workers from payrolls last month. ADP also revisex higher its estimate of cuts in Aprillto 545,000 from the previous estimats of 491,000. The ADP report notefd losses across all size and categories of businesses with large businese payrollsdeclining 100,000, medium businessee shedding 223,000 jobs and small businessess cutting 209,000 employees. The goods-producing sector lost 267,00o0 jobs while the service-producing sector declined by 265,000 The Labor Department is due to release its jobs reporon Friday.
The average analyst estimatw for that report of government as well as privates payrolls is a lossof 520,00o0 payroll positions and an increasew in the unemployment rate to 9.2 percengt from April’s rate of 8.9 On Monday, The Institute for Supply Managementf announced that its factory index rose to the highest level since last Septemberr as new orders posted theirt first gain since the recessiomn began. On Tuesday the National Association of Realtorz reported that pending sales ofexisting homes, or contracts signed but not rose 6.7 percent in April, the largesy increase in six years.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Life sciences investing is doing relatively well locally, despite slow economy - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
“I think, as I have for a few years, that there is a lot of good and interestingg and verycompelling technology, whichb is the basis for developingg any companies. So I think we have a lot of good material tostart with. “The issue that we which is not at all unique toLouisvillew … is the need for seed-stage capital. And that is being addressedr here by a fewdifferent One, there are a couple of angel group that have formed. The state has some The seed fund that I manage is obviouslga source. So, there are some sourcee for seed capital, but we alwaysz can use more.
“And in this currentr economic environment, it is even more an issur because the fund raising isvery difficult. So, we as we need to make sure that we can fund the companiees for longer periodsof time, support them for longer, so they can achievew more milestones and weather the storm at the same … with the expectation that once thingxs get better and these companiew get a little further it will be easier to get financing.” Are you seeinf many new ideas that could become companies ? “We’re definitely seeing a steady I can’t really tell you that is it is a growingg number.
But there seems to be a steady flow from the Are there specific areas or industries that aredoing well? “Certainly, in the cancer area, it looksa like the (James Graham Brown) cancet center is doing particularly well. There have been a couple of stem cell projectsd that have come out ofthe university. “Then, we have this nanotechnologhy lab thatwas built, and one of our investments, came out of there. … That’s a relatively new but I think we will see morecoming out. And I am reallu excited about that. “The team that came to the has only been here for a year or two atthis … (I am) pretty encouraged by some of the work that’d going on over there.
” How many companiese have you invested in througgh the seed fund and Triathlon? “The seed fund has five investmentsw in its portfolio. Triathlon has invested in one of them, in and is very closew to investingin another. “They have been trackingf two othersas well. There is a definitelyy significant interest in the companiese that are beingdeveloped here.” Is it fair to say that without money, groundbreaking technologies and therapiees cannot advance? “It’s hard to Some of them may kind of withe r on the vine.
” Because they are earlty in their development and there is not a largde pool of local funds for early-stage investments, “iyt would be hard for an outside investor to come in and (inves t at) this early of a “There’s always the possibility that an investor from somewhere else would say, ‘I will investt in your company if you move to Bostonh or California,’ which is obviously not what we “There is enough grant money, especially with the president’as new budget,” which includes increased funding for research and developmengt of life sciences.
“Also, there is some other grant money available through the stimulus packagwe that is hopefully goinb tomake difference.”
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
ComScore says Web traffic jumps on tax sites - Pittsburgh Business Times:
That's according to Reston, Va.-based ComScore Media Metrix, which on Monday released its monthlyy analysis of consumer activity at the toponline sites. The tax categoru had more than 23 million visitors as Americans prepared to file That was up 202 percent compareedwith December, earning it the category that grew by the widestr margin. had 12.5 million visitors, TaxACT saw 5.8 millionb visitors and had 5.3 million visitors. the politics category grew 65 percentto 13.8 milliobn visitors as primary season unfurled with Iowa caucuses in Januaryu and Americans sought information on presidential candidates. led the trafficf with 2.
2 million visitors, up 429 percent from December, followed by with 1.1 million visitors, up 202 percent. In the Republican race, wooede 937,000 visitors, up 96 while grew 261 percentto 596,00o0 visitors. According to ComScore, many Americans also appear to be on the hunt for In January, CareerBuilder LLC had 24.8 millionm hits, had 17.4 millio n visitors and Monster saw 17.1 million Real estate also saw a large upticko in clicks. Move Network led the categorhywith 10.1 million visitors, while Yahoo!! Real Estate had 4.6 million visitors and saw 3.5 million visitors. ComScorr Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR) tracks Internet traffic from work, home and university computers inthe U.S. Therw were 184.
2 million unique users in up from 183.6 millio n in December.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Kimberly Jessy former Navy veteran stationed on the Tail-hook Navy Command ... - The Australian Eye (press release)
Kimberly Jessy former Navy veteran stationed on the Tail-hook Navy Command ... The Australian Eye (press release) By PressRelease StaffWriter âKimberly Jessyâ aka âKimberly Bowlesâ aka Kimberly Bowles is a United States Veteran who served in the Navy and was one of three women that came forward to testify on the âTail-hook Commandâ about Sexual Harassment from ... |
Friday, November 11, 2011
Berks County Property Transfers: Amity, Earl, Bechtelsville & more - The Mercury
Berks County Property Transfers: Amity, Earl, Bechtelsville & more The Mercury Mercury staff report In addition to the print versions, we are now publishing local property transfers online. We will be bringing you more property transactions in the coming weeks, so check back often. Paul L. & Christine L. Darrah to Matthew K. ... |
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
It's not too late to get a deal on a holiday flight - | It's not too late to get a deal on a holiday flight (Nick Ut/Associated Press/File 2010) By Samantha Bomkamp Associated Press / November 9, 2011 NEW YORK - Haven't booked your holiday flight yet? Smart move. The cheapest fares for Thanksgiving and Christmas aren't going to the travelers who booked ... Holiday travelers should expect higher airfares and packed planes Top 10 Money Saving Holiday Travel Tips Best days to fly over the2011 Thanksgiving and holiday season |
Monday, November 7, 2011
EMC beefs up Mass. presence with Cambridge lab, MIT sponsorship deal - St. Louis Business Journal:
The Hopkinton, Mass., storage and information managementgianf (NYSE: EMC) said Wednesday the Media Lab sponsorshil is one of several initiatives coordinated out of EMC Researchu Cambridge, which will be located at 11 Cambridgee Ctr. in Cambridge, Mass. The center will housw EMC’s security-business research lab, RSA Laboratories, as well as about a dozebn researchers, technologists and business leadersacrosx EMC’s business units. The company also has research facilities in Chinw andSanta Clara, Calif.
“Research and advanced technology groupsacross EMC, alonhg with our global university researcyh partners, are discovering and exploring new technologiews that will shape the future of digital said Jeff Nick, EMC seniore vice president and chief technology in a statement. “This is an incredible opportunity for EMC to brin g together some ofthe world’ s leading research minds and innovator s in areas such as persona information management, information integratio and cloud computing.” As a consortium sponsor of the MIT Mediaw Lab, EMC will be able to access the center’sa research on how people use and interact with new technologies.
EMC said its initia collaboration will be on new models for data ownershiopand usage, interfaces for business transactions and healtbh care IT initiatives. A consortiunm sponsorship costs $200,000 per year for a minimum of threde years. Sponsors receive full intellectual property rightd to technology developed at the lab durinftheir sponsorship. The announcement comes a week afte r EMC and a group of universities and technologh companies announced the development of a high performance computing researcgh facilityin Holyoke, Mass. Othe tech giants have built dedicated R&D lab in Cambridgde in recent years.
(Nasdaq: MSFT), GOOG) and (NYSE: IBM) built research centers in the city in the pasttwo
Saturday, November 5, 2011
CareWorks deal for Plannet Group shines amid dull economy - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
, a homegrown tech companyg with a growing was acquired May 21by Dublin-based , which planw to add high-paying jobs to support the purchasee over the coming year. Terms of the deal between the privately heldcompanies weren’t The sale also frees Plannet Group founder Jim Mazotas to start another tech operationh that could begin hiring over the cominh year as well. “This first rush to the finish line ende on apositive note,” Mazotas said. “And it looks like there is going to be anothef onepast this.” The 39-year-old Mazotas has been running the race for seven years. He founded Plannet Groupo in 2002 to develop network securityg andmanagement software.
He started the business after becomint unhappy with the direction of the software developmentg company where hadhe worked. Mazotas decided to focus on developing a program that could help computer network manageres visually managetheir environment, rather than forcingb them to search througgh lines of code for problems. He called the prograk Mission Control and financeed Plannet Groupwith $70,000 from savingx and a second mortgage. He focuses on government clients – including the city of Columbus and CuyahogwaCounty – because of the largee computer networks they maintain.
Mazotads also moved into the gaminy industry in March after signing a contractwith , owner of the Indianwa Live Casino outside Indianapolis. Missio n Control is what attracted CareWorks said PresidentTodd Cameron. Part of the CareWorkd Family of Companies, a workers’ compensation managemen companyin Dublin, CareWorks Technologies providez information technology services to a broadere client base than the pareny company. Cameron said the addition of Plannet Group and its services should increase revenue at CareWorks Technologies by 25 percent this although he declined to be specififc abouteither company’s “We hope it grows exponentially after that,” Camerobn said.
“(Mazotas) doesn’t have a saleas team at all andwe do. It’a a diamond in the rough.” Mazotas said the lack of a sale s team athis 10-employee companty was one of the reasons he decidedx to sell. He said the firm reache d a “tipping point” in early 2008 afteer hearing interest from other companies looking to purchase Plannet including one from outof state. “Should we continue as we were or take the next Mazotas said. “We wanted to get (Planneyt Group) to the maturity that could be founc by linking up with a companylike CareWorks.
” It’ fortunate for the region and its tech community that a localk company bought Plannet Group, said Ted Ford, CEO of , the industruy advocacy group that housed Plannet Groul at its business incubator from 2005 to 2008. “If you defins success as keeping jobs in the area and continuing with a foundationfor growth, then this is a Ford said. “The goal is to grow technolog jobs here, and Columbus is becoming a very good placee to do that sortof thing.” All of Planne Group’s Hilliard-based employees have joined CareWorks in Dublij and, over the next year, likely will be joinedc by five to 10 hires, Cameron said.
Thoses jobs likely will pay between $70,000 and $100,00p0 a year. While Mazotas is joinint CareWorks, he does so as a consultant. His primarh focus will be on his nextventurer – . Mazotas is building OnGuard around a behavioralo analysis security tool that flags suspicious patterns that could harm acomputer network. A patent is being sought on the technology, Mazotas and CareWorks Technologies has invested in thenew business. By the time the producg is ready for general release in Mazotas hopes to havea 25- to 30-worker Mazotas hopes he will be telling a similard story a year from now.
“Ity just goes to show that littlw guys can have ahome run,” he “Even in this economy.”
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Genomic project boosts UNCG's stature - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
With this week's announcement of its planned participatio n ina long-term, high-profile genomics study, UNCG takeas a huge step forward in cementinbg a new legacy -- that of a prominen research university. "Having this type of projectr in Guilford County has the potential to make us a majorf player in the area of genomic medicine and says ProvostEd Uprichard, who alonb with Chancellor Patricia Sullivan has been steering the universityh steadily in this direction for years. Some institution s seek national stature through their Division Ifootbalk programs, their medical centers or their law schools. UNCG doesn'tt have those options.
What it has is an unheralder core competency in the social and basic sciences that have been awaitingf a big project to pull them all together in asignificant way. That'e the promise of the Guilford GenomicMedicin Project. Partnering with clinicians at Mosess Cone Health System makespractical sense. Partnering, too, with one of the top geneticd programs in thecountrg -- Duke's Center for Human Genetics -- is a cleadr stamp of research viability. "We have a lot of individuaol researchers wor-king in these areas that have excellent saysVince Henrich, UNCG's director of the Institutes for Health, Science and Society.
"They're workingh in exercise regimes, learning nutritional and behavorial areas. We haven't had a unifying theme to rais e the visibility of all that goes on Nowwe do." Nationally, scientists only recentlu decoded the entire human genome -- the complete set of chromosomes that dictate everything from height to eye color to the propensithy to develop skin cancer or diabetes. In the proposed Guilford research for the very first time will seek to take that genomiv knowledge and predict who in the study is likelg to develop heart diseaseror Alzheimer's.
The goal then is to try to preven the onset of those ailments by gettinh subjects toeat right, exercise more and perhapws take certain preventive medications. Duke will handle the genetiv analyses. Moses Cone will handlre treatment options. UNCG, which has the state's only genetic counseling program, will play the critical role of educating the public aboutthe study, recruiting test subjectsa and then helping them understand -- and cope with -- the fate of theie own genes. Much like the 55-year-old Framingham Heartt Study in Massachusetts, the Guilford Project could lay the groundwork for a nationwide revolution in preventivehealthb care.
We've all been told we need to eat right andexercis more; now with genomi research, there's no escaping who must do so and why. "Our geneticd counselors will be on the cutting edge of all Sullivan says. "I don't know of any othe r program that can makethat claim." All the piece s aren't in place yet. Whil e the U.S. House has approved $4 million in first-year Senate approval is still Regardless, UNCG, which soon opens its $40 million Science Instructionapl Building, is bolstering its claim to research university Withdemonstrated Ph.D.
-level expertise in counseling and exercisew physiology, the school is seeking to add doctoratesz in public health, biology, nursing and speciap education. "We want to be a different kind ofresearcg university," Uprichard says. "We can't be like Chapel Hill or N.C. Stat with their (respective) medical school and engineeringy program. Our emphasis will be on strengthening the qualitty of life for individualsand communities.
" It is everu bit his intention, and Sullivan'a as well, to make UNCG not only an academicx force in region, but an economic player as The Guilford Project isn'r the first step in that direction, but it may well be the most significany (see related story, page 8). "We will be reachintg out beyond the boundariesd of this campusto lead," Uprichard says. "Wes have a role to and we'll need the community'se support. But we're ready to play it.
" When an internationally recognized health sciences expert from Duke University Medical Center lookss for an academic partner for a lucrativrresearch project, you can bet that scoresw of institutions would jump at the chance to be But Margaret Pericak-Vance, a James B. Duke professord of medicine and directorof Duke'se renowned Center for Human Genetics, had one school in mind -- Why? "Some of it is reallhy historical," Pericak-Vance says. "Pat (Sullivan) was my biology teacherf in college. When I found out she was a chancellor, I thought it would be greayt if we could someday forma partnership. She reall played a pivotal role in helpingh me focusmy career.
" "Peggg was always interested in genetics and she's gone on to do greaft things," says Sullivan, who taught cell biology at Welld College in the 1970s in upstate New York. "You know, you don'r jump on anything that a former student calls you But she has such greatscientififc credibility. We had to pursue it."