vishnevskiipavuh.blogspot.comSan Francisco-based McKesson (NYSE: MCK) addede Andy Bryant, chief administrative officer at (NASDAQ: to its board on Jan. 23. It addeed Edward Mueller, chairman and CEO of Q) and former (NYSE: WSM) to the board April 23. Both men were put on committeesz as of July23 -- Bryant on the audift committee and finance committee and Mueller on the compensation committewe and the corporate governance committee. Bryant, 58, was Intel' chief financial officer from 1994 toOctobedr 2007. He sits on the boards of COLM) and Mueller, 61, also sits on the CLX) board in Oakland. John Hammergren is chairma and CEOof McKesson. He sits on the board at (NYSE: HPQ) in Palo Wayne Budd of .
Alton Irby III, chairmabn of . Christine Jacobs, chairman and CEO of Mariew Knowles, former CFO of David M.D., former chairman and CEO of . James former chairman of Jane Shaw, former chairmanj and CEO of Aerogen. Non-employee directors at McKessonj are paid an annualcash "retainer" of $75,000, according to the company'as proxy card. They're paid $1,500 for attendinvg a board or committee meeting, or $2,000 if it's an auditg committee meeting. Directors were elected for oneyear terms.