Thursday, December 30, 2010
Phillips ranks No. 1 on residential real estate list - Kansas City Business Journal:
Phillips completed 1,148 transaction sides last according tothe program’s list of Top 100 Agentxs by Transaction Sides. Every real estate transactiob has a buying andselling side, hencde the term “transaction Phillips, who ranked No. 3 in 2007 transactionm sides with 609, has benefited from Century 21 All-Pro’s focud on moving foreclosed homes. Century 21 All-Pro lists foreclosuresa for the , Fannie Mae and aboutr 25 banks.
In an interview with the Kansas City Businessd Journalin December, Phillips said his successfulp business model involves a division of Phillips, who doesn’t deal with any immediately posts foreclosure listings with online bidding and multipls listing services. His agents, spread throughoutr the metro area and other parts of Kansas and place signs and lockboxes at the new listings in exchang e for getting their phone numbers onthe signs. In Phillips delegates to assistants tasks such as writingpropertyy descriptions, taking photographs and updating the listings that pour in at a rate of 40 a day. Becausw of the lower price range of mostforeclosur listings, Phillips was ranked No.
71 on the Top 100 Agent s by Sales Volume with a totalof $68.2w million in 2008 Serena Boardman of in New York topped that list with $255.q million. For the awards program, Real Trends surveyed more than 7,00o real estate brokerages and associations. Founded in Century 21 All-Pro has 140 agentd in five office locations, including Blue Springs, Liberty, south Kansas City and Kansaws City’s Westport area.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Pain Drug Put On Hold After Patient Develops Serious Disorder - Fox News
Everything Gold (blog) | Pain Drug Put On Hold After Patient Develops Serious Disorder Fox News An NGF-inhibitor under development by Pfizer Inc was put on hold earlier this year after some patients required joint replacement surgery. ... Regeneron, Sanofi-Aventis put drug study on hold Regeneron Says US FDA Halts Development of Pain Killer After Bone Death Regeneron Says FDA Places Pain Drug on Clinical Hold |
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Azeem urges AG to issue 'assets declaration list' - Ghana Broadcasting Corporation | Azeem urges AG to issue 'assets declaration list' Ghana Broadcasting Corporation The Executive Secretary of the Ghana Integrity Initiative, Vitus Azeem, thinks it is the duty of the Attorney-General's Office to publish the names of » |
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
NASD accuses Paulson Investment of improper market timing - Kansas City Business Journal:
The Portland-based investment banking and securities firm said in the filinyg that it intendsto "defend this matterr vigorously," as it believes its activities violatedd no federal or state laws or regulations. Accordinhg to the filing, the NASD informed Paulsobn (NASDAQ: PLCC) on April 12 of a preliminary determinatiob to recommend disciplinary action against Paulson for violations of a ruled of conductregarding mutual-fund marketf timing and failure to supervise the firm's mutual-fund The NASD also made a similar determination with respect to Paulsonb President Glenn Davis "apparently for failure to supervis e as he did not participate in any of the trades identifief by the NASD as rule violations," the filingy said.
The NASD has proposed resolving the action with Paulson in returjnfor $341,000 in restitution and $525,009 in fines, the filing stated. The conducf at question relates to activities undertakejn in August and September of 2003 by employeesin Paulson'sa New York office. Paulson is to file a responsr tothe NASD's preliminary determination May 17, 2005, accordint to the filing. If not settled, the matter will proceexd to a hearing before the either in 2005or 2006.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
MERC board backs Woolson, opposes Metro authority move - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Six of the seven board members signed a lettetr to Metro Council Presiden David Bragdon supporting Woolson after Bragdoncriticized Woolson’s job performance. MERC is a Metroi subsidiary. Two board memberas — Ray Leary and Janice Marquis — also called upon Portland’s City Councikl to ask Metro to postpone a vote that wouldd give the regional government the authority to hire andfire MERC’d top executive. The MERC Commission currentlh hasthat authority. Metro Councilors Rod Park and Rex Burkholdee made the proposal last The council will discuss the proposal on Thursdah and could approve it at its June25 meeting.
Park and Burkholderd also have concernswith Woolson’s performance. MERC oversees the Oregomn Convention Center, the Portland Center for the Performing Arts and the Portlaned MetropolitanExposition Center. Leary and Marquiw were joined by fellow board memberGary Conkling, Elisa Dozono, Yvonne McClain and Gary Reynoldxs in supporting Woolson. “We regret a personnel matter has becomd apublic debate,” the board memberxs wrote. While Woolson exceeded expectations in previous the board said it plans to furthefrtrack Woolson’s performance.
Bragdon had criticized Woolsohn for adding more executive stafv and publicrelations workers, a move that helpeed nearly double his office’s overhead, to a proposed $877,8089 for fiscal year He also blasted Woolson for moving into a new downtowb office, for earning $184,000 — the agency’s highest overal l salary — and for allegedly mismanaging efforts to builf a hotel next to the Oregon Convention Centerr and a new Columbia River Crossing.
• Woolson’s hirees have helped build business relationshipse that bring revenueto MERC’s • The downtown in the Center for Performing is rent-free and sits across the street from Travel Portland, the commission’x main marketing contractor. • Woolson’z salary was approved by Michael Jordan, Metro’s chief operating officer, and has increasecd as he’s met performance • MERC, at the requesft of Metro officials, plays a diminished role in advancing theheadquarterds hotel.
Woolson had protested configurationz of the Columbia River Crossinv that would affect parking at the nearby Expo The MERC board said Woolson advocated onthe center’d behalf, a move that drew fire from Burkholdet when Woolson butted heads with bridge supportersz from other government agencies. “Hids efforts laid the groundwork for enlightened futurer development of this importan t community asset which pays bond debt service fromenterprised revenues, and enables the Oregon Conventionj Center to stay focused on largere scale conventions that bring exponential tourismn benefits to the region,” the boardc members wrote.
Only Don Trotter, the board’sd chairman, didn’t sign the letterd backing Woolson. The Oregonian reported May 29 that Trotterd asked Woolson to Learyand Marquis, who representy the city of Portland on MERC’sz board, said the Metro ordinance seekingh more authority over MERC’s operations could invite “decisions bases on politics, not business and industry The city could also lose its direcg voice in managing MERC’s buildings. The pair also objected to “the lack of in Metro’s decision-making proceses related to theMERC proposal.
“Wr are proud that MERC’zs business position continues to be despite the economic challengex facingthis community, and we believe the organization’s success is due, in larg e part, to the current direct reportinf relationship between” Woolson and the commission, Leary and Marquiz wrote. MERC’s venues generated more than $535 milliob in economic impactand 5,509 jobs for the region’s economy in fisca l year 2007‐2008, according to a commission study. Metro’s councilors are mulling a $457 million budgegt for fiscalyear 2009-2010. The regional governmeng serves 1.4 million people in the Portlandmetropolitab area’s 25 cities.
Friday, December 17, 2010
SolarCity lands financing from US Bancorp - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The state’s largest residential installer saidWednesday it’s landedx additional financing from Community Development Corp. for its solar lease program that will boosty its installations and help it clear its backlog of customers. Foster City-based SolarCity informed customers in Januargy that it would delay installations for customers participatinyg in itslease program, after investmen t bank , its largest stopped funding the Most solar companies have lost access to financing through the credit crunch and recessiojn as their investors closed or lost the ability to use the tax creditw that made solar a compelling investment.
SolarCith has continued to install solar systems at a rate of aboutr 100per month. Some of those included customerws who paid cash fortheir systems. New customer s who wanted to take advantage of thesolad lease, which limits the up-frontt costs of having a system installed and charges customers at a monthly have had to wait up to eight months for theie systems. The funding will also alloqw SolarCity to continue to grow its commerciaklsolar business. SolarCity installed solaf systemson ’s headquarters in Mountain Grace Cathedral in San Francisco and otherz through power purchase agreements, which are structuredf to take advantage of tax credits.
With the US Bank financingg however, SolarCity will be able to fund thosse projects and residential projects from thesame fund. “Noww that we have long-term visibility in solar lease and commercial PPAs we are gointg to be hiring a tremendous amountof installers,” said SolarCituy CEO Lyndon Rive. SolarCity wouldn’g disclose the size of the US Bank fund or how many installation it could completethis year.
The company said it sent an emaill to customers on its waiting list Tuesday nighg with instructions on finding theie new projected installation dateon SolarCity’s web US Bancorp Community Development Corporation is a division of US parent to US Bank, the sixth largest commerciall bank in the United States. “Today’x announcement is only the beginning. We look forward to makintg additional investmentswith SolarCity, and believe this partnershi p will ultimately enable thousands of American homeowners and businesses to adopt cleaner power and save money on energy costs in the said Darren Van’t Hof, vice presidenyt of solar, new markets and historic investments for US Bancorlp Community Development Corp.
, in a release.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Phoenix considering future of reversible lanes - KSWT-TV
Phoenix considering future of reversible lanes KSWT-TV The city added reverse lanes in 1979 as a way of relieving traffic congestion in and out of downtown. The reverse lanes change during morning and afternoon ... |
Sunday, December 12, 2010
'Narnia's' $24.5 Mil Debut Weekend Tops 'Tourist' - Hollywood Reporter
Globe and Mail | 'Narnia's' $24.5 Mil Debut Weekend Tops 'Tourist' Hollywood Reporter The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader sent The Tourist on a trip to second place during the two films' debut weekend as the third movie ... 'Narnia" cruises to No. 1 debut with modest $24.5M Director von Donnersmarck makes Hollywood debut with 'The Tourist' |
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Genmar Holdings files for bankruptcy - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The petition to reorganize theboat builder’s debts was filed Mondayt afternoon in in Minneapolis. The filing includes more than 20 ofthe company’x subsidiaries, one of which is Murfreesboro-based Genmae Tennessee LLC. The company has a boat manufacturingt and repair facility at theMurfreesboro location. Genmare Tennessee has from 200to 1,00 creditors and assets between $50,000 and $100,000. The Tennessee company’s filing lists about $750,00p0 in unsecured debts owed to its 20largesyt creditors. The parent company listsx its assets in the rageof $10 millionj to $50 million and its liabilities between $100 million and $500 according to court documents.
Genmatr Holdings’ only secured creditors are and , accordingf to a story in the Minneapolis Star Genmar said it has receiver commitment fora debtor-in-possession financingv proposal from both banks. In a statement, Genmar’se largest shareholder, Chairman and CEO Irwin Jacobs says sales ofthe company’ fishing boats, luxury yachts and other products started to decline in 2008, but worsened in recent The company’s sales in fiscal which ends in June, are likely to be about $460 off by more than 50 percent from fiscap 2008, the company reports.
“If someone woulc have said to me as recentl y as even one month ago that Genmar would someday be filinb forChapter 11, I would have said it was not even a remoted possibility,” Jacobs says. Genmar had been making some strategy changes in recent months and recentlh announced plans to launch a lineof less-expensives aluminum boats.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Cold, quiet weather ending Tuesday - The Spokesman Review
Cold, quiet weather ending Tuesday The Spokesman Review December 6, 2010 in City on Page A1 Starting six years ago, âa bunch of retired fellas and their wivesâ put together an accordion and a gutbucket, ... |
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Mayo study: Alzheimer's symptoms found in mid-50s - St. Louis Business Journal:
That’s much earlier than previously thought, suggesting that treatment wouldf be more effective if startedin middle-aged people, before onsett of the disease, according to researchers in the . The study followedx 815 healthy people ages 21 to 97 with and withou the APOEe4 gene, a key risk factor for for up to 14 years. Memorhy and thinking tests were used to comparecognitive performance. About one out in four people have at least one copy of the while 2 percent have two inherited from both parents andincreasing Alzheimer’s disease affects about 10 percenty of people over age 65 and almost half over 85.
Researcherss from several institutions in theArizonza Alzheimer’s Consortium collaborated on the including Arizona State University, Banner Alzheimer’s Institute, Barro Neurological Institute, Sun Health Research Translational Genomics Research Institute and Universityu of Arizona. The National Institute on Aginf and the state of Arizonzprovided funding. “This study highlights the ideathat Alzheimer’s disease is a progressived disorder that likely begins well before clinical diagnosis,” said Creighton Phelps, directorr of the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center program for the Nationa Institute on Aging.
“Additionalk research is needed to identifuy those at high genetic risk and develop methodsw to delaydisease progression.” Researchers, however, do not recommend using brain imaging or cognitive tests to predict
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Kannapolis honored for economic strategy - Austin Business Journal:
The city received the award in the category of Excellence in EconomixcDiversification Strategies, which recognizes responsesa to plant closures and other economifc dislocations, that promote economic The competition is open to nonprofits; state and regional governments; and universities and colleges. Cabarrus and Rowanm counties lost 4,300 manufacturing jobs when textilemanufacturef Kannapolis-basedPillowtex Corp. closed in July 2003. Two years later, California billionaire David Murdock announced planss forthe N.C. Research Campus at the 350-acre forme r Pillowtex headquarters andmanufacturing site. The life-science hub includes the participation ofDuke University, the UNC the N.C.
Community College System, otherf educational institutions andbusinesw partners. The total investment is expected toreach $1.8 Residential and commercial developments are rising around the campud with hopes of turning Kannapolis, a former textile town, into a biotech center.