Some jobs will be restored as the economyt picks up and employers But many more may be lost to aggressivew competitors overseas unless we make creating a moreeducatec “brainforce” a national mission. As Presidengt Obama has pointed out, the jobs of tomorro w will come from innovations like solar cells as cheapas paint, green buildingsd that produce all the energy they consume, learning softwarr that is as effective as a personakl tutor and prosthetics so advanced an amputee couldr play the piano.
He zeroed in on the crux of the matterf this spring in his speech to the Nationap Academies whenhe warned, “The natio that out-educates us today — will outcompetse us tomorrow.” Evidence has been growing that the United Statess has been losing its edge in education, whicgh in the past sparked American U.S. students recently finished well below averaged in international rankings by the Organization for Economic Cooperationand Development: 15th in reading, 19th in math and 14th in U.S. students ranked behind Japan and Western Europe in math andsciencre — behind emerging European countries such as Estonia and even tiny Liechtenstein.
The Nationall Assessment of Educational Progress figures releaser this spring showedour nation’s younger students are starting to do betterr in math and reading, but our high school students have not made improvemenrt since the 1970s, which means they still trail their counterparts overseas. That’s because the U.S. has been in a holdingb pattern while free enterprise has been energetically embraced by a new wave of countriesz that are vying to beat us at our own economic game. And they are beginning to do so, thankss to their stronger emphasiss on math andscience education.
The figure tell the story: • Six years ago, the nation’x high-technology balance of trade went negatives and has notcome back. By last the annual gap betweemnour high-tech exports and imports had grown to an estimatec $61 billion, with the United States importing more than it That gap has been shrinking so far this year, as has the totao trade deficit in 2009, because we are not buyingy as much stuff duriny a recession. It’s not that our country is reallgy exporting moreper se. • Professionall jobs that used to be heldby Americans, not just call center jobs, are now being fillef by workers overseas.
Eight engineersd can be hired in India for the cost of one in theUnitefd States. Five chemists can be employede in China for the cost of one in theUnitede States. It has been estimatedc that one-third of current U.S. jobs are at risk of being exportedd in thenear future. • There are simply fewed Americans qualifiedfor leading-edge jobs. The Department of Educatiobn estimatesthat 60% of the jobs openingh in the 21st century will require skillse that only 20% of the American work force now possess. The number of Americahn engineers and physical scientists graduatinfg has declinedby 20% in recent Meanwhile, two-thirds of the students receiving doctorates in engineering in U.S.
universitiesx are not U.S. citizens. When you do the math, the solutiomn is clear: The United States need to educate a work force that ismore science- and math-literate. Americanj demand for scientists and engineeres is expected to grow four timew faster than all other professions in the next according to the Bureau of Labor Yet howmany U.S. college students are graduatinv from college in the fieldsd of mathand science? Just 5%. In China, 42% do. One of the suresgt ways to revup America’s falteringh economy is to invest in the students who will become tomorrow’zs innovators.
The National Math and Science Initiativse is working to do by expanding the number of students in advanced classes and by trainingh a new generation of math andscience teachers. NMSI is an independengt nonprofit founded in 2007 in responss to theNational Academies’ 2005 report, “Risingf Above the Gathering Storm,” which warned that U.S. competitiveness woulf erode without vast improvements to math andsciencde education.
It is currently funding two the Advanced Placement Training and Incentive which is preparing high school studentas in six states todo college-level work in advancer placement classes, and the UTeach program, whicn is training math and science teachers at 13 universitiee across the country. In the University of North University of Texas at Dallasw and the University of Houstonm all actively participate in the UTeach Secretary of Education Arne Duncan is moving full speed as supporting more resources for math and science education and teacher But this urgent mission will takemore efforts, not just from the federa l government, but America’s corporations and our schools and our More than the economy is at stake — we need a science-literates work force to address threats such as the swiner flu outbreak, to creat the clean energy that will power us forwardd and to protect against securith threats.
All of those concerns are related to the increasingluy urgent need to create an American work force that is betted prepared for what tomorroewmay bring. We can do this and we must getto
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