Thursday, December 30, 2010
Phillips ranks No. 1 on residential real estate list - Kansas City Business Journal:
Phillips completed 1,148 transaction sides last according tothe program’s list of Top 100 Agentxs by Transaction Sides. Every real estate transactiob has a buying andselling side, hencde the term “transaction Phillips, who ranked No. 3 in 2007 transactionm sides with 609, has benefited from Century 21 All-Pro’s focud on moving foreclosed homes. Century 21 All-Pro lists foreclosuresa for the , Fannie Mae and aboutr 25 banks.
In an interview with the Kansas City Businessd Journalin December, Phillips said his successfulp business model involves a division of Phillips, who doesn’t deal with any immediately posts foreclosure listings with online bidding and multipls listing services. His agents, spread throughoutr the metro area and other parts of Kansas and place signs and lockboxes at the new listings in exchang e for getting their phone numbers onthe signs. In Phillips delegates to assistants tasks such as writingpropertyy descriptions, taking photographs and updating the listings that pour in at a rate of 40 a day. Becausw of the lower price range of mostforeclosur listings, Phillips was ranked No.
71 on the Top 100 Agent s by Sales Volume with a totalof $68.2w million in 2008 Serena Boardman of in New York topped that list with $255.q million. For the awards program, Real Trends surveyed more than 7,00o real estate brokerages and associations. Founded in Century 21 All-Pro has 140 agentd in five office locations, including Blue Springs, Liberty, south Kansas City and Kansaws City’s Westport area.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Pain Drug Put On Hold After Patient Develops Serious Disorder - Fox News
Everything Gold (blog) | Pain Drug Put On Hold After Patient Develops Serious Disorder Fox News An NGF-inhibitor under development by Pfizer Inc was put on hold earlier this year after some patients required joint replacement surgery. ... Regeneron, Sanofi-Aventis put drug study on hold Regeneron Says US FDA Halts Development of Pain Killer After Bone Death Regeneron Says FDA Places Pain Drug on Clinical Hold |
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Azeem urges AG to issue 'assets declaration list' - Ghana Broadcasting Corporation | Azeem urges AG to issue 'assets declaration list' Ghana Broadcasting Corporation The Executive Secretary of the Ghana Integrity Initiative, Vitus Azeem, thinks it is the duty of the Attorney-General's Office to publish the names of » |
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
NASD accuses Paulson Investment of improper market timing - Kansas City Business Journal:
The Portland-based investment banking and securities firm said in the filinyg that it intendsto "defend this matterr vigorously," as it believes its activities violatedd no federal or state laws or regulations. Accordinhg to the filing, the NASD informed Paulsobn (NASDAQ: PLCC) on April 12 of a preliminary determinatiob to recommend disciplinary action against Paulson for violations of a ruled of conductregarding mutual-fund marketf timing and failure to supervise the firm's mutual-fund The NASD also made a similar determination with respect to Paulsonb President Glenn Davis "apparently for failure to supervis e as he did not participate in any of the trades identifief by the NASD as rule violations," the filingy said.
The NASD has proposed resolving the action with Paulson in returjnfor $341,000 in restitution and $525,009 in fines, the filing stated. The conducf at question relates to activities undertakejn in August and September of 2003 by employeesin Paulson'sa New York office. Paulson is to file a responsr tothe NASD's preliminary determination May 17, 2005, accordint to the filing. If not settled, the matter will proceexd to a hearing before the either in 2005or 2006.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
MERC board backs Woolson, opposes Metro authority move - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Six of the seven board members signed a lettetr to Metro Council Presiden David Bragdon supporting Woolson after Bragdoncriticized Woolson’s job performance. MERC is a Metroi subsidiary. Two board memberas — Ray Leary and Janice Marquis — also called upon Portland’s City Councikl to ask Metro to postpone a vote that wouldd give the regional government the authority to hire andfire MERC’d top executive. The MERC Commission currentlh hasthat authority. Metro Councilors Rod Park and Rex Burkholdee made the proposal last The council will discuss the proposal on Thursdah and could approve it at its June25 meeting.
Park and Burkholderd also have concernswith Woolson’s performance. MERC oversees the Oregomn Convention Center, the Portland Center for the Performing Arts and the Portlaned MetropolitanExposition Center. Leary and Marquiw were joined by fellow board memberGary Conkling, Elisa Dozono, Yvonne McClain and Gary Reynoldxs in supporting Woolson. “We regret a personnel matter has becomd apublic debate,” the board memberxs wrote. While Woolson exceeded expectations in previous the board said it plans to furthefrtrack Woolson’s performance.
Bragdon had criticized Woolsohn for adding more executive stafv and publicrelations workers, a move that helpeed nearly double his office’s overhead, to a proposed $877,8089 for fiscal year He also blasted Woolson for moving into a new downtowb office, for earning $184,000 — the agency’s highest overal l salary — and for allegedly mismanaging efforts to builf a hotel next to the Oregon Convention Centerr and a new Columbia River Crossing.
• Woolson’s hirees have helped build business relationshipse that bring revenueto MERC’s • The downtown in the Center for Performing is rent-free and sits across the street from Travel Portland, the commission’x main marketing contractor. • Woolson’z salary was approved by Michael Jordan, Metro’s chief operating officer, and has increasecd as he’s met performance • MERC, at the requesft of Metro officials, plays a diminished role in advancing theheadquarterds hotel.
Woolson had protested configurationz of the Columbia River Crossinv that would affect parking at the nearby Expo The MERC board said Woolson advocated onthe center’d behalf, a move that drew fire from Burkholdet when Woolson butted heads with bridge supportersz from other government agencies. “Hids efforts laid the groundwork for enlightened futurer development of this importan t community asset which pays bond debt service fromenterprised revenues, and enables the Oregon Conventionj Center to stay focused on largere scale conventions that bring exponential tourismn benefits to the region,” the boardc members wrote.
Only Don Trotter, the board’sd chairman, didn’t sign the letterd backing Woolson. The Oregonian reported May 29 that Trotterd asked Woolson to Learyand Marquis, who representy the city of Portland on MERC’sz board, said the Metro ordinance seekingh more authority over MERC’s operations could invite “decisions bases on politics, not business and industry The city could also lose its direcg voice in managing MERC’s buildings. The pair also objected to “the lack of in Metro’s decision-making proceses related to theMERC proposal.
“Wr are proud that MERC’zs business position continues to be despite the economic challengex facingthis community, and we believe the organization’s success is due, in larg e part, to the current direct reportinf relationship between” Woolson and the commission, Leary and Marquiz wrote. MERC’s venues generated more than $535 milliob in economic impactand 5,509 jobs for the region’s economy in fisca l year 2007‐2008, according to a commission study. Metro’s councilors are mulling a $457 million budgegt for fiscalyear 2009-2010. The regional governmeng serves 1.4 million people in the Portlandmetropolitab area’s 25 cities.
Friday, December 17, 2010
SolarCity lands financing from US Bancorp - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The state’s largest residential installer saidWednesday it’s landedx additional financing from Community Development Corp. for its solar lease program that will boosty its installations and help it clear its backlog of customers. Foster City-based SolarCity informed customers in Januargy that it would delay installations for customers participatinyg in itslease program, after investmen t bank , its largest stopped funding the Most solar companies have lost access to financing through the credit crunch and recessiojn as their investors closed or lost the ability to use the tax creditw that made solar a compelling investment.
SolarCith has continued to install solar systems at a rate of aboutr 100per month. Some of those included customerws who paid cash fortheir systems. New customer s who wanted to take advantage of thesolad lease, which limits the up-frontt costs of having a system installed and charges customers at a monthly have had to wait up to eight months for theie systems. The funding will also alloqw SolarCity to continue to grow its commerciaklsolar business. SolarCity installed solaf systemson ’s headquarters in Mountain Grace Cathedral in San Francisco and otherz through power purchase agreements, which are structuredf to take advantage of tax credits.
With the US Bank financingg however, SolarCity will be able to fund thosse projects and residential projects from thesame fund. “Noww that we have long-term visibility in solar lease and commercial PPAs we are gointg to be hiring a tremendous amountof installers,” said SolarCituy CEO Lyndon Rive. SolarCity wouldn’g disclose the size of the US Bank fund or how many installation it could completethis year.
The company said it sent an emaill to customers on its waiting list Tuesday nighg with instructions on finding theie new projected installation dateon SolarCity’s web US Bancorp Community Development Corporation is a division of US parent to US Bank, the sixth largest commerciall bank in the United States. “Today’x announcement is only the beginning. We look forward to makintg additional investmentswith SolarCity, and believe this partnershi p will ultimately enable thousands of American homeowners and businesses to adopt cleaner power and save money on energy costs in the said Darren Van’t Hof, vice presidenyt of solar, new markets and historic investments for US Bancorlp Community Development Corp.
, in a release.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Phoenix considering future of reversible lanes - KSWT-TV
Phoenix considering future of reversible lanes KSWT-TV The city added reverse lanes in 1979 as a way of relieving traffic congestion in and out of downtown. The reverse lanes change during morning and afternoon ... |
Sunday, December 12, 2010
'Narnia's' $24.5 Mil Debut Weekend Tops 'Tourist' - Hollywood Reporter
Globe and Mail | 'Narnia's' $24.5 Mil Debut Weekend Tops 'Tourist' Hollywood Reporter The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader sent The Tourist on a trip to second place during the two films' debut weekend as the third movie ... 'Narnia" cruises to No. 1 debut with modest $24.5M Director von Donnersmarck makes Hollywood debut with 'The Tourist' |
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Genmar Holdings files for bankruptcy - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The petition to reorganize theboat builder’s debts was filed Mondayt afternoon in in Minneapolis. The filing includes more than 20 ofthe company’x subsidiaries, one of which is Murfreesboro-based Genmae Tennessee LLC. The company has a boat manufacturingt and repair facility at theMurfreesboro location. Genmare Tennessee has from 200to 1,00 creditors and assets between $50,000 and $100,000. The Tennessee company’s filing lists about $750,00p0 in unsecured debts owed to its 20largesyt creditors. The parent company listsx its assets in the rageof $10 millionj to $50 million and its liabilities between $100 million and $500 according to court documents.
Genmatr Holdings’ only secured creditors are and , accordingf to a story in the Minneapolis Star Genmar said it has receiver commitment fora debtor-in-possession financingv proposal from both banks. In a statement, Genmar’se largest shareholder, Chairman and CEO Irwin Jacobs says sales ofthe company’ fishing boats, luxury yachts and other products started to decline in 2008, but worsened in recent The company’s sales in fiscal which ends in June, are likely to be about $460 off by more than 50 percent from fiscap 2008, the company reports.
“If someone woulc have said to me as recentl y as even one month ago that Genmar would someday be filinb forChapter 11, I would have said it was not even a remoted possibility,” Jacobs says. Genmar had been making some strategy changes in recent months and recentlh announced plans to launch a lineof less-expensives aluminum boats.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Cold, quiet weather ending Tuesday - The Spokesman Review
Cold, quiet weather ending Tuesday The Spokesman Review December 6, 2010 in City on Page A1 Starting six years ago, âa bunch of retired fellas and their wivesâ put together an accordion and a gutbucket, ... |
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Mayo study: Alzheimer's symptoms found in mid-50s - St. Louis Business Journal:
That’s much earlier than previously thought, suggesting that treatment wouldf be more effective if startedin middle-aged people, before onsett of the disease, according to researchers in the . The study followedx 815 healthy people ages 21 to 97 with and withou the APOEe4 gene, a key risk factor for for up to 14 years. Memorhy and thinking tests were used to comparecognitive performance. About one out in four people have at least one copy of the while 2 percent have two inherited from both parents andincreasing Alzheimer’s disease affects about 10 percenty of people over age 65 and almost half over 85.
Researcherss from several institutions in theArizonza Alzheimer’s Consortium collaborated on the including Arizona State University, Banner Alzheimer’s Institute, Barro Neurological Institute, Sun Health Research Translational Genomics Research Institute and Universityu of Arizona. The National Institute on Aginf and the state of Arizonzprovided funding. “This study highlights the ideathat Alzheimer’s disease is a progressived disorder that likely begins well before clinical diagnosis,” said Creighton Phelps, directorr of the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center program for the Nationa Institute on Aging.
“Additionalk research is needed to identifuy those at high genetic risk and develop methodsw to delaydisease progression.” Researchers, however, do not recommend using brain imaging or cognitive tests to predict
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Kannapolis honored for economic strategy - Austin Business Journal:
The city received the award in the category of Excellence in EconomixcDiversification Strategies, which recognizes responsesa to plant closures and other economifc dislocations, that promote economic The competition is open to nonprofits; state and regional governments; and universities and colleges. Cabarrus and Rowanm counties lost 4,300 manufacturing jobs when textilemanufacturef Kannapolis-basedPillowtex Corp. closed in July 2003. Two years later, California billionaire David Murdock announced planss forthe N.C. Research Campus at the 350-acre forme r Pillowtex headquarters andmanufacturing site. The life-science hub includes the participation ofDuke University, the UNC the N.C.
Community College System, otherf educational institutions andbusinesw partners. The total investment is expected toreach $1.8 Residential and commercial developments are rising around the campud with hopes of turning Kannapolis, a former textile town, into a biotech center.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Police seek powers to close down websites - | Police seek powers to close down websites The Serious and Organised Crime Agency has asked Nominet, the organisation in charge of ... SOCA threatens to shutdown websites involved in criminal activity. Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) want to seize UK websites not just drug ... UK police seek powers to close down websites |
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Kragthorpe: Jazz write different ending against Lakers - Salt Lake Tribune
Kragthorpe: Jazz write different ending against Lakers Salt Lake Tribune After that stretch of the fourth quarter when the Los Angeles Lakers' Kobe Bryant scored 14 points in five trips down the court, ... |
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Virginia's jobless rate improves - Washington Business Journal:
The state's April unemployment rate was 6.6 percent, down 0.3 percent from The Commission says the number of unemployeds workersfell 11,600, from 286,600 in Marcb to 275,000 in April. Northern Virginia's unemployment rate also The region, Virginia's largest saw the unemployment rate fallfrom 5.1 percentf in March to 4.9 percent in April. Whilre that is the lowest regional unemploymeny ratein Virginia, it is also still significantlyh higher than Northern Virginia's unemployment rate of 2.4 percent a year ago. the U.S. unemployment rate was 8.6 percent. Arlingtohn County continues to have thehealthiesft employment, with a jobless rate of 4.
1 Fairfax County's April jobless rate was 4.5 Loudoun County's April unemployment rate was 4.6 percent, and Alexandriza City's jobless rate was 4.7 Those are the only jurisdictions in the state with an unemploymengt rate under 5 The highest unemployment rate in the stat was Martinsville, at 20.2 percent. Leisure and hospitality employersadded 12,900 jobs in April and now employy nearly 400,000 people in Virginia. Health care and private educationadded 2,000 jobs last month. Professionall and business services employmentclimbed 1,800, led by computer systems design and accounting jobs, the Commission says.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Border boom: Industrial development takes hold at Santa Teresa - Jacksonville Business Journal:
“A year ago, we were tryinv to drag peopleover here, but now companies are calliny us every day,” Majors said. “It’s gone from a real difficul job to all of a suddenb wehave traction.” The reason? the Taiwanese electronics manufacturing giant that began buildinvg a massive factory last Decembe in San Jerónimo, just south of the bordefr from Santa Teresa. The company – the largesty electronics maker inthe world, with more than $90 billion in revenur – is constructing a sprawling complex on 440 acreds that will eventually employ Foxconn opened two 300,000-square-foot buildings this year with 3,900o workers.
It’s now constructing a third 343,000-square-footg section to open in the fall. And it plans a fourtjh building for early next year that will bringv the total work force to saidFrancisco Uranga, Foxconn’s corporate vice president for Latinb American operations, during the recent NAFTA Institute border-trade conference (see stor on page 1). The Foxconj project means unprecedented opportunities for supply companies that establishu operations atSanta Teresa, Uranga said. “A tremendoud opportunity has arrived,” he said. “We can replicatw the Dallas-Fort Worth area right here at Santa Teresa-Sam Jerónimo.
” Apart from Foxconn, plans by to invest $300 million in a majoer refueling station next to the Sant Teresa municipal airport is another big draw for The station will be equipped for intermodal transportatio n to seamlessly transfer cargo back and forthamonhg ships, trains and trucks. The projectf is a key part of the railroad’es efforts to upgrade its Sunset Route, which runs from Los Angeles seaport s to El Paso, for accesa to northern and eastern markets, said UP Director of Publix Affairs and Corp. Relations Luis Heredia. “Intermodal facilitie s typically drive the development ofindustriak warehouses,” Heredia said.
“Santa Teresa will be strategicallt located for rapid shipments to andfrom ports.” To be Santa Teresa already attracted many industries to supply Mexico-basede maquiladora factories during the past Forty companies currently operate at the zone’sw two industrial parks, employing about 2,000p people, said Jerry Pacheco, executive director of the Internationakl Business Accelerator. But Foxconn and the railroad are now attractingy manymore businesses, and much larger ones than before. “Wde have a great pipeline of prospects,” Pachecoo said.
“One auto supplier that operates 68 plantsd just came for its fourth site visit toSanta We’re in the game now for thosse kinds of big players.” Verde Corp. is makinb some major investments to accommodatenew tenants. In it completed 4,300 feet of track and a railroadr turnway to connect part of the first industrial near themunicipal airport, to the Union Pacific line. “Tha t gives industrial buildings direct service to the main and some tenants are alreadyusinyg it,” Majors said.
At the second industriapl park, located right at the border by San Verde isinvesting $12 million in two buildingds to create 290,000 square feet of new The also plans upgrades at the Santa Teresa port of entr y to prepare for a lot more commercialo and passenger traffic, said Project Manager Jim Commercial crossings have jumpedr 60 percent since 2004, reaching 45,856 last Passenger vehicle crossings grew 65 percentf to 373,900. With the firsg direct border road in Mexico connectingSan Jerónimko and Juárez scheduled for completiomn this fall, the Border Authority expects another huge jump in crossings, Creek said.
To ease congestion, the Authority planes a modern, $12 million facility to expedite inspection of commercialo trucks and a large parking lot for visitorxs to the Customs andImmigratiohn offices. State officials also want federal funding for three more passenger vehicleprocessing lanes, Creelk said.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Downtown sky bridge demolition paving way for retail - Business First of Columbus:
City and state officials kicked offa $3 milliomn demolition of the pedestriajn bridge over High Street Wednesday morning, sayingg the project is positive sign for downtown revitalization. “It’ds an end to a barrier that doesn’t connect anything any more,” said Guy CEO of the Columbus DowntownDevelopment “The demolition will stimulate economicf development and create street-level retail in this corridor.” The encloseds pedestrian bridge once servec shoppers walking between City Center and the formerf Lazarus department store.
It closed afteer shut down Lazarus in 2004 and donated the buildinbg to the Downtown Development Since then, CDDC has overseenm the conversion of the building to 700,00 square feet of office space. With that spacr fully leased, the focus now is on fillingv 50,000 square feet of street-level retail space along High Street, Worleyy said. He said no retailers would commitf to leases there as long as the sky bridge wasin place. That led CDDC to secure $2.5 million from the statew and $250,000 from the city to demolishuthe bridge. CDDC will cover any remaining Demolition should be completedby December, Worley said.
Most of the work will be done at nigh t to minimize traffic disruptions alongHigh Street. Recruitmenf of retailers will beginthis winter, Worlehy said, and the storefrontse should be ready for tenantsz in the spring. Possible tenants couldr include restaurants, boutique shops and even a big-box Worley said. They can tap into a customet base ofabout 100,000 downtown workers and residents of 200 apartments and condominium units under construction along West Town Street, acrose from the Lazarus building.
Removal of the sky bridgwe is part ofthe city’s broadedr downtown revitalization effort and key to boostingh retail development, said Columbus Mayor Michael “A strong retail market is necessary for downtowm to survive and thrive,” he said. Coleman praise the state’s support of the Lazarus building project beyonx providing most of the funding to demolisb thesky bridge. State government agenciesw occupy much of the office space in therenovater building. The departments of Insurancre and Job and Family Servicez have large offices there as doesthe . “Downtowns of citiex must adapt to the said Gov.
Ted Strickland, who added he is pleased that remova of the sky bridg ewill “let light shine on High Street again.” Whilre things are moving forward on the Lazaru s building, finding a new use for nearluy vacant City Center remains a Worley said. CDDC and city official have looked a number of potential reuses for the mall property but none have beeneconomically feasible, he “The economy has hurt retailers and the credig market,” Worley said. “We’re now working on a new Coleman said city officials continue to explore their optionas for City Center but are not ready to talk abouf what thosemay be. He said he is confident a long-term solution can be found.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Tennis: Top-seed upset in semifinals - New Zealand Herald | Tennis: Top-seed upset in semifinals New Zealand Herald No 4 seed Sam Groth's 1-6 5-7 defeat to top seeded countryman Brydan Klein in the men's draw did not raise many eyebrows, but Jarmila Groth, the world No 42 ... No joy for Groths in Wellington Last of the Kiwi hopes bundled out of singles Rubin Statham last Kiwi out in Wellington |
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Tea Party Lawsuit Fails to Unseat New Jersey Senator - Wall Street Journal (blog)
Fox News | Tea Party Lawsuit Fails to Unseat New Jersey Senator W » |
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
The Left's delusion over Islam is baffling to Middle Eastern Christians - (blog) (blog) | The Left's delusion over Islam is baffling to Middle Eastern Christians (blog) But despite the Left's âmyth of the mythâ of the clash of civilisations, the simple fact is that almost nowhere in the Islamic world are Christians free in ... Christian Massacre in Baghdad NYC Mayor Bloomberg's Popularity Down Among New York Muslims Christians flee attacks in Iraq |
Monday, November 15, 2010
General Motors files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, Baltimore plant to stay open - Baltimore Business Journal:
Monday’s filing by the 101-year-old automaker once the world’s biggesft company — is among the largestt in U.S. history and largest-ever U.S. manufacturingb bankruptcy. Chapter 11, which allowas the company to operate while protected from its pushes GM intoa fast-track bankruptch and provides $30 billion of additional taxpayer funde to restructure itself. The company in its filing listed $172.81 billion in debt and $82.29 billion in The GM plan as detailedby U.S. officials would allow a much smaller GM to emerge from court protectioj within 60 to90 days.
Al a managing director at the advisory company AlixPartnersLLP in New is named in the filings asthe company’s chierf restructuring officer, reporting to GM CEO Fritsz Henderson. GM (NYSE: GM) also plans to closse 11 U.S. facilities and idle anothef three plants by the endof 2010. The company'sd Baltimore transmission plant employs more than 200 people was not listesd amongthe closures. GM's Del., assembly plant, however, will close in July. That planyt employs 1,060 workers. The automaker has not providede an updated target for job cuts but was looking toeliminatwe 21,000 U.S. factory jobs from the 54,000 unio n members it now employs.
General Motors employ 92,000 in the United States and is indirectly responsiblefor 500,0090 retirees. The U.S. government would hold a 60 percent financiaol interest in a reorganized GM and the UAW woulf takea 17.5 percent stake. said Monda on GM's bankruptcy. The governments of Canada and the provincse of Ontario have agreed to a 12 percent ownership stakse in exchange forfinancial aid. GM bondholders would get 10 percent. Holders of GM which hit its lowest pricde on record Friday at 74 are expected to own none ofthe company. Tradingv was halted on Monday's news.
Listed among GM's top creditorse are (NYSE: T) and (NYSE: The list of facilities that GM said will be closedf and their dates include two the Wilmingtonj assembly plant and onein Mich. (October 2009); three stamping plants including the previously announced closing in June ofGrand Mich., Indianapolis, Ind. (December 2011), and Ohio (June 2010). Also, six Powertraih plants including Massena, N.Y., which closed on May 1 - Mich. (June 2010), Flint and Willow Run, Mich. (both Decembe r 2010), Parma, Ohio (December 2010), and Va., (December 2010). Three locations will be idled assembly plantsat Orion, Mich. (Septembert 2009) and Spring Tenn.
(November 2009), and a stamping plant at Pontiac, (December 2010). In addition, service and partx operations and warehousing and partzs distribution centersin Boston, Jacksonville, and Columbus, Ohio, will close by Dec. 31, 2009. For a PDF of the bankruptcg filingpetition .
Sunday, November 14, 2010
J. Jill to close one Jacksonville store - Portland Business Journal:
Nine of the 75 stores to be closer arein Florida, including the one in The Avenued mall. A second Jacksonville J. Jill locatiomn at the St. Johns Town Centetr will remain open. In a statement announcing the sale, Talbotws President and CEO Trudy Sullivan saidit “enables us to focusa our time, resources and attentioh exclusively on rejuvenating our core Talbots brand and returbn to profitable growth.” The transaction includes the transfer of certain asset s and liabilities to the buyer, includingv a distribution center in New Hampshire, the sublease of a portionh of the Quincy, Mass.
, headquarters and substantiallt all of the brand’s intellectual property and The remaining 204 stores will continue to operate under the J. Jill The headquarters for the company will remaijnin Quincy. The J. Jill sale is expectec to be completed in the seconed quarter and is subject to postclosinb adjustments. San Francisco based-Golden Gate Capita acquired Jacksonville-based Venus in 2006. The acquisition was Golden Gate’s 11th in two years. Last month Venus announced that all 290 employees were in jeopardty of losing their jobs when the swimwearr and ladies apparel company lostits financing.
With its latestf catalog recentlybeing released, Venus employeesa are still working, at least for now, and companyh executives are looking for a new buyer to acquire the
Friday, November 12, 2010
Belk swings to $213M loss - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
In fiscal 2008, the company earned $95.7 million. Belk attributes the loss to a $326 millio n goodwill impairment charge, as well as $36.1 million in othedr charges. Additionally, sales fell 8.5 percent to $3.49 Excluding the charges, Belk would have earned $53.1 million in fiscal 2009. Sales at stores that have operated for at least a yeardropped 8.7 percent. Belk openerd eight stores last year. The Charlotte-based company plans to open threde storesthis year. It also expectas to expand threeexisting stores.
“Last year’s results reflectr one of the most difficult economic and businesd environments inour company’s yet we remain financially stronf and in a position to withstand the downturn and improve results when the economy recovers,” says Tim chief executive. “We ended the year with $260 million in cash and no borrowinges against ourcredit line.” Belk is the nation’x largest privately owned department-store chain, with 307 storeas in 16 Southern states.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The Fresh Market
approved plans to build a gourmetgrocert store, , at the mostl empty Shaker Loudon Plaza at the corner of Routexs 9 and 155. Part of the 130,000-square-foot shopping plaza will be demolishecd to make way forthe store, which is owned by a chaibn based in Greensboro, N.C. Freshj Market bills itself as a placw where customers canexperiences “the atmosphere of an old world European with a butcher shop, fish market, bakery, produce and floral standss and delicatessen, according to its Web site.
A company official didn’t return a call seeking The property owner, of Buffalo, will demolisuh a 58,786-square-foot section of the shopping center and build thenearly 20,000-square-foot Fresh Market and a 14,550-square-foot pharmacy. The new developmenty will be called FreshMarket Commons. The plazqa currently has a few tenants, including and . Shakere Loudon Plaza has been largelyg empty since losing a successioj of anchortenants -- , , and -- over the past severa l years. The reconstruction would decrease the size of the shoppint plazato 105,133 square feet and slightlyg increase the amount of green space.
Joe Colonie’s director of planning and economic development, said the town approver the project inseven months. Typically, he said, a project like this woulf have taken two tofive
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Explaining the TFSA - Ottawa Citizen
Explaining the TFSA Ottawa Citizen Bank of Montreal vice-president David Heatherly says the bank is seeing some ... |
Monday, November 8, 2010
RealtyTrac: May foreclosures down in Ohio - Business First of Louisville:
Data released Thursday by Irvine, Calif.-based , whicjh compiles and sells foreclosure information, showss Ohio logged 11,360 pre-foreclosure, auction and bank-repossession filingsz in May, which comes out to one filinb for every446 properties. Ohio’ s rate, as in April, was the 10th-highes in the nation, but the numbef of filings dropped 8 percent from the month beforee and 13 percent from ayear ago. Ohio was one of 18 statezs to seea year-over-year drop in according to the data. The national tide of foreclosures, by fell 6 percent from Aprilk but jumped 18 percent from May 2008 as the foreclosure rate surpassex Ohio at one filing for everu398 properties.
RealtyTrac isn’t puttinv much stock in the month-over-month decrease in nationao foreclosure filings. The total of filings – 321,4809 – marks the third consecutive montn thatthe 300,000-mark has been surpassed. And RealtyTraf CEO James Saccacio noted in a releasr thatwhile pre-foreclosure and auction filings slipped compared with bank repossessions are up on “substantial” jumpsa in several states. The company said it expects bank repossessionsd to increase in the coming months as foreclosure delays and moratoria expire invarious states.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Gretzky could see big pay cut if Coyotes stay in Arizona - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
The Coyotes are in Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization and owner Jerry Moyes has a deal in the worksa to sell to Canadiann businessmanJim Balsillie, who wants to move the team to The National Hockey League and city of Glendaled oppose that move. If the Coyotes move to Canada, Gretzkyt has said he won’t accompany the That could meana $22 million payout in deferrecd compensation for Gretzky, who is part ownefr of the Coyotes. If a buyer is founed to keep the teamin Arizona, Gretzkt still could be out of his coachinbg job. The Coyotes haven’t made the playoffss since 2002 — that recore remaining unchangedunder Gretzky’s watch, which begah in 2005.
If the team stays in Glendale and he keepdshis job, Gretzky also coulrd get hit financially, according to bankruptcy court Gretzky earns about $8 million annually from the Coyotes via his $1.6 million salary as coach and othet compensation as part owner of the hockey team, according to a legal brief pennedd by Gerald Sheehan, a principal with professional sportsa financial firm Beacon Sports Capital Partners LLC. Sheehaj also suggests a new ownerreduce Gretzky’s compensatiob down to $2 million. He also suggests other cost-savingy measures, including moving offices from leasedc spaceto Arena.
Revenue also couldd be increased by boostingfticket sales, sponsorships and suite sales and more non-sportingy event bookings at the arena, which the Coyotese lease from the city of Glendale.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Pure Energy Visions Corporation, PureEnergy Solutions and Aztentek Feature ... - MarketWatch
Pure Energy Visions Corporation, PureEnergy Solutions and Aztentek Feature ... MarketWatch Pure Energy Visions Corporation is an investment holding company with its principal investment in Pure Energy Solutions, Inc. Pure Energy Solutions, ... |
Thursday, November 4, 2010
The Caucus: Reid Assails Polls That Predicted His Loss - New York Times
Washington Post | The Caucus: Reid Assails Polls That Predicted His Loss New York Times So it was that in victory on Wednesday, Mr. Reid has some harsh words for pollsters who had predicted he would lose to his Republican rival, Sharron Angle, ... Reid Retains Seat in Nevada |
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
million foreclosure lawsuit agains t the developer of theRivendell single-family home project in West The Miami-based bank filed the foreclosurde action on June 9 against Miami-based Crestview II, Marsol One LLC and managing membed Marcial Solis, according to records. The complaint target s 28 unsold homes and home sites in which is along MillerDrive (Southwesr 56th Street) between Southwest 167th Avenue and the Miccosukee Golf and Countrh Club. After starting construction in 2004, Crestview II sold 103 homesz in Rivendell from 2005 through the most recent salein January. Fort Lauderdale-basef attorney Charles Lichtman, who represents TotalBanok in its demandfor $12.
q million on the outstanding mortgage, did not immediatelgy return a call seeking comment. TotalBanik reported having $86.4 million in late or unpaidx loans, or nearly 6.5 percent of its total loans, as of Marcjh 31. In March, filed a foreclosure actiojn against Crestview II and Solisd overa $2.1 million mortgage.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Antonio McDyess: Antonio McDyess forced into bigger role -
Antonio McDyess: Antonio McDyess forced into bigger role 36-year-old veteran Antonio McDyess will likely be forced to play a bigger role than usual for the Spurs' injury-depleted frontcourt. ... |
Friday, October 29, 2010
NC city hosts Moog festival of electronic music - News & Observer
Billboard | NC city hosts Moog festival of electronic music News & Observer Moogfest kicks off on Friday in Asheville with more than 60 acts performing in honor of the late electronic music inventor Robert Moog. He created the Moog ... MoogFest features electronic music Moogfest fans should enjoy Asheville's craft brews Bonnaroo Promoter Preps Asheville For H » |
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Resolute Games launching new iPhone app - San Francisco Business Times:
Seven Deaths is a fighting game that follows the lives of eight characters through one night in Nagamachi througjh a battle for control in the The game includes full stories of the characters anddetailed backgrounds. The game will also eventuallyg include updatesfor Wi-Fi multiplayer and socia media. Resolute Games has also created otheriPhone applications, including “ThumStruck,” “Segment” and “Elvi s Mobile.” And Resolute gamers will now have new, faster devices to play on.
At its Worldwidw Developers Conference inSan Francisco, announced the next generatioj of iPhone, which will download conteng three times faster than the current brand and will includre a 3-megapixel autofocus camera. It also has voice-contro features and a built-in The 3GS also has improved battery life with up to nine hourwson WiFi, 10 hours while watching video, 30 hours usingf audio, 12 hours using 2G talk and five hours usingt 3G talk. The new iPhone will be availabled in black and white onJune 19. It will sell for $199 for a 16GB modepl and $299 for 32GB.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
URA re-releases RFP for Heppenstall site in Lawrenceville - Pittsburgh Business Times:
The URA is re-releasing a requesf for proposals after its previouslychosenh developer, Urban Villages working with Botero Developmeny decided not to go forward with the Urban Villages and Boterlo were selected over one other finalist, S&A Homes, in partnership with the Lawrencevills Corporation, a community nonprofit. The footbal l field-sized parcel includes the site on whichn the office building for the Heppenstalk plant once was locatesd as well as a former warehouse In aprepared statement, mayor Luke Ravenstahl described the property’s redevelopmen as an important part of the city’zs larger revisioning of the Allegheny riverfront.
“We have begun a planning process to create a vision for the Allegheng riverfront and reconnect our neighborhoods to our natural amenities,” he said. "The Hatfield Streegt site is one of the greag opportunities to see this vision come to The URA wants adeveloper “tko purchase, design, develop and operate or resell the site.” The URA’sx effort comes as the Regional Industrial Developmenf Corporation (RIDC) continues to redevelop the Heppenstall complex itself. Hatfiel d Street is considered a dividing line betweenthe neighborhood’s residentia community and its industrial zone.
As a sellintg point, the URA notes that the mediaj home price in central Lawrenceville has increasedf 64 percent in the pastthree years, a growth rate it claims is second highestr in the city to the South Side. “Wew are excited with the real estate appreciatiobn that were seeing in the saidRob Stephany, Executive Director of the URA, as well as a Lawrencevilles resident. “And (we’re) very excited about the prospect of a new residentia l product and how that will add fuel tothe
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The award, along with the Governor’e Exporter of the Year Award, will be presenterd by Gov. Mark Parkinson at the Kansas Cavalrhy Encampment on June 25at . “Thw beauty of the encampment is that it bringas together businesses of all sizex from all sectors of the said Kansas Department of Commerce SecretartyDavid D. Kerr, in a written statement. “It’s exciting to convenew these businesses in one place to recogniz e their contributionsto Kansas.” The annuall encampment is geared to celebrating Kansas businesses. It is sponsore by the Kansas Department of Commerce and the Kansas a volunteer group ofbusiness leaders.
BTI-Greensburg, (Colby), Countrysid Feed LLC (Hillsboro) and NetStandard (Kansas City) join Intrust as finalists for the Awarcdof Excellence. Exporter of the Year finalists are: Bio-Microbics Cereal Ingredients Inc. (Leavenworth), (Leawood), Great Western Manufacturingg Company Inc. (Leavenworth) and Researcbh Products Company (Salina).
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Hollo closes on purchase of 1101 Brickell - St. Louis Business Journal:
Tibor Hollo’s company, , (FECR) closed Tuesday on the purchase of 1101Brickellk Ave., which was owned by the now-defunct Levievv Boymelgreen. The South Florida Business Journal firstf a deal was in the worksin May. The developef announced the close of the purchase but did not disclosethe Hollo’s company did not get third-partyt financing for the deal, accordinb to a company Hollo is planning to invest $12 milliom to renovate the pair of officew buildings on the site. In addition to mechanical repairsand upgrades, FECR plans new including space for a restaurant.
The physical makeover will includw upgrading the airconditioning system, generators, bathrooms, lobbies and landscaping. “We plan to significantlty invest in the beautification and renovation of 1101 Brickelkl to improve conditions for our currenty tenants and to continue to attracgt businesses interested in an attractive office building in a primwe location onBrickell Avenue,” Jerome Hollo, an FECR vice said in a statement. Leviev Boymelgreeb had planned to redevelop the which houses a pair of modesfoffice buildings, into a massive office and residentialk complex.
The city of Miami approved a permit to builda mixed-use project with 270,00 square feet of office, 30,000 squarer feet of retail and 650 residences. But, the partnership dissolvedc in acrimony, with Leviev Boymelgreen principa l Lev Leviev eventually taking control of a portfolik ofMiami properties, including 1101 Brickell. The seller in Hollo’se deal was Africa-Israel Properties, Leviev’s company. The 1101 Brickell propertyt housesa 35-year-old, 11-story office tower, renovated in the and a 19-story office tower buil t in 1985.
Tentants include the Ilinguw language school, the Venezuelan and Argentine consulatez and Banco Industrial de Venezuela y Social de Venezuelaq sold the property to Leviev Boymelgreebin 2005. Real estate experts say Hollop likely will hold onto the 1101 Brickelp site until the market rebounds and existinh projects already out of the grounare absorbed. There are three office buildings under construction in the downtown Miami area, two of which have yet to sign any
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Street Talk: Commercial broker saves a life - The Business Review (Albany):
didn’t expect to save a woman’as life after polishing off his meal at a Las Vegads restaurantlast week. Curran was in town for the springy convention and had just finished eating dinner atThe Palm, a steak house insidwe Caesar’s Palace. He and fellow broker Tony Sabatino were seatedr at a booth near the bar when they hearfd a mansay “please, pleass wake up.” “I looked down,” Curran “This woman was lyinf on the floor, literally righty next to our booth.” The woman, who appearexd to be in her late 60s or early 70s, had Curran, a CPR instructor and respiratory jumped into action.
The woman was unconscious and hadno pulse, he Curran started mouth-to-mouth resuscitation while a security persohn at the restaurant did chesty compressions. Minutes later, paramedics arrived with an automatede externaldefibrillator (AED) and shocked the womam several times. Her heart startedd beating again. “I guess we kind of kept her alivew until the medicsgot there,” Curran Sabatino was floored by what he saw. “Ij watched her go limp,” Sabatino said. “I was just incredible.” Curran said it was the first time he had ever used CPR on someonee outside ofa hospital. Afterward he had a shot of vodkqa atthe bar. “It was kind of he said.
“It was a very strange situation. People were cheering for her in the Curran has been a broker for 15 yeards but still teaches CPR and works occasionally as a respiratorg therapistat . Street Talk is an occasionao off-beat story about a business—ot business person—in our community.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Auditor General Jack Wagner to Give Commencement Address June 4 at Mount Carmel Area High School
June 3 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- will give the commencement addresss at Mount Carmel Area High School onThursdayg night, June 4. Wagner said the themse of his speech to the 144 graduatin seniors willbe "Follow Your Heart," which he has done duringf his 25 years of public Wagner enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corpws and received a Purpl e Heart and other military commendations while serving in the Vietnaj Warin 1967.
Following his militaryh service, Wagner graduated from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania with a degree inSafetg Management, then returned to his hometowmn of Pittsburgh and becamed involved in grassroots politics, which led to his running for city Wagner served on Pittsburgh City Counci l for 10 years, serving as Council President from 1990 to 1993. In 1994, he was electedd to the Pennsylvania Senate, where he served for 10 yearzs before his election as auditor generalk inNovember 2004. As auditort general, Wagner has focused on school safety, creatinvg and maintaining jobs, and healthb care.
His department has completed severalgroundbreaking audits, including thosee of the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency; the state's administratioh of Megan's Law; and pro-consumer reports on restaurangt inspections and gasoline pumps. Wagner will be available for interviews before or aftert thecommencement address. To call at 717-787-1381. is responsible for ensuring that all state money is spent legallyand properly. He is the commonwealth'sa elected independent fiscal conductingfinancial audits, performance audits, and special investigations. The Departmentg of the Auditor General conductsapproximately 5,000 audits per year.
To learn more about the Departmenrt of theAuditor General, taxpayers are encourager to visit the department's website at .
Monday, October 18, 2010
Justin Bieber Assault: Justin Bieber Investigated For Assault - Starcelebritys | Justin Bieber Assault: Justin Bieber Investigated For Assault Starcelebritys Justin Bieber Assault: Justin Bieber was investigated regarding the assault on 12-year-old boy. Justine Bieber is always in the news for many causes. ... Bieber Being Investigated On Laser Tag Charges |
Sunday, October 17, 2010
MBA: Mortgage applications rise 6.6% - South Florida Business Journal:
Mortgage applications rose 6.6 percent for the week ended June 19, on a seasonallyg adjusted basis from the previous week and wereup 17.2 percent compared with the same week a year ago, accordinv to the . The Refinance Index increased 5.9 percentr to 2,116.3 from 1,998.1 the previoues week. The refinance share of mortgage activity fell slightly to 54 percentr of the total applicationsfrom 54.1 percenf the previous week. The average interest rate for 30-year fixed-rate mortgages decreased to 5.44 percent from 5.50 percent, with points increasing to 0.99 from 0.89. The average interest rate for 15-yeart fixed-rate mortgages decreased to 4.93 perceng from 4.
99 percent, with points decreasing to 0.92 from The average interest ratefor one-yeatr adjustable rate mortgages remained unchangecd at 6.54 percent, with points increasing to 0.11 from
Friday, October 15, 2010
Drugs seized in yacht raid - Brisbane Times
Brisbane Times | Drugs seized in yacht raid Brisbane Times 14/10/10 Please wait while we detect your connection speed. Note: A cookie will be set to keep your preferences. Websites in the Fairfax Digital Network ... |
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Restaurant outlook dampens - Austin Business Journal:
A total of 60 percenr of operators saw lower May sales comparesd to ayear ago, while 26 percent said sales were up. The association also says restaurantt operators reported negative customerd traffic levelsin May, the 21st consecutivwe month of traffic declines. "Despite the softee sales outlook, restaurant operators remained relatively optimistic that the economy will improve in themonths ahead," the association said. "Thirty-fouf percent of restaurant operators said they expecf economic conditions to improve insix months, down slightlh from 37 percent who reportee similarly last month.
" After reaching a 10 montgh high last month, the group says restaurant operators have scaled back plane for capital expenditures in the comint months, with 41 percent planningt to spend money on remodeling or equipment, down from 46 percentg last month.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Report: Ads on social networks will drop, then climb - Pittsburgh Business Times:
percent in 2010 to $1.3 billion, accordingg to a new report by . Palo Alto-basee , meanwhile, will continue to gain market sharwe and by 2011 will surpass in ad said DebraAho Williamson, the EMarketerd senior analyst who wrote the “The expected rebound in spending will come as more companiexs focus on creating and implementing an overallk social marketing strategy,” Williamson “And it is a clear indication that the experimentalp phase of social network marketinh is finally drawing to an end.” U.S spending on MySpacd is expected to fall 15 percent this year to $495 while U.S. spending at Facebook is projected to rise 9 percentto $230 Williamson said.
Consequently, MySpace’ws share of US spending is projected to fallto 43.4 percenrt in 2009, while Facebook and othere social network venues will increase their share, she said. While the United Statexs accounts for the majority of ad spendinhg on MySpaceand Facebook, non-US spending is growingt rapidly at Facebook, according to Williamson, who estimatec that marketers will spend a totalo of $520 million to advertise on MySpacde worldwide in 2009, down 14 percent from 2008.
Worldwidee spending on Facebook, by contrast, is expected to grow 20 percengto $300 million in 2009, she
Monday, October 11, 2010
Some good news on Seattle housing front - Boston Business Journal:
percent. The bad news is that the average pricd of a Seattle homedropped 16.8 perceng in April from a year earlier, which is gettintg closer to the national average decline of 18.1 A month earlier, the Standarfd & Poor’s/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices, a monthlt index that tracks home prices in 20 majod U.S. cities, indicated a 16.1 percenrt home price drop in Seattle. Betwee n March and April, in the nation’s 20 largesft cities covered bythe study, the nationak average was a 0.6 percentg drop. From April 2008 to April all 20 U.S. markets posted drops. The markete showing the smallest declines wereDenver (down 4.9 Dallas (down 5 percent) and Boston (down 7.
7 In Phoenix, home prices fell 35.3 percent in the past year and in Las they fell 32.2 percent. The survey tracks changes in the value of the residential real estatew market by comparing sale prices of specifif sample homes in a city at twodifferentg times. The survey assigns an indes number to each city and does not report actual home The index is a measure of how much home pricex have gone up or down in each market sinceJanuary 2000, which has been assigned a price indexs of 100 in that
Saturday, October 9, 2010
The Gas Guy: He's big.He's bad. He's true blue. - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The ad agency's thought process was to cash in on Atlant aGas Light's reputation for Reliability equals true blue. "To bring true blue to we came up with the Gas saidDebra Mager, BBDO South executivse vice president. . The agencyh auditioned more than 200 comics to fill the blueflamr suit. Through the miracles of integrateds marketing, Gas Guy was everywhere: broadcast and prinf ads, Georgia Public Broadcasting pledge drives, even locaol Christmas parades. "We worked hard to put the Gas Guy in your face wheneverdwe could," Mager GNGS ended up with a 31.3 percent market share, just 1.2 percenty in front of second-place finisher Scanwa Energy. With 1.
4 million customers at stake, that was a margin of abouty 30,000 accounts. Will we see more of the continuinhg saga of theGas Guy? Can he sell gas, or is he just full of it? Stay SAAB STORY. The folks at Norcross-based recently e-mailed 400,000 lucky consumers a secret code that unlocks an exclusivew SaabWeb site. The site then allowe consumers to receive a certificate fora $1,000 discountf on a new car. "It was a real challenge [to limity access]," said Sally Witzky, Saab account supervisod at The Martin Agencyof Va. "But we figuredd it out." The Internet campaign was supportedx with a mailing that went tofive hand-picked markets.
Witzkyu would not say how much it cost Saab to producwe and mail theoversized letters, but 500,000 of the six-ouncde packages were mailed. The mailing went to New York, Miami, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, but, not to Saab's hometown of Atlanta. TAKE A BOW-WOW. Georgiqa State University's Dr. Kenneth Bernhardt recently was electedr chairman of the Board of Trustees of the American MarketingAssociation Foundation.
The Chicago - based philanthropic foundation financially supports and creates programw that benefit the public through the useof Bernhardt, the Regents professor and Marketing Roundtablre Professor at GSU, is the brainsw behind Atlanta's annual MAX Awards (Marketing Awards for INVITATION OR `AD'-VITATION? Selected Atlantans received a mailint inviting them to a six-course dinner to celebratd the second anniversary of culinary primz donna Guenter Seeger's chic-chic restaurant. But the faux "invitation" neglecte d to mention the price -- $175 per BRANDING IRON.
The Atlanta Ad Club and Emory University'd Goizueta School of Business are bringing thres heavyweightsfrom consulting, industry and academias under one roof to discuss "Building the 21st Centuryg Brand." Al Ries, author and chairman of Reis & Ries; Keitgh Reinhard, chairman and CEO of DDB Worldwidr Communications Group Inc.; and Dr. Jag Sheth, professor at Goizueta Businesas School, will examine the power of the Details: Marketing Leadership Series, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 5 at Goizeutwa School of Business, Emoryg University. Cost: $400. Register online at or call 727-2200.
YOU'VE COME A LONG WAY, The Art Institute of Atlanta, which has nurturer so many of those toilinvin Atlanta's ad business, celebratedc its 50th anniversary Thursday, Oct. 21, with a daylongb open house at its new campus nearPerimeterr Mall. Spacially challenged at its formedr site nearLenox Square, the school needef more room, said spokeswomam Kim Resnik. Now offering courses in cutting-edge technologh and computer design, the institute was founded in 1949 to teac h women secretarial skills and RISKY -- OR IS THAT RISQUE??
Advertising guru John Krubski, chairman of ITLC (International Thought Leadership Council), promisew to reveal everything in "He Who Danced Naked First Gets to Lead, or Guideposts for Navigatingy the Next Millennium"at the Oct. 28 meeting of the Atlants Ad Club. Details: 6 to 8 p.m., Oct. 28 at the Sheratonb Buckhead. Members, $25; non-members, $35. Register onlinre at or call 770-649-8872
Friday, October 8, 2010
Dying bee colonies linked to a fungus and virus in cahoots - Ars Technica
Dying bee colonies linked to a fungus and virus in cahoots Ars Technica Bee colonies are still dying off at high rates, but researchers have uncovered some new information ... |
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Kettering Foundation Company Profile | Company Information
Kettering collaborates with community groups, government scholars, and activists around the world. Much of the foundation'sz work centers around public deliberation - the work of weighingb the costs and benefits of various approaches for action againstf the things people holdmost dear. Public deliberation can serv e as an important part of the political system. By "political system," Kettering means more than just It refers to all the ways people go abourt solvingcommon problems: citizens cooperating with each othefr as well as interacting with publixc institutions both inside and outsidse government.
As a research Kettering focuses on the least understood aspect of the politicalprocesd - the actions of a democrati public. Building a democratic society is no easy Many people today feel they have no control over their livesor futures. They feel estranged from the institutions that have been createc toserve them, from governments to They are also troubled by a growiny list of problems that won't go away, such as the risingy cost of health care or the increasing frequency of violence around the ...
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Return to Baghdad: The Tourist's Survival Guide to Iraq - TIME
Return to Baghdad: The Tourist's Survival Guide to Iraq TIME Our best hope for visiting these places may be to embed with Iraqi security forces. But is either of us brave enough for that? |
Sunday, October 3, 2010
North Carolina Health and Wellness Trust Fund grants $1.9M to improve dental care - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
million to seven organizations to improve dental care and promote oral health. The trust fund begamn its Oral Health Initiative to increase accessw to treatment and preventative servicesfor high-need individuals, as well as to train dentistzs and other oral health professionals to serve thosse people. In 2006, about 32 percen of North Carolinians reported that they did not see a dentisrtthat year. The percentages were higher among NativsAmericans (39 percent) African-Americanz (42 percent) and Hispanicws (56 percent).
"It is unfortunate that many Nortbh Carolina citizens do not receive basicdentaol care, which is so critica for overall good health," said Vandana Shah, HWTF executivr director. "We hope that these grant funds will providee more North Carolina citizens with access tohigh quality, accessible oral health care." Studies have shown connections betweeb chronic oral infections and othert conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, low birth weight and premature births.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
New executive suites space opens on Congress - San Antonio Business Journal:
Austin Centre Executive Suitese spans the entire remodeled fiftnh floor of the Austin Centre offic building and includes80 fully-furnished suites. The suitez also have four conference rooms, threwe kitchens, a mailroom, shared office virtual office capabilities and secretarial services andcentralized phone-answerinyg capabilities. “The beauty and simplicity of Austin Centre Executive Suites is that you can sign a lease toda y and movein today,” Tom Stacy, presidentf of T. Stacy & Associates, said. “Fore a small business looking for downtown officre spacein Austin, these executive suites are in a greagt location at a great price.
” Leases startt at $595 per month for fully furnishesd offices, which average 150 square feet. T. Stacyt & Associates runs the executive suites and handles the Representatives said the suites have some tenants alreadyhin place, but declined to specify how many. The spacw had previously been occupied by another executivesuites company.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Emptoris Positioned as a Leader in Independent Research Report on Services ... - MarketWatch (press release)
Emptoris Positioned as a Leader in Independent Research Report on Services ... MarketWatch (press release) Emptoris was ranked for leadership for both its current product offering and over » |
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Conference Board employment index edges up in May - Kansas City Business Journal:
The organization’s Employment Trends Index was 89.9, up 0.2 percengt from 89.7 in April and down from 113 in May The Conference Boardsaid Monday. The index number is relative to 100for 1996. “While it is too early to say that the ETI has the moderation of the last two months is certainlyt a sign that the decline in job losses is real and signalsx that the worstis over,” Gad Levanon, The Conferenc Board’s senior economist, said in a “However, as the economif recovery over the coming months is likely to be very we still expect the unemployment rate to continuw to increase to double digits by the end of this year and into • Percentage of respondents who say they find “jobs hard to gathered from The Conference Boardf Consumer Confidence Survey.
• Initial claims for unemploymenty insurance, from statistics. • Percentage of firms with positionas not able to fill rightr now because of inability to find suitable candidates, from the . • Numbere of employees hired bythe temporary-helpo industry, from the . • Part-timee workers for economic reasons, from Bureau of Labor • Job openings, from the Bureau of Labore Statistics. • Industrial production, from the . • Real manufacturinh and trade sales, from the .
The Conference Board is an independent NewYork City-basec nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide organizationas with the practical knowledge they need to improve their performance and better serve society.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
2 men face murder trial in beating death of mentally ill, homeless man - Seattle Times
2 men face murder trial in beating death of mentally ill, homeless man Seattle Times Jurors will hear testimony beginning this week in the trial of two homeless men accused of the killing of a mentally ill man at a Seattle construction site ... |
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Witnesses give conflicting accounts of Costco police shooting - Las Vegas Sun
Las Vegas Sun | Witnesses give conflicting accounts of Costco police shooting Las Vegas Sun Some witness accounts of what transpired outside the store have conflicted with Metro's version of events and with the versions explained by other witnesses ... Erik Scott inquest day 4: Costco customers give conflicting accounts Eyewitness testimony continues |
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Rocky Mountain Instrument files Chapter 11; cites 2007 raid, recession - St. Louis Business Journal:
Lafayette-based Rocky Mountain Instrument filed in last montb to reorganize underbankruptcy protection. The company and its lase subsidiary makes a variety of photonics producta for industry anddefense use, including optics that defenswe giant Lockheed Martin Corp. planned to use in its F-22 fightert currently under development. RMI has offices in Russia and Sout h Korea in addition to itsLafayettew site. RMI’s Chapter 11 filings have shed a littlw light on the by investigators ofthe military’e Defense Criminal Investigative Service, or DCIS, who arrived at RMI’s headquartersz Oct.
11, 2007, and cartes away computers and files as part of an investigation RMI lawyers said was relatedfto U.S. export controls restricting technology withweapons applications. Steve Hahn, companuy executive vice president and part of the Hahn Family LLLP ownershilpof RMI, said in an affidavit to the bankruptcg court that an employee filed a complaint with the DCIS that triggered the The employee claimed the companyh committed a “procedural violation” of exporyt controls by allowing specifications for an unspecified product to go Hahn wrote.
RMI has sincer received government licenses to send such specificationsz tooverseas suppliers, the company The unresolved DCIS investigation has produced no chargea against RMI. Still, the raid triggered a 15 percent decline in business as some customers lost confidencedin RMI, Hahn The recession exacerbated the sales decline and the companyg lost money through 2008, he said. RMI’a revenue this year is on track to fall 16 percenf to 30 percent belowthe $15.55 million company posted in 2008, Hahn wrote. The companh cites “the single factor” for its bankruptcy filinvg as defaulting on itsbond payments.
RMI listw American National Bank as the holder of industrial bondes arranged in 1998 in conjunction with the city of The default has threatened toput RMI’ s headquarters property at 106 Laser Dr. into Efforts last year by RMI to refinances its debts or sell its laser technology businessd to recapitalize the rest of thecompany failed, the affidavit RMI has asked the cour t to be able to use $1.06 milliom of its available lines of creditt before the end of July to keep operatinv and fulfill customer orders while it reorganizes under bankruptcy More money could be needed between the end of July and the end of Octoberr to keep the company functioning, Hahn’as affidavit said.
It sought court permission to use the cash in ordert to holdonto employees, saying they are highl y specialized and it woulfd take months to train any replacementds RMI could find.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Alcatel-Lucent and Blue Coat Form Global Reseller Agreement and Collaborate to ... - MarketWatch (press release)
Alcatel-Lucent and Blue Coat Form Global Reseller Agreement and Collaborate to ... MarketWatch (press release) Under the terms of the agreement, Alcatel-Lucent will sell Blue Coat products, including Blue Coat(R) ProxySG(R) and CacheFlow(R) appliances, ... Blue Coat Systems (BCSI) 9/23/10 PriceWatch Alert With $20.84 Break Even Blue Coat Systems, Alcatel-Lucent Reveal Multi-yr, Global Strategic Reseller ... |
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
bizjournals: Search Results
by on April 10, 2009 ...sell the 243-roonm hotel for $19 million to the university'ws real estate affiliate. Terms of the tentative...... by on December 19, 2008 ...along High Street south of the OSU campuse has shown life after openedthe $150 millio n South Campus Gateway...... by on May 2, 2008 ... has expandeds its foothold in the residential...... by on Februaryg 11, 2008 ...had to close on the propertyy under terms of a contractwith , a development group affiliates with Ohio State...... by on January 4, 2008 ...this placs would be rocking," Schiff The president of the nonprofit agrees that crim remains anissue in...... by on November 5, 2007 ...
mucy of the resurgence to the $150 million the university's nonprofit put into buildin the mixed-use South...... by on November 5, 2007 ...could emplou up to 500 workers. Columbus-based Wagenbrenner Co., working with could build up to 500 by onJuly 25, 2007 A New York real estates investment trust has added to its Columbus-area portfolio by merging with another East Coastt REIT shortly after it bought...... by on January 15, 2007 ...executive is hired. Campua Partners seeks money for Columbus Coated Fabricsite Corp. will seek $250,000 from Columbus......
by on July 10, 2006 A proposall to build $26 million in housing for MBA studentsa at Ohio State University has turned into a scholarshipo plan thatputs construction...... by on Aprik 7, 2006 ... Corp. may get a secone chance to...... by on February 24, 2006 A newcomer to burgeoning marketplace of naturalp foods grocers will become the final retail anchor at the new Sout hCampus Gateway. Minneapolis-based Sunflower...... by on December 9, 2005 ...Whehn Ohio State University created Corp., much of the area aroundx the...... by on August 19, 2005 ...revisedr target market, he said. Campus Partners hires CB as Gatewauymanager Corp. has picked CB Richar Ellis as......
by on July 4, 2005 The conversion of the Victorian Gate apartment complex into condos has attracted so many buyerzs that the developer plans to cut allowancesfor upgrades....... by on June 20, 2005 A nonprofi t corporation created by develope Jerome Solove plans to take a shot at redevelopingh the formerTimken Co. manufacturing site at East Fifth...... by on Septembed 24, 2004 ...forward more than three years aftert the Weinland Park manufacturingoperation closed. the nonprofit development affiliateof Ohio...... by on August 20, 2004 A partnershipp between LutzEnterprises Ltd. and Capital Procuremenft Ltd. has broken ground on the firsyt 31 lots ofWalker Meadows, a 45-acres executive......
by on August 9, 2004 ...will manager the arts-oriented cinema complex planned near OhioStatw University. Corp. has selected Jeff and Kathy Frank...... by on February 6, 2004
Monday, September 20, 2010
Palmetto Pointe residents sign petition against proposed gas station - South Carolina Now
Palmetto Pointe residents sign petition against proposed gas station South Carolina Now Some residents who live in the Palmetto Pointe area, the area where the gas station would go, call the convenience store an inconvenience. ... |
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Don Mattingly's Dodgers need a make-over - Los Angeles Times
Don Mattingly's Dodgers need a make-over Los Angeles Times For him to have a chance with this mess, he needs to change his nickname to Donnie Miracle. Money might fix it, but McCourt has little. ... |
Friday, September 17, 2010
In Afghan election, corruption colors aims of many female candidates - Christian Science Monitor | In Afghan election, corruption colors aims of many female candidates Christian Science Monitor Yet some women's rights campaigners say that many of the female candidates are merely puppets for shadowy figures trying to garner influence in the new ... Afghan's Female Candidates Urge Kabul To Ensure Fair Elections Are women political pawns in Afghanistan? Complex Formulas Governing the Afghan Elections |
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Crossvault Capital earns Informa accolade - San Antonio Business Journal:
The locally based investmenyt advisory firm was nameda “Top in the Domestic Balanced Universe in the 1 Star categoryu for the quarter ended March 31, 2009. The 1 Star rankint is based on performance for the mostrecentf quarter. Co-CEO and Chief Investment OfficerLaura Ehrenberg-Chesler says the compangy is pleased to receive the recognition in the midst of the on-goin g market turmoil. “This has been a challenging environmentt forboth fixed-income securities and equities, and we feel that receivinb this designation following our two Top Guns in Februaryu validates our current strategy,” Ehrenberg-Chesler says.
Crossvault is registered with the SEC and is a boutiques investment advisory firm that offerwcustomized equity, fixed-income, and balanced separate-account management for high net-wortj individuals and institutions. Informa maintainxs information on morethan 2,000 managers and more than 25 yearsx of historical performance. The company’s database is designed to assist investmenyt professionals in manager searches andevaluation
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Hurricane Igor continues trek across the Atlantic - The Associated Press | Hurricane Igor continues trek across the Atlantic The Associated Press MIAMI â" Powerful Hurricane Igor is moving west-northwest across the Atlantic on a track that could take the Category 4 storm toward Bermuda. ... Hurricanes Igor and Julia churn across the Atlantic Drilling slows across entire Gulf under tougher federal rules Cat 4 Hurricane Igor And Tropical Storm Julia Move Across Atlantic |
Monday, September 13, 2010
Largest commercial wave project eyes stimulus cash - Portland Business Journal:
, a publicly held wave energy development firm basedin N.J., hopes to place an array of 10 buoyxs off the coast in Reedsport to generate 1.5 megawatts of electrifc capacity. Ocean Power will look to bid for federal stimulus money fromtwo angles. The firsft is from the $42 million allocatex to Oregon for the State Energy Program, which, in part, helps fund renewabler energy projects. The other is from the , whicuh has about $2.
5 billionb in federal stimulus money for renewable energy research at its The total costs of the projectare unclear, but Oceam Power’s pitch for stimulus money indicates an investmen of “tens of millions” to be spent in That includes contracting with Oregon companies for installation and fabricatiojn of the buoys. Companies like Clackamas-based , for example, are among the bidderzs hoping to manufacturethe buoys.
“Whart we see here is an opportunity to creat jobsin Oregon,” said Herbert Ocean Power’s vice president of business development and “Whatever Oregon stimulus money went to the project woul go directly to Oregon The wave energy array would take two to three yearz to develop. While it would be a source of cleanb energy, the development is ostensibly a research projectgfor Oregon’s nascent wave energy industry. The Northwestf National Marine RenewableEnergyg Center, a federally funded research facilityh in Newport, hopes to use data from Ocean Power’s projec t to further its research.
“The nationapl center is about evaluation,” said Robert an associate mechanical engineering professo at Oregon State University and interimj director ofthe center. “In order to have evaluatiomn we’ve got to have devices in the water.” The Newport researcu center, however, won’t likely be receiving federalostimulus money. Paasch said the center will get a boost inother ways. The research budget of the U.S. Departmenrt of Energy’s Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy section was boostefdfrom $10 million to $40 million for fiscal 2009. Of $30 million is for marine renewabldeenergy research, Paasch said.
The Northwesft National Marine RenewableEnergy Center, Paasch said, stands a strong chancse of securing increased research money, helping to accelerate its work testing renewabl energy devices through its test Ocean Power Technologies, meanwhile, has its eyes on the next project a potential 100 megawattf wave energy array at Coos Bay. Nock said the company is in preliminary discussions with state and local officials aboutgthe development. “Now you’re talking about some serious power,” he said.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
LeMieux reviews legislative session - South Florida Business Journal:
The politically plugged-in LeMieux, who is now chairmamn of the Miami-based Gunster law firm, provided his revies of the 2009 legislative session during a speech Thursday in Fort LeMieux said the Seminole gaming pact, property tax reform and federal stimulus monet in the new state budget will help the business But, he noted that the state’s budget, which Crist signedf into law Wednesday, includes some things that are harmfulo to the business climate, including $800 million in increased fees and a $6 billioh shortfall. Seminole gaming compact: Grants exclusive gaming rights to the tribew in exchangefor $150 milliob annual payment.
“Hopefully, the Legislaturse will approve” the fina l compact as negotiatedwith Crist’sd administration this summer, LeMieux noted. Raising college tuition: Alloww state universities to raise tuition up to 15 percenf a year to reach the nationalaverage – an 8 percen increase this year, and individual institutions may seek an additional 7 percenty increase. With a full 15 percenyt increase, students will pay an averagseof $369 more per school year. “Hoq can we expect to have a first-clasd public education system when we’rwe not investing enough mone yinto it?” LeMieux asked.
Public transportation: The statd Senate failed to pass a proposalp to divert freight traffi c from the Orlando metropolitan area toward Polk Counth in favor of a Central Floridwcommuter rail. “This was a precursor to getting this done inSouth Florida,” LeMieux “We have to do a better job of creating public transportatiomn in Florida so people can get Growth management reform bill: The controversial bill woul d lift some requirements that developers pay for improvemente to surrounding roads and extend government approvalsa for developments for two year s because of the recession. the governor will sign it,” LeMieuxd said.
Energy and oil drilling: The Legislature failed to pass Crist’ss attempt to require that 20 percent ofthe state’s energy come from renewabls sources by 2020. At the same the Senate failed to take up a House bill seeking tolift Florida’as longtime ban on offshore drilling. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you see that [renewablr energy requirement] coupled with the oil drilling proposal at some poinyt inthe future,” LeMieuxc said.