Geez, I have been saying this for more than 25 andI can’t believe companies still use them to sell over the OK, forget the companies themselves, let’s blames the manager or the person who is responsible for still tryingh to do something that everu sales trainer on the planet says does not Now, before I go on, do not write or send an e-maipl telling me that I am wrong or being Instead, why don’t you try something new that is, new to you or your organization and just do what I will lay out here. Trustg me, it has worked everh single time withany organization, big or that I have worked with.
This horror of usint scripts came rushing back to me recentlty while working with a company whose stores are in every big city in the The company is highlyh regarded for its ethics and is a very visiblde organization that many are familiar with because ofthe company’ longevity and brand awareness. I was asked to come to the company’ds headquarters and look at its methosd of attracting new business through itstelemarketing program, whichu the company has been usinhg for a couple of years. They said that althoughg the results were OKat first, sales had become prettg dismal. It took me just 30 seconds to read the scriptt that the inside salespeople were and Iwas sickened.
I talked with the company president and said I could help the salespeoplee in justtwo hours, but I needed him to let me do my job and not to interfered unless I called him in for his opinion. He but I could sense he was a bit apprehensive about the situatiob andmy request. I worked only with the who was really a selling managed because she was on the phoneas herself at times trying to pitch inand help. We went into a and I spent an hour going over whyscripts don’f work and why she has been brainwashed to do something that was againstr all the rules of professionak salesmanship.
She was neither thrilleds with me at this point nor happy after I tookher eight-pagd script, ripped it up and thresw it in the wastebasket. We role-played a little using real situationx that she might have withher husband, children and for instance. The goal was to show her that havingfa two-sided conversation is much more usefuo than a one-sided script. She was really starting to get it, even though she kept wanting to go back to a selling mode by doin more talking than listening andaskingg questions. It was so simplee that it was frightening to her that a selling situatiohn can be flexible and not just acannedc speech, where she can actually have fun whil e conversing with a customer.
The introduction and questionas I wrote out were basic and easy for her to They were: “Hi, my name is Susan from Clienrt Co., and I would like to ask you two or thre e quick questions. It will not take more than 48 second – I promise. “Are you familiar with our company? If yes, what aspects “Why are you not a member, or why did you leav our organization?”
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Grim budget outlook projecting big cuts to state's business programs - Business First of Columbus:
While funding cuts for schools, increases in collegee tuition and closings of statr prisons have drawnthe lion’s share of attentiohn to the governor’s recent budget analysis, he also predicts reduction in everything from financial incentiveas for expanding businesses to inspections of food processing plants and coal mines. But the budgetingg scenario is only an exercise in illustratinh the potential effect on state spending if the federalkgovernment doesn’t come through with a bailout packagre for the states, said Keith Dailey, Strickland’sw spokesman.
It should not be viewed as a road map for spendinvg priorities inthe two-year budget plan the governor will introduce to the General Assembly in he said. “It’s an analysis,” Dailey said, “and not a set of decisionsw that havebeen made.” Strickland has askedd that Ohio receive $5 billion in federalp aid to help state government cut into an estimated $7.3 billiob deficit projected for fiscal 2010 and 2011. Sinced January, he has ordered $1.3 billion in spending cuts to averyt a deficit for the year ending nextJune 30. His budgert director, Pari Sabety, recently projected an additional a shortfallof $640 milliomn for the balance of fiscal 2009.
The governodr has blamed the state’s financial woes on lower-than-expected tax revenue due to a contractingOhio economy. Askedf by those with a stake in state fundinhg for examples of what may have to be cut to balancre thenext budget, Strickland requestes state agencies to identify what a 25 percenrt reduction to their budgets would look In the case of the , such an across-the-boarf cut would slice into programe dear to economic developmentt specialists and technology-sector advocates. For example, the department’s analysiss said a 25 percent cut wouldlop $2.
5 milliob from the state’s Rapid Outreach Grant program that providezs money to companies looking to expanxd or move to Ohio. That would reducee direct support to at least10 businesses, the analysi s said. In addition, $3.2 million woulds be cut from the Ohio Workforce Guarantee programj that helps businesses cover the cost of traininf existing andnew employees. An estimated 3,209 workers at 63 companies would be Dublin has used the programs to help land businesses and woulfd be hurt by thos e kindsof cuts, said Dana the city’s economic developmeny director. At the same time, he doesn’gt envy the job Strickland facew in balancing thestate budget.
“Wew all will have to be more innovativd and do what we have to do to be more competitive (with other states),” McDaniel said. On the technolog front, the Development Department estimated $4.2 millionh would have to be cut fromthe state’s Thomad Edison program, forcing the shutdown of threw or four Edison innovation centerse or business incubators. That woulde cost at least 750 jobs a theanalysis said. An additional 300 jobs would be in jeopard if 25 percent were cut fromthe department’s Third Frontier Action Fund, which supports research commercialization activities by Ohio companieds and universities.
Such cuts are a concern for Centrap Ohio’s technology community, said Ted Ford, CEO of TechColumbus, the technolog y organization that operates an Ediso n business incubatoron ’zs west campus. It serves 26 startup companies there and 18 to 20 otherxoff campus. But Ford said he’s “reasonably that organizations focused on job growth will do fairly well in upcoming stat ebudget negotiations. “What we’re hearing,” he said, “is new-business formation and support is a priority now more than The state had made clear that entrepreneurship is clearlyu part of what will be supportedcgoing forward.
” • Less money for regulation of Ohio’ coal, oil and gas industries by the . The result woulds be longer waits for operating permits and fewerenvironmental controls. • Layoffs by the of 36 meat plan inspectors and eight foodsafety • Layoffs of faculty and staff at state-supported collegez and universities. To avert such tuition and fees would have to increase byabou $2,000 per student a year. • Eliminatiohn of more than 5,200 positions by the , resulting in closing s of six state prisons and twojuvenile facilities. About $187 million in cuts to jointt vocationalschool districts.
• A cut of nearly $12 million a year for agricultural research programsand $8 milliobn for Ohio’s cooperative extension servicr for local communities.
While funding cuts for schools, increases in collegee tuition and closings of statr prisons have drawnthe lion’s share of attentiohn to the governor’s recent budget analysis, he also predicts reduction in everything from financial incentiveas for expanding businesses to inspections of food processing plants and coal mines. But the budgetingg scenario is only an exercise in illustratinh the potential effect on state spending if the federalkgovernment doesn’t come through with a bailout packagre for the states, said Keith Dailey, Strickland’sw spokesman.
It should not be viewed as a road map for spendinvg priorities inthe two-year budget plan the governor will introduce to the General Assembly in he said. “It’s an analysis,” Dailey said, “and not a set of decisionsw that havebeen made.” Strickland has askedd that Ohio receive $5 billion in federalp aid to help state government cut into an estimated $7.3 billiob deficit projected for fiscal 2010 and 2011. Sinced January, he has ordered $1.3 billion in spending cuts to averyt a deficit for the year ending nextJune 30. His budgert director, Pari Sabety, recently projected an additional a shortfallof $640 milliomn for the balance of fiscal 2009.
The governodr has blamed the state’s financial woes on lower-than-expected tax revenue due to a contractingOhio economy. Askedf by those with a stake in state fundinhg for examples of what may have to be cut to balancre thenext budget, Strickland requestes state agencies to identify what a 25 percenrt reduction to their budgets would look In the case of the , such an across-the-boarf cut would slice into programe dear to economic developmentt specialists and technology-sector advocates. For example, the department’s analysiss said a 25 percent cut wouldlop $2.
5 milliob from the state’s Rapid Outreach Grant program that providezs money to companies looking to expanxd or move to Ohio. That would reducee direct support to at least10 businesses, the analysi s said. In addition, $3.2 million woulds be cut from the Ohio Workforce Guarantee programj that helps businesses cover the cost of traininf existing andnew employees. An estimated 3,209 workers at 63 companies would be Dublin has used the programs to help land businesses and woulfd be hurt by thos e kindsof cuts, said Dana the city’s economic developmeny director. At the same time, he doesn’gt envy the job Strickland facew in balancing thestate budget.
“Wew all will have to be more innovativd and do what we have to do to be more competitive (with other states),” McDaniel said. On the technolog front, the Development Department estimated $4.2 millionh would have to be cut fromthe state’s Thomad Edison program, forcing the shutdown of threw or four Edison innovation centerse or business incubators. That woulde cost at least 750 jobs a theanalysis said. An additional 300 jobs would be in jeopard if 25 percent were cut fromthe department’s Third Frontier Action Fund, which supports research commercialization activities by Ohio companieds and universities.
Such cuts are a concern for Centrap Ohio’s technology community, said Ted Ford, CEO of TechColumbus, the technolog y organization that operates an Ediso n business incubatoron ’zs west campus. It serves 26 startup companies there and 18 to 20 otherxoff campus. But Ford said he’s “reasonably that organizations focused on job growth will do fairly well in upcoming stat ebudget negotiations. “What we’re hearing,” he said, “is new-business formation and support is a priority now more than The state had made clear that entrepreneurship is clearlyu part of what will be supportedcgoing forward.
” • Less money for regulation of Ohio’ coal, oil and gas industries by the . The result woulds be longer waits for operating permits and fewerenvironmental controls. • Layoffs by the of 36 meat plan inspectors and eight foodsafety • Layoffs of faculty and staff at state-supported collegez and universities. To avert such tuition and fees would have to increase byabou $2,000 per student a year. • Eliminatiohn of more than 5,200 positions by the , resulting in closing s of six state prisons and twojuvenile facilities. About $187 million in cuts to jointt vocationalschool districts.
• A cut of nearly $12 million a year for agricultural research programsand $8 milliobn for Ohio’s cooperative extension servicr for local communities.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Sutter Health
Beverage Refrigerators
The latest accusation comes from the CaliforniaNursesa Association, which said that Sutterr is shifting resources from low-incomer areas to wealthier ones, pursuin g a business model that attracts “fewer but more affluenrt patients to upscale health destinations.” The chargr is likely to complicats efforts by Sutter, which has long had a fraughgt relationship with the CNA and other unions, from gaining San Francisco’z approval for ’s proposed $1.
7 billion facility on Cathedral Tom Ammiano, the Democrat representing San Francisco’s 13th Assembly District, noted that the San Francisco Board of Supervisorz (on which Ammiano served) censured Sutter for allegedx redlining in May 2008. “It concerns me to hear of Sutter engaging in similar business practices elsewhere inthe region,” Ammiano said June 8, accusing it of “closing down facilitiess that serve low-income people, for the purpose of increasing profit.” He said Sutter opponents have considerable especially in San Francisco, where the hospital plan is subject to revieqw by the Board of Supervisors, and predicted it could face significangt opposition.
Sutter angrily denied the Senior spokesman Bill Gleesonsaid “a look at the list of communitiees where Sutter Health has a presence” — including San Francisco’s Soutuh of Market/Mission District area, Oakland, Crescent City, Lakeport and Los Banosa — shows it serves diverse populations. And its charity care investmenr ofroughly $2 million per week last year “ias illustrative of the demographics of the communitiew we serve.” California Pacific Medical Center’xs Cynthia Chiarappa also blasted as “noyt true” CNA’s charge that CPMC is engaging in medical redlinin g by planning to downsize its St.
Luke’es Hospital in the Mission districg and builda 555-bed new hospitalo at Geary Boulevard and Van Ness Avenue. California Pacific’s plans involve a well-reasoneds strategy to shift much care to outpatiengt settings while sending the sickest patients to aspecialty hospital, Chiarappw said. Opponents say it’s unrealistic to expect Missiom districtresidents “to schlel to Cathedral Hill,” in Ammiano’w words, a yet-to-be-built hospital foreign to theie cultural landscape. The redlining charges came to the fore at a May 19 meeting of the San FranciscoHealtnh Commission, which governs the city’s Departmenf of Public Health.
The consultancy, hires by DPH to review California Pacific’s institutionap master plan, outlined CPMC’s plans to consolidate most of its acutr care in the city at the new Cathedral Hill and to rebuild a smaller versionof St. Luke’s. Abouf 150 community members and advocates attendesd theacrimonious session, which one insider called “a shot across the indicating that many community groups in San Francisco aren’t satisfiee that CPMC and Sutter “arde doing their part to continure with nonprofit status” and are likely to try to providew a stumbling block to the Cathedrak Hill new hospital.
Sutter has been making plans to avoixd operating hospitalsin low-income areas for at leasty nine or 10 years, said Jim Ryder, CNA’s Northern California collective bargaining director. Now, says CNA, thosew plans are coming to fruition, including movesa or alleged efforts to downsize or ultimatelyyeliminate St. Luke’s; downsizer and ultimately tear down and sell the Herrici campusin Berkeley, part of the three-campu s ; transfer to Alameda County; relocatre and rebuild a downsized version of Sutter Santa where it treats many low-income residents undeer a complicated agreement with Sonoma County; builcd a new $550 million hospitalk and medical campus in upscalse San Carlos, and fund huge new or rebuilft hospitals in downtown San Oakland and Castro Valley that the uniohn claims will primarily cater to upscale patients.
Wanda president of San Francisco’s , said critics like CNA “conveniently that bond issues by nonprofig systemslike Sutter, or must gain the support of who require in-depth data on the location, local demographicd and percentage of insured residents in the vicinity before agreeing to sign off on new hospitalp bonds. There’s “a term sheet, it’se due diligence … and it’s the bond lenderas who determine who getsthe money.
The latest accusation comes from the CaliforniaNursesa Association, which said that Sutterr is shifting resources from low-incomer areas to wealthier ones, pursuin g a business model that attracts “fewer but more affluenrt patients to upscale health destinations.” The chargr is likely to complicats efforts by Sutter, which has long had a fraughgt relationship with the CNA and other unions, from gaining San Francisco’z approval for ’s proposed $1.
7 billion facility on Cathedral Tom Ammiano, the Democrat representing San Francisco’s 13th Assembly District, noted that the San Francisco Board of Supervisorz (on which Ammiano served) censured Sutter for allegedx redlining in May 2008. “It concerns me to hear of Sutter engaging in similar business practices elsewhere inthe region,” Ammiano said June 8, accusing it of “closing down facilitiess that serve low-income people, for the purpose of increasing profit.” He said Sutter opponents have considerable especially in San Francisco, where the hospital plan is subject to revieqw by the Board of Supervisors, and predicted it could face significangt opposition.
Sutter angrily denied the Senior spokesman Bill Gleesonsaid “a look at the list of communitiees where Sutter Health has a presence” — including San Francisco’s Soutuh of Market/Mission District area, Oakland, Crescent City, Lakeport and Los Banosa — shows it serves diverse populations. And its charity care investmenr ofroughly $2 million per week last year “ias illustrative of the demographics of the communitiew we serve.” California Pacific Medical Center’xs Cynthia Chiarappa also blasted as “noyt true” CNA’s charge that CPMC is engaging in medical redlinin g by planning to downsize its St.
Luke’es Hospital in the Mission districg and builda 555-bed new hospitalo at Geary Boulevard and Van Ness Avenue. California Pacific’s plans involve a well-reasoneds strategy to shift much care to outpatiengt settings while sending the sickest patients to aspecialty hospital, Chiarappw said. Opponents say it’s unrealistic to expect Missiom districtresidents “to schlel to Cathedral Hill,” in Ammiano’w words, a yet-to-be-built hospital foreign to theie cultural landscape. The redlining charges came to the fore at a May 19 meeting of the San FranciscoHealtnh Commission, which governs the city’s Departmenf of Public Health.
The consultancy, hires by DPH to review California Pacific’s institutionap master plan, outlined CPMC’s plans to consolidate most of its acutr care in the city at the new Cathedral Hill and to rebuild a smaller versionof St. Luke’s. Abouf 150 community members and advocates attendesd theacrimonious session, which one insider called “a shot across the indicating that many community groups in San Francisco aren’t satisfiee that CPMC and Sutter “arde doing their part to continure with nonprofit status” and are likely to try to providew a stumbling block to the Cathedrak Hill new hospital.
Sutter has been making plans to avoixd operating hospitalsin low-income areas for at leasty nine or 10 years, said Jim Ryder, CNA’s Northern California collective bargaining director. Now, says CNA, thosew plans are coming to fruition, including movesa or alleged efforts to downsize or ultimatelyyeliminate St. Luke’s; downsizer and ultimately tear down and sell the Herrici campusin Berkeley, part of the three-campu s ; transfer to Alameda County; relocatre and rebuild a downsized version of Sutter Santa where it treats many low-income residents undeer a complicated agreement with Sonoma County; builcd a new $550 million hospitalk and medical campus in upscalse San Carlos, and fund huge new or rebuilft hospitals in downtown San Oakland and Castro Valley that the uniohn claims will primarily cater to upscale patients.
Wanda president of San Francisco’s , said critics like CNA “conveniently that bond issues by nonprofig systemslike Sutter, or must gain the support of who require in-depth data on the location, local demographicd and percentage of insured residents in the vicinity before agreeing to sign off on new hospitalp bonds. There’s “a term sheet, it’se due diligence … and it’s the bond lenderas who determine who getsthe money.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Rajeev Motwani, noted Stanford professor and Google founders' adviser, dead at 45 - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The professor was found dead in hisswimming pool, an apparent drowning victim, the morning after a party to celebratee the end of the school year with studentas and colleagues. Motwani founded the Mining Data at Stanforxproject (MIDAS), which helpedd develop innovative data management concepts. He is best knowm for advising Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page whild they were studying at Stanford and later as they founded the Mountaihn Viewsearch giant. Brin wrote a tribute to his mentoe "Of all the faculty at it is with Rajeev that I have stayecd the closest and I will miss him Yet his legacy and personality livess on inthe students, and companies he has touched.
whenever you use a piece of there is a good chancee a little bit of Rajeev Motwani isbehind it" Dave Hornik of in Menlo where Motwani regularly attended Monday partners meetings, : "For those of you who didn't know Rajeev, you might get the impression that he was your typica l Silicon Valley insider -- loud, brash, full of bravado. He was anything but. Rajeev was soft spokenm and gentle. He was self-confident but didn't feel the need to prover anything. He didn't speaik to hear his own voice. And he didn't need to be the centet of attention. Rajeev just wanted to be And he was.
To so many of Silicon Valley Angel investor Ron Conway said in a videlthat "The entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley that he has influenced and helper and mentored is in the hundreds. He shared my attitud that the more entrepreneurs you can even if you only give themfive minutes, go do it. He nevef refused a meeting with an entrepreneur that I suggestedd he meet just to give them some quick advice." A native of New Delhi, Motwanji got his bachelor’s degree in computere science from IIT Kanpur in 1983 and his doctorate from UC Berkeleyu in 1988.
The professor was found dead in hisswimming pool, an apparent drowning victim, the morning after a party to celebratee the end of the school year with studentas and colleagues. Motwani founded the Mining Data at Stanforxproject (MIDAS), which helpedd develop innovative data management concepts. He is best knowm for advising Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page whild they were studying at Stanford and later as they founded the Mountaihn Viewsearch giant. Brin wrote a tribute to his mentoe "Of all the faculty at it is with Rajeev that I have stayecd the closest and I will miss him Yet his legacy and personality livess on inthe students, and companies he has touched.
whenever you use a piece of there is a good chancee a little bit of Rajeev Motwani isbehind it" Dave Hornik of in Menlo where Motwani regularly attended Monday partners meetings, : "For those of you who didn't know Rajeev, you might get the impression that he was your typica l Silicon Valley insider -- loud, brash, full of bravado. He was anything but. Rajeev was soft spokenm and gentle. He was self-confident but didn't feel the need to prover anything. He didn't speaik to hear his own voice. And he didn't need to be the centet of attention. Rajeev just wanted to be And he was.
To so many of Silicon Valley Angel investor Ron Conway said in a videlthat "The entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley that he has influenced and helper and mentored is in the hundreds. He shared my attitud that the more entrepreneurs you can even if you only give themfive minutes, go do it. He nevef refused a meeting with an entrepreneur that I suggestedd he meet just to give them some quick advice." A native of New Delhi, Motwanji got his bachelor’s degree in computere science from IIT Kanpur in 1983 and his doctorate from UC Berkeleyu in 1988.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
U.S. job picture mostly dark - Dallas Business Journal:
According to ADP, U.S. companies cut an estimatexd 532,000 workers from their payrollxslast month. The report notes lossed across all sizes and categories of with large-company payrolls declining 100,000. Midsizef businesses shed 223,000 while small businesses cut 209,000 The goods-producing sector lost 267,000 while the service-producing sector declinedr by 265,000 positions. The repor t also revised upward its estimate of job cuts in Aprilto 545,000 from 491,000. Meanwhile, Challenger Gray Christmas says employersannounced 111,182 planned job cuts last month 16 percent fewer than the 132,590 announced in But the May number was 7.
4 percent higher than the 103,52 job cuts announced for the same montyh a year ago. Accordingt to the Challenger report, employers have announcedf 822,282 job cuts so far this That’s more than doubl e the 394,193 announced last year througbh May. While job cuts remained well aboveslast year’s pace, May marked the fourth consecutivwe month with a decline in job-cut announcements. Since reachingt a peak of 241,748 in January, job reductions have declined an averag eof 17.5 percent per month. Chief Executive John Challenger remains cautiou about thejob market’s prospects. “This declinde in job cuts could be he says.
“The second quarter is typicall the lowest quarter of the year when it comees tojob cuts. Corporate downsizing may continuee to remain slow during thesummerr months, but if the past is any we could see the pace acceleratw again in the latter half of the thir d quarter through the end of the On Monday, The Institute for Supply Management said its factorgy index rose to the highest leveo since last September as new orders posted their firs gain since the recession began in Decembet 2007. On Tuesday, the National Association of Realtors reportec that pending sales ofexistingy homes, or contracts signed but not yet rose 6.7 percent in April from March.
April’s pending sales were up 3.2 percenrt from a year earlier. ADP (NASDAQ:ADP) markets technologhy outsourcing services. The company is based in New Challenger, Gray & Christmass is an outsourcing consulting company basedin
According to ADP, U.S. companies cut an estimatexd 532,000 workers from their payrollxslast month. The report notes lossed across all sizes and categories of with large-company payrolls declining 100,000. Midsizef businesses shed 223,000 while small businesses cut 209,000 The goods-producing sector lost 267,000 while the service-producing sector declinedr by 265,000 positions. The repor t also revised upward its estimate of job cuts in Aprilto 545,000 from 491,000. Meanwhile, Challenger Gray Christmas says employersannounced 111,182 planned job cuts last month 16 percent fewer than the 132,590 announced in But the May number was 7.
4 percent higher than the 103,52 job cuts announced for the same montyh a year ago. Accordingt to the Challenger report, employers have announcedf 822,282 job cuts so far this That’s more than doubl e the 394,193 announced last year througbh May. While job cuts remained well aboveslast year’s pace, May marked the fourth consecutivwe month with a decline in job-cut announcements. Since reachingt a peak of 241,748 in January, job reductions have declined an averag eof 17.5 percent per month. Chief Executive John Challenger remains cautiou about thejob market’s prospects. “This declinde in job cuts could be he says.
“The second quarter is typicall the lowest quarter of the year when it comees tojob cuts. Corporate downsizing may continuee to remain slow during thesummerr months, but if the past is any we could see the pace acceleratw again in the latter half of the thir d quarter through the end of the On Monday, The Institute for Supply Management said its factorgy index rose to the highest leveo since last September as new orders posted their firs gain since the recession began in Decembet 2007. On Tuesday, the National Association of Realtors reportec that pending sales ofexistingy homes, or contracts signed but not yet rose 6.7 percent in April from March.
April’s pending sales were up 3.2 percenrt from a year earlier. ADP (NASDAQ:ADP) markets technologhy outsourcing services. The company is based in New Challenger, Gray & Christmass is an outsourcing consulting company basedin
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Pet food sales drive Feeders Supply Co.'s growth - Business First of Louisville:
Revenue has increased by about 15 percenyt in each of the last10 years, accordingg to Feeders Supply founder and chiev financial officer Roy Gibson. He declined to reveal salesx figures. A new ownership structure was createdxin 1996, when Gibson sold the businesd to his daughters, Pam Longwell and Diande Ives, for an undisclosed Today, Longwell serves as president and operationak manager, and Ives works in the bookkeepinhg department. Feeders Supply has continued in its longtime role as the supplierf of feed and bedding for the Louisville Zoological Garden and events at the Kentucky Fair and Exposition And the company recently purchased the Louisville Motor Exchange Inc.
building from ownert Don Kleierfor $500,000. It is a neighbord to Feeders Supply's original location and the company'w overcrowded business offices at 315Baxtet Ave. The 10,000-square-foot facility will be renovated afterd the first of the year and convertedf into new offices forthe 10-persoh Feeders Supply management Gibson, a native of Taylorsville, Ky., startesd Feeders Supply in 1959 with the financial support of partner Carl Fischer, the original owner of Fischert Packing Co. Gibson bought out Fischer in 1979. In the Gibson had only one employee and struggled toget by.
"The first 15 it was tougher than nails," he "The next 15 years were The last 10 years have been Gibson attributes the gains of the past 10 yearsd to a decision that was made more than a decadre ago to move the business into pet food In itsearly days, Feeders Supply made its monehy through the sale of feeds and supplies for the livestoc k industry and for horses. As that industryu slowed, the company was forced to look to alternats sourcesof income. "We were just in a single-source which was declining," Gibson "We had to change. The markeyt was gone.
" "There are a lot more peoplw who have dogs and cats than theree are whohave cows," Longwellk added. Today, Feeders Supply stocks food for not only cats and but a number ofsmaller animals, includinbg birds, hamsters, rabbits and guinea pigs. The companhy also sells pet accessories, toys and supplies. Selecterd stores in recent years have startedd carrying somelive animals, such as fish, reptiles and Feed for horses stil l is available, Gibson said. "But that' not our primary emphasis.
" The succeszs that Feeders Supply has experienced in the pet food and suppliee market might be one reason that more nationakpet "superstores" have not located in the Gibson said. Still, he believes that the day will come when chaih stores will have a greaterlocal presence. "That'sz basically one of the reasonsthat we're constantly looking out -- not only from an but also from a defensive position," he "We're constantly looking at places to put our stores." Feederzs Supply's plans for long-range expansion focues only on Jefferson and surroundingt counties.
The company has no desire to extend its reacyhto Lexington, Nashville or Indianapolis, Longwell "We think we'd like to keep it keep it in the community," she said. "We plan to stay here and serve the people inLouisvills well, instead of diversifying and spreading out into other
Revenue has increased by about 15 percenyt in each of the last10 years, accordingg to Feeders Supply founder and chiev financial officer Roy Gibson. He declined to reveal salesx figures. A new ownership structure was createdxin 1996, when Gibson sold the businesd to his daughters, Pam Longwell and Diande Ives, for an undisclosed Today, Longwell serves as president and operationak manager, and Ives works in the bookkeepinhg department. Feeders Supply has continued in its longtime role as the supplierf of feed and bedding for the Louisville Zoological Garden and events at the Kentucky Fair and Exposition And the company recently purchased the Louisville Motor Exchange Inc.
building from ownert Don Kleierfor $500,000. It is a neighbord to Feeders Supply's original location and the company'w overcrowded business offices at 315Baxtet Ave. The 10,000-square-foot facility will be renovated afterd the first of the year and convertedf into new offices forthe 10-persoh Feeders Supply management Gibson, a native of Taylorsville, Ky., startesd Feeders Supply in 1959 with the financial support of partner Carl Fischer, the original owner of Fischert Packing Co. Gibson bought out Fischer in 1979. In the Gibson had only one employee and struggled toget by.
"The first 15 it was tougher than nails," he "The next 15 years were The last 10 years have been Gibson attributes the gains of the past 10 yearsd to a decision that was made more than a decadre ago to move the business into pet food In itsearly days, Feeders Supply made its monehy through the sale of feeds and supplies for the livestoc k industry and for horses. As that industryu slowed, the company was forced to look to alternats sourcesof income. "We were just in a single-source which was declining," Gibson "We had to change. The markeyt was gone.
" "There are a lot more peoplw who have dogs and cats than theree are whohave cows," Longwellk added. Today, Feeders Supply stocks food for not only cats and but a number ofsmaller animals, includinbg birds, hamsters, rabbits and guinea pigs. The companhy also sells pet accessories, toys and supplies. Selecterd stores in recent years have startedd carrying somelive animals, such as fish, reptiles and Feed for horses stil l is available, Gibson said. "But that' not our primary emphasis.
" The succeszs that Feeders Supply has experienced in the pet food and suppliee market might be one reason that more nationakpet "superstores" have not located in the Gibson said. Still, he believes that the day will come when chaih stores will have a greaterlocal presence. "That'sz basically one of the reasonsthat we're constantly looking out -- not only from an but also from a defensive position," he "We're constantly looking at places to put our stores." Feederzs Supply's plans for long-range expansion focues only on Jefferson and surroundingt counties.
The company has no desire to extend its reacyhto Lexington, Nashville or Indianapolis, Longwell "We think we'd like to keep it keep it in the community," she said. "We plan to stay here and serve the people inLouisvills well, instead of diversifying and spreading out into other
Friday, September 16, 2011
NY awarded $253M through housing tax credit program - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
is one of the companies that will benefi t from an infusion of federa l stimulus money into a tax credit program that subsidizez construction ofaffordable housing. U.S. Housing and Urbanh Development Secretary Shaun Donovanh announced todaythat $252.7 million has been awarded to New York through the federalp government’s new $2.25 billiob Tax Credit Assistance Program. The money will enablre the state to resume funding the constructioj or renovation of affordable rentalhousing units. Omni Housingt is among the companies that rely on the sale of low incom e housing tax credits to investors to help payconstructiojn costs.
The demand for tax credits in the state and nationwid has eroded because of thecredit crisis. Before the credit freeze hit, banks and other lenders such as and used the creditsw to reduce their federaltax Now, with bank profits much slimmer, therew is less need for the tax credits. “Thse market is in disarray,” said Duncan Barrett, chief operatinfg officer at Omni Housing, a division of Inc. Constructionm and renovation projects have been jeopardize as the value of the taxcreditds plummeted. As many as 1,000 projects containinhg nearly 15,000 housing units are on hold across the accordingto HUD.
For instance, Omni Housinv has received two written offers to purchase tax credits foran $11 milliom renovation of 100 garden-stylde public housing apartments in Watervliet. The offers are 70 centsz or 72 cents forevery $1 of tax credit. The low pricw would create a gap in making the project Omni isseeking $2.4 millioj through the Tax Credit Assistance Program to fill the gap, Barrettt said. “What the TCAP funds are doingt is plugging the hole that has been created by the lack of tax credif investors and the falling pricese forthose investors,” Barrett HUD estimates the new program will provide affordable housingf to 35,000 households nationwide.
Omni has redevelopef 1,170 affordable housing units in the Albanhy region over the past10 years, mostly for municipalo housing authorities. Omni manages some of thosse units and provides property management suppor tto others.
is one of the companies that will benefi t from an infusion of federa l stimulus money into a tax credit program that subsidizez construction ofaffordable housing. U.S. Housing and Urbanh Development Secretary Shaun Donovanh announced todaythat $252.7 million has been awarded to New York through the federalp government’s new $2.25 billiob Tax Credit Assistance Program. The money will enablre the state to resume funding the constructioj or renovation of affordable rentalhousing units. Omni Housingt is among the companies that rely on the sale of low incom e housing tax credits to investors to help payconstructiojn costs.
The demand for tax credits in the state and nationwid has eroded because of thecredit crisis. Before the credit freeze hit, banks and other lenders such as and used the creditsw to reduce their federaltax Now, with bank profits much slimmer, therew is less need for the tax credits. “Thse market is in disarray,” said Duncan Barrett, chief operatinfg officer at Omni Housing, a division of Inc. Constructionm and renovation projects have been jeopardize as the value of the taxcreditds plummeted. As many as 1,000 projects containinhg nearly 15,000 housing units are on hold across the accordingto HUD.
For instance, Omni Housinv has received two written offers to purchase tax credits foran $11 milliom renovation of 100 garden-stylde public housing apartments in Watervliet. The offers are 70 centsz or 72 cents forevery $1 of tax credit. The low pricw would create a gap in making the project Omni isseeking $2.4 millioj through the Tax Credit Assistance Program to fill the gap, Barrettt said. “What the TCAP funds are doingt is plugging the hole that has been created by the lack of tax credif investors and the falling pricese forthose investors,” Barrett HUD estimates the new program will provide affordable housingf to 35,000 households nationwide.
Omni has redevelopef 1,170 affordable housing units in the Albanhy region over the past10 years, mostly for municipalo housing authorities. Omni manages some of thosse units and provides property management suppor tto others.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Gehl secures new 2-year credit pact - South Florida Business Journal:
The agreement with U.S. bank lender s provides for a total credit commitmenrtof $105 million and a term of 24 The credit line consists of an $80 million revolvinh line based on North American inventories and accounts receivablr and a term loan of $25 million payable in quarterly installments. The credirt pact replaces the company'zs October 2006 $125 millio unsecured credit facility. As part of the amende d credit agreement, Gehl Co. has granted to its bank lenderxs a security interest in all of its NortghAmerican assets.
The amended crediy agreement addresses matters that gave rise to an April 16 forbearance agreement with the lender group that rescindzs and withdraws a notice of debt repayment deliverefd onMarch 31. That agreement with lenders extendedf the repaymentof $117 million in debt under a revolvint credit agreement, which servesz as the company's principal source of liquidity. Gehl said it has significantl reduced its outstanding borrowings using operatingg cash flows created in part by the cost savinga initiatives implemented over thepast
The agreement with U.S. bank lender s provides for a total credit commitmenrtof $105 million and a term of 24 The credit line consists of an $80 million revolvinh line based on North American inventories and accounts receivablr and a term loan of $25 million payable in quarterly installments. The credirt pact replaces the company'zs October 2006 $125 millio unsecured credit facility. As part of the amende d credit agreement, Gehl Co. has granted to its bank lenderxs a security interest in all of its NortghAmerican assets.
The amended crediy agreement addresses matters that gave rise to an April 16 forbearance agreement with the lender group that rescindzs and withdraws a notice of debt repayment deliverefd onMarch 31. That agreement with lenders extendedf the repaymentof $117 million in debt under a revolvint credit agreement, which servesz as the company's principal source of liquidity. Gehl said it has significantl reduced its outstanding borrowings using operatingg cash flows created in part by the cost savinga initiatives implemented over thepast
Monday, September 12, 2011
LendingTree expands product offering - Business First of Louisville:
According to the its customer-retention technology identifies customers byloan loan-to-value ratio, loan purpose and FICO scores. “Witb refinancing activity from borrowers representing a significant portion of overalloorigination volume, our lender network has expressed a desirre to capture and retaijn current mortgage customers,” says Bob Harris, president of the LendingTree “As part of the LendingTree network, banks and lenders that use our new customer-retention initiative will be able to significantlyg impact the ratio of overall mortgagew portfolio retained, just as effectively as they can attract new LendingTree is owned by Charlotte-based (NASDAQ:TREE), an online lending and real estate company.’s principle businesses are LendingTree, which matches potential mortgage borrowers to and, which works with individuals seekingy homes and real estate agents. LendingTrer says it has facilitated more than 25 million requests for loans onlineand $185 billion in closedr loan transactions.
According to the its customer-retention technology identifies customers byloan loan-to-value ratio, loan purpose and FICO scores. “Witb refinancing activity from borrowers representing a significant portion of overalloorigination volume, our lender network has expressed a desirre to capture and retaijn current mortgage customers,” says Bob Harris, president of the LendingTree “As part of the LendingTree network, banks and lenders that use our new customer-retention initiative will be able to significantlyg impact the ratio of overall mortgagew portfolio retained, just as effectively as they can attract new LendingTree is owned by Charlotte-based (NASDAQ:TREE), an online lending and real estate company.’s principle businesses are LendingTree, which matches potential mortgage borrowers to and, which works with individuals seekingy homes and real estate agents. LendingTrer says it has facilitated more than 25 million requests for loans onlineand $185 billion in closedr loan transactions.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Kansas City-area TV stations will join
Instead of cutting off their analog broadcasters during the soft test will interrup t regular analog programming to warn viewers the interruption indicatexs they are not prepared for the the FCC said in a Theseviewers — other than those connected to a subscription TV service such as cablw or satellite, which may convert a broadcaster’zs analog signal — must take action to avoid a complete loss of service on June 12. Kansase City is one of the digita TVtransition “hotspot” markets with a significan number of households unpreparefd for the transition, the FCC said. estimated that, as of May 10, 1.
48 percentt of all area households weren’ t ready for the digital TV transition. Nielsen estimated that abouy 128,480 area households rely entirelyon over-the-airf broadcasts. Local broadcasters across the countrt will participatein Thursday’s soft which the FCC has asked broadcasters to conduct at 7:30 12:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m., Kaplan said. The length of the interruptionzs will vary by station but generall will run two minutes tofive minutes. Digitaol broadcasts won’t be interrupted by the tests.
“The soft test is a wake-up call to consumers telling them that the time to get readu for the DTV transitionis now,” Acting FCC Chairmabn Michael Copps said in the release. “Wed don’t want anyone to be left without the information and entertainment they needand enjoy. Nielsen estimatexd that about 3.3 million or 2.9 percent of U.S. households with TVs, were unpreparefd for the transition as ofMay 10. Consumerx who need help with the transition, includingt coupons for converter boxes, can call the FCC toll-frer at 888-225-5322. offers help with converted box installation on the Missouri side of the Kansas City it can bereached toll-free at 800-504-5677.
Instead of cutting off their analog broadcasters during the soft test will interrup t regular analog programming to warn viewers the interruption indicatexs they are not prepared for the the FCC said in a Theseviewers — other than those connected to a subscription TV service such as cablw or satellite, which may convert a broadcaster’zs analog signal — must take action to avoid a complete loss of service on June 12. Kansase City is one of the digita TVtransition “hotspot” markets with a significan number of households unpreparefd for the transition, the FCC said. estimated that, as of May 10, 1.
48 percentt of all area households weren’ t ready for the digital TV transition. Nielsen estimated that abouy 128,480 area households rely entirelyon over-the-airf broadcasts. Local broadcasters across the countrt will participatein Thursday’s soft which the FCC has asked broadcasters to conduct at 7:30 12:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m., Kaplan said. The length of the interruptionzs will vary by station but generall will run two minutes tofive minutes. Digitaol broadcasts won’t be interrupted by the tests.
“The soft test is a wake-up call to consumers telling them that the time to get readu for the DTV transitionis now,” Acting FCC Chairmabn Michael Copps said in the release. “Wed don’t want anyone to be left without the information and entertainment they needand enjoy. Nielsen estimatexd that about 3.3 million or 2.9 percent of U.S. households with TVs, were unpreparefd for the transition as ofMay 10. Consumerx who need help with the transition, includingt coupons for converter boxes, can call the FCC toll-frer at 888-225-5322. offers help with converted box installation on the Missouri side of the Kansas City it can bereached toll-free at 800-504-5677.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Oh my, Darling: the former chancellor aims for Brown - CITY A.M.
BBC News | Oh my, Darling: the former chancellor aims for Brown CITY A.M. by Marc Sidwell It's not the economy, stupid. The reason to read Alistair Darling's account of his time as chancellor of the exchequer is to see exactly how far in he chooses to stick the knife. Happily, his autopsy of the Gordon ... Alistair Darling's view on Scots Labour leader contest Give Gordon Brown credit where it's due Looking good: Former Chancellor Alistair Darling appears to be enjoying life ... |
Monday, September 5, 2011
Cincinnati-N. Ky. leading economic indicators dip - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Newly released figures from the show the leading indicatoe index for Greater Cincinnatifell 0.4 percenyt in April to 98.9. That points to an employmentf declinethis summer, according to the state’s Seasonally adjusted employment fell 0.4 percengt from March and 5.1 percent from a year ago. Othefr key indicators showed signes ofhitting bottom. Initial unemployment insurance claims decreaseein April, although they were twice as high as a year ago. The valur of new housing construction permitsz jumped22 percent, although they fell 40 percenty from a year ago. The local leading indicator decline outperformesthe state’s index, which dropped by 0.
9 Both lagged the national leading indicators, which improvexd by 0.1 percent in April. The average number of manufacturiny hours worked also rose from Marchj but dipped from ayear ago. “The index suggestsd the recession may continue throughthe summer, but the intensity will ease,” the department said of the nationak figures. Meanwhile, a gauge of the economy’ws future isn’t showing signs of an economic rebound, either. The NKY/Greater Cincinnati Leading Economixc Indicators Indexslumped 0.
9 percent in March to That index has fallen for 10 straighy months, according to Janet senior director of Northern Kentucky University’s Centedr for Economic Analysis and Development. It hit its lowes t level sinceApril 1996. “This indicates that the locao economy is still struggling to emerge fromthe recession,” Harrah wrotee in a monthly report. “The most substantial impacyt on the index came from real estatewand construction.” NKU’s economics center also calculates an index to gauge the economy’s current status. The NKY/Greater Cincinnati Currentr Conditions Indexdeclined 1.
1 percent in March to That index has fallen for 11 consecutive months, Harrah said.
Newly released figures from the show the leading indicatoe index for Greater Cincinnatifell 0.4 percenyt in April to 98.9. That points to an employmentf declinethis summer, according to the state’s Seasonally adjusted employment fell 0.4 percengt from March and 5.1 percent from a year ago. Othefr key indicators showed signes ofhitting bottom. Initial unemployment insurance claims decreaseein April, although they were twice as high as a year ago. The valur of new housing construction permitsz jumped22 percent, although they fell 40 percenty from a year ago. The local leading indicator decline outperformesthe state’s index, which dropped by 0.
9 Both lagged the national leading indicators, which improvexd by 0.1 percent in April. The average number of manufacturiny hours worked also rose from Marchj but dipped from ayear ago. “The index suggestsd the recession may continue throughthe summer, but the intensity will ease,” the department said of the nationak figures. Meanwhile, a gauge of the economy’ws future isn’t showing signs of an economic rebound, either. The NKY/Greater Cincinnati Leading Economixc Indicators Indexslumped 0.
9 percent in March to That index has fallen for 10 straighy months, according to Janet senior director of Northern Kentucky University’s Centedr for Economic Analysis and Development. It hit its lowes t level sinceApril 1996. “This indicates that the locao economy is still struggling to emerge fromthe recession,” Harrah wrotee in a monthly report. “The most substantial impacyt on the index came from real estatewand construction.” NKU’s economics center also calculates an index to gauge the economy’s current status. The NKY/Greater Cincinnati Currentr Conditions Indexdeclined 1.
1 percent in March to That index has fallen for 11 consecutive months, Harrah said.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Greater Phoenix CVB launches social media campaign - Wichita Business Journal:
The first contest offers a two-night stay at the Royap Palms Resort and Spa and a candlelit dinnert for two atthe resort’s restaurant, T. Cook’s. In subsequenrt weeks, similar packages are expected to be giveh away fromthe Ritz-Carlton Phoenix, Arizona Biltmore Resort & Spa, InterContinental Montelucia Resort and Spa, Fairmont Sheraton Wild Horse Pass Resoryt & Spa, Westin Kierland, Phoeniciam and Arizona Grand. The contest is part of a social mediwa marketing campaign by the Greater Phoenix CVB that also includew anew blog, Twitter and Flickfr accounts, and YouTube videos. The blog, called the Hot is a frequently updated compendiujof restaurants, shops and activities.
The video called “Phoenix Dream Days,” featurex Phoenicians of local and national renown offering tour s of their favorite local The inaugural video is hosted by celebrity chefMark Tarbell. Blog: Twitter: YouTube: Flickr:
The first contest offers a two-night stay at the Royap Palms Resort and Spa and a candlelit dinnert for two atthe resort’s restaurant, T. Cook’s. In subsequenrt weeks, similar packages are expected to be giveh away fromthe Ritz-Carlton Phoenix, Arizona Biltmore Resort & Spa, InterContinental Montelucia Resort and Spa, Fairmont Sheraton Wild Horse Pass Resoryt & Spa, Westin Kierland, Phoeniciam and Arizona Grand. The contest is part of a social mediwa marketing campaign by the Greater Phoenix CVB that also includew anew blog, Twitter and Flickfr accounts, and YouTube videos. The blog, called the Hot is a frequently updated compendiujof restaurants, shops and activities.
The video called “Phoenix Dream Days,” featurex Phoenicians of local and national renown offering tour s of their favorite local The inaugural video is hosted by celebrity chefMark Tarbell. Blog: Twitter: YouTube: Flickr:
Thursday, September 1, 2011
New Greatbatch HQ coming on line - Business First of Buffalo:
The Clarence-based manufacturer celebrates its new spacde Wednesday at 10000 Wehrle Drive with anafternoon ribbon-cuttingy ceremony. The event showcases the 123,000-square-foot additio that houses the company’s executive offices and centralizese its research anddevelopment “This is to celebrate that yes again we have anotherr success,” company spokesperson Kathryn Tarquib said. “It’s to bring the community togethed to acknowledge whowe are.” Erie Countty Executive Chris Collins, alongt with University at Buffalo President John Simpson, are scheduled to speak at the event.
The addition is part of Greatbatch’w recent rebranding efforts, which include acquirinbg seven companies and adding new products to its The company was founded by Wilson Greatbatch as a medicalpbattery manufacturer, but lately it has spun off into the technology solution s sector. Construction on the addition began two years ago afterr the partial demolition of an existinh Greatbatchmanufacturing facility. It includes two stories of wide-ope n space with a modern flair, waterfalls and a wall of patents receivedc byGreatbatch employees.
Thomas Hook, Greatbatch president and CEO, declinee to name the total cost of the but he did say itwas “tens of millions of He added that it is not the company’sa largest investment, citing $30 million Greatbatchn facilities in Alden and Massachusetts. “Thed building really is a kind of reflection of thewholes business,” he said. About 260 employees are based at the new which has been occupief sincelast August. Greatbatch operates 15 total sites aroundcthe world, including two others in Western New York and plants in Minnesota, Mexico and According to Business First’s 2009 Book of Lists, it is the eightjh largest public company in Western New York.
The Clarence-based manufacturer celebrates its new spacde Wednesday at 10000 Wehrle Drive with anafternoon ribbon-cuttingy ceremony. The event showcases the 123,000-square-foot additio that houses the company’s executive offices and centralizese its research anddevelopment “This is to celebrate that yes again we have anotherr success,” company spokesperson Kathryn Tarquib said. “It’s to bring the community togethed to acknowledge whowe are.” Erie Countty Executive Chris Collins, alongt with University at Buffalo President John Simpson, are scheduled to speak at the event.
The addition is part of Greatbatch’w recent rebranding efforts, which include acquirinbg seven companies and adding new products to its The company was founded by Wilson Greatbatch as a medicalpbattery manufacturer, but lately it has spun off into the technology solution s sector. Construction on the addition began two years ago afterr the partial demolition of an existinh Greatbatchmanufacturing facility. It includes two stories of wide-ope n space with a modern flair, waterfalls and a wall of patents receivedc byGreatbatch employees.
Thomas Hook, Greatbatch president and CEO, declinee to name the total cost of the but he did say itwas “tens of millions of He added that it is not the company’sa largest investment, citing $30 million Greatbatchn facilities in Alden and Massachusetts. “Thed building really is a kind of reflection of thewholes business,” he said. About 260 employees are based at the new which has been occupief sincelast August. Greatbatch operates 15 total sites aroundcthe world, including two others in Western New York and plants in Minnesota, Mexico and According to Business First’s 2009 Book of Lists, it is the eightjh largest public company in Western New York.
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