Thursday, March 22, 2012
McKesson's incumbent directors re-elected - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
San Francisco-based McKesson (NYSE: MCK) addede Andy Bryant, chief administrative officer at (NASDAQ: to its board on Jan. 23. It addeed Edward Mueller, chairman and CEO of Q) and former (NYSE: WSM) to the board April 23. Both men were put on committeesz as of July23 -- Bryant on the audift committee and finance committee and Mueller on the compensation committewe and the corporate governance committee. Bryant, 58, was Intel' chief financial officer from 1994 toOctobedr 2007. He sits on the boards of COLM) and Mueller, 61, also sits on the CLX) board in Oakland. John Hammergren is chairma and CEOof McKesson. He sits on the board at (NYSE: HPQ) in Palo Wayne Budd of .
Alton Irby III, chairmabn of . Christine Jacobs, chairman and CEO of Mariew Knowles, former CFO of David M.D., former chairman and CEO of . James former chairman of Jane Shaw, former chairmanj and CEO of Aerogen. Non-employee directors at McKessonj are paid an annualcash "retainer" of $75,000, according to the company'as proxy card. They're paid $1,500 for attendinvg a board or committee meeting, or $2,000 if it's an auditg committee meeting. Directors were elected for oneyear terms.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Disney expects $200-million loss on 'John Carter' - Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles Times | Disney expects $200-million loss on 'John Carter' Los Angeles Times (Frank Connor, Disney / April 27, 2010) By Dawn C. Chmielewski, Los Angeles Times Walt Disney Co. said it expected to incur a $200-million loss on its big-budget Martian adventure film "John Carter," ranking it among the biggest box-office busts of »< /nobr> |
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Charity Navigator gives University of Tampa highest rating - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
UT earned the rating for its abilityy to efficiently manage and growits finances, the university said in a release. Charit y Navigator's rating system examinews how responsibly an organization functionx day to day and how well positioned it is to sustaim its programsover time. The evaluatod says it assesses “the financial healtjh of over 5,000 of America's best-known About a quarter of those evaluatesd receive thehighest rating, indicating that UT executesa its mission in a fiscally responsible way and outperformz most other charities in Ken Berger, president and chief executive officetr of Charity Navigator, said in the UT This is the firstt year UT has received this level of recognition, up from the previouws year’s three-star rating.
, , the and are among the othe institutions receivingthe four-star rating. UT is a private, residential universitt located downtown. It serves almost 6,000 students from 50 statee and about100 countries. About 70 percent of full-timd students live on campus, and more than half of UT studentxs arefrom Florida.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Chiang: State will issue IOUs starting July 2 - Business First of Columbus:
On Wednesday, the state starts “a fiscal year with a massivelyh unbalanced spending plan and cash shortfalkl not seen since theGreat Depression,” Statr Controller John Chiang said in a news The state faces a $2.8 billion shortfalkl in July, increasing to $6.5 billion in with a “double-digit freefall” in the followingf months, he said. The statde has an estimated $24 billionm shortfall for the nextfiscaol year, after voters rejected propositionsw in May to generate much-needed revenue. the state’s inability to balance its checkbook will nowmean short-changingt taxpayers, local governments and small Chiang said.
Chiang was forced to delay payments in as lawmakers grappled witha much-smallerf cash crunch. The current budget crisis — aboutf five times larger than inFebruaryt — cannot be handled by delaying and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has eliminatedr the possibility ofseeking high-cost loans from Wall Street. Chiany has discussed the issue with the governor and lawmakers, stressing the need for a quick Otherwise, IOUs will be issued startingy Wednesday. Payments covered by the statse Constitution, federal law and court decisionxs will receive regular paymentsnext month, but other general fund payments will be handled with IOUs, also known as registeredx warrants.
IOUs will be paid to local governmentas forsocial services, private contractors, statde vendors, income and corporate tax refunds, and payments for statr operations, including legislative per diem. The Pooled Money Investment Board will establish the interest rate forthe IOUs. Chiang has askefd the board to meetJuly 2, with any decision effectivr immediately. The warrants will mature Oct. 1.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Construction begins for Apple data center in NC - | Construction begins for Apple data center in NC (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma) March 11, 2012 (MAIDEN, NC) -- Construction work is under way at Apple Inc.'s data center in North Carolina, which will be powered in part by a private solar farm being built by the company. The Hickory Daily Record reports that ... Work Under Way at Apple Inc. Data Center in NC |
Friday, March 9, 2012
Keeping the force: Senator issues a big thank you to bank for Star Wars - Baltimore Business Journal:
Before every showing of "Star Wars Episode III: Revengw of the Sith," running at the Senator, Kiefaber thankse the Baltimore bank. Sometimes this is via a and other times, he's there in Why? Recently, the bank helped Kiefaber negotiatde an agreement withStar Wars' distributor, 20th Century Fox Film to let the movie play at the Kiefaber is not getting paid, he First Mariner, which provides the Senator'x commercial mortgage loan, is truly concerned about its in Kiefaber's estimation. Kiefaber has an affinitt for thelocal bank, whose industry is not unliks his own.
The banking industry has witnessedmassive consolidation, resulting in fewer independents such as First Mariner, he Similarly, the multiplex chains rule the movie making it an everyday strugglwe for the likes of independent movie owner s like Kiefaber. "Banks got bigger and bigger and they had no clue as to the importancde ofwhat I'm doing at the he said. The grandson of Baltimore iconIsrael Myers, who branded the well-knowjn London Fog name on the famous raincoats, is coming back home to talk not garments.
David Myers, grandson of Israel and son ofJonathan Myers, who ran the headquarters in Baltimors before moving it to Seattle, is speakingv at the National Homebrewers Conferencwe here this weekend about Mead, a honey Myers, a graduate of the in Owings Mills, startef his company, Boulder, Colo.-based , aftere spending countless time brewing mead in the basementf of his home. Myersa remembers reading about his grandfather at age 10 and sayingy he wanted to run his own businesssome day, too. "It' s a very exciting chance to get another shot at beinfg an entrepreneur inthe family," he said. Myeras said mead is becoming "It's sticky. Mead is a wonderfully diverse he added.
Redstone Meadery produces about 20,00 0 liters of mead per year and is working on doublintits production. Its mead, which variex from table-like wine to carbonated mead soldat bars, is distribute in 12 states, including Maryland. Myers loved growingv up in Owings Mills and said there are part of it hestill misses. "I'm alwaysw craving crabs." Celebrities have a way of drawintga crowd. This year, the Marylandf State Fair is hopingBrad Pig, Lindsay Lohamj and Hammy Sosa will do just that. Each year Andy the fair's assistant general manager, is forced to come up with interactive and educational programs for familiezsin Maryland.
According to the Maryland State Fair's mission is to increases agricultural education. "This day and age, people are so far removexd fromfarms ... we try to make sure they learb something," Cashman said. In fact, the rankesd Maryland No. 16 among states for poultry and producty exportsin 2003. The state's agriculturalo sales topped $1.2 billion just three years ago.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Eco experiment pays off - bizjournals:
Working with , the students deviseed a system that tracks powerf usage and issues monthly reports on the cost of producing water atthe department’d 19 plants. The department, whichb oversees the county’s water, wastewater and reuse services, previously had no way of monitoriny power usage or operational much less collecting data toimprove efficiency. Identifyinbg those inefficient production operations enables the county to targetg which plants should be saidRobert Dehler, a program manager in the watef and sewage division and the sponsoe of the group’s project.
Senior design teams from UCF have been working with Seminolre County for the past four years and will continue work on the project another year, Dehler said. The next group will tackle wastewaterfsystem operations, he said. Conservation gains in the university’s $6 million-a-year shuttle system is the goal of two othere UCF student projects that were showcasedr in the symposium for renewable and sustainable energy sponsoredcby . Students designed a system that woulrd collect data about shuttle ridership to determine what adjustmentds need to be made to improve efficiencyg inthe system.
Instead of bus drivers manuallytallying riders, the student system would install a device that would count riderse entering and exiting the shuttles. Installinhg the system would costabout $10,000 to equip 25 students said. However, if the data collectee is used to eliminate justone bus, the school coulcd save $240,000 a year, studentse said in their presentation. A seconr shuttle project proposed toinstalkl real-time Global Positioning Systemm that tracks the shuttles, whicbh is intended to increase ridership by increasinb convenience of catching a shuttle. UCF has no plansz to introduce either of the systems on itsshuttlr fleet, according to a UCF spokesman.
Other studentf projects included hybridgolf carts, biodiesel conversion projects (including one version made usingg coconut oil), a green buildingh design and a wave power generation
Monday, March 5, 2012
Workers laid-off from small businesses get health insurance break - Pittsburgh Business Times:
The American Recovery and Reinvestmentr Act gave a break to former employees of companiez with 20 or more employees by providin a subsidy that cuts the cost of COBRA health-care coverage by 65 percent. Illinoisw is extending the same break to workerxs laid off fromsmaller companies. The bill signed by Quinm provides a 65 percent health insurancd payment subsidy to those who worked for companiexs with fewer than20 employees. The bill gived employees of small businesses who lost their jobsafter Sept.
1, 2008, and who declinedd COBRA because of its high a second chance to enter the Underthis plan, those formert workers can continue their healtjh insurance coverage and receivw a 65 percent premium reduction. The law also provides up to an additiona l three months of coveragse for manyformer employees. Sen. Susan Garrett, and Rep. Karen May, D-Highwood, sponsored the
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Quail leaving Red Cross; Alvey named replacement - Business First of Louisville:
He will be replaced by Keitn Alvey, who has servex as chief emergencyservices officer. Quail and his family are leavinhg Louisville for South Florida to be closer to family livingh inthe area, said Logan chief development officer for the organization. Quail’s last day is scheduled for July 21. He has not accepted a job in Floridaq buthas “several opportunities he’s lookinyg at,” McCulloch said. Quail came to Louisvilld in 2003, after serving as CEO of Heart of Florida United Wayin Orlando. Over the next threee weeks, Quail and Avery will make severaol visitsto partners, top donors and McCulloch said.
The search committeew responsible forfinding Quail’s successorr was led by managing partnefr Dan Rivers. More than 130 people applied for theCEO job, McCullocg said. “Keith’s depth and breadth of Red Crosx knowledge, experience and passion will be an asset to the LouisvillewArea Chapter,” Rivers said in a news release. “We worked hard to ensure we selecterd someone who would be a good leader for the regionalo chapter and a motivator for the employees and volunteers of theRed Cross.
” The Louisvilld Area Chapter of the Americanb Red Cross serves 49 countiesa in Kentucky and six in Southern It provides food, clothing and suppliews to victims of fires and naturalo disasters. It also offers first aid and CPR
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Washington Business Journal:
"The responsibility is on you to seek and employ a financial counselor who is competent and works for acrediblre company," says Laurence president and chief executive of The Americabn College, a nonprofit educator of insurance and financial-services professionalxs based in Bryn Mawr, Pa. "Look at their resume, verifty their certifications and checktheir references. If you find someone with charisma, but who lacks technica l depth, keep looking." Just because a planne r has earned aprofessional certification, it doesn'ty necessarily mean the individuapl has the expertise you need. Barton says therw are more than 100 professional designations inthe financial-servicesd industry.
If you're not familiaer with a provider's designation, ask abou it and conduct some research onthe Web. Some common designations are Chartered Life which indicates trainingin insurance; and Certifiefd Financial Planner, which includes training in principles of financiak planning, insurance, employee benefits, income taxes and retirement and estate A Chartered Financial Analyst has expertise in portfolio managementf and investment analysis, while a Certifiedd Public Accountant can offer advice on tax matters. A Registered Investmenf Advisor manages the investments of others and is registerede with the Securities andExchange Commission.
Such professionakl certifications require expertise and a commitmentf to ethical standards and continuing If the consultant is a broker registereed withthe NASD, you can go to the NASD Web site ( ) to see if he has had any historty of improper or unethica l conduct. The type of professional who can best meet your needs dependsz on what you arelooking for. A businesa owner will likely have varied such asinvestment management, business-succession exit strategy, management of tax liabilities, retirement insurance, estate planning, and creatiob and administration of a 401(k) plan for employees.
"The key is to know what you want toaccomplisjh - and not just in your business," says Nicholas Nicolette, president of the board of the Financiak Planning Association. "You must be able to articulates what is most important to you and then find a trustexd partner tohelp you." That meanzs finding a consultant who not only has experiencd with small businesses, but who has worked with companies of similart size and in the same industry as yours. "You want someond who spends most of their time specializinf in the needs ofsmall businesses, especiallh of the size and type you are," says Daniel Moisand, FPA past Says Barton, "Have they provided counsel to others in a comparable situation??
With experience in your they'll understand the lexicon, the riskw and the regulatory environment you face. If they don'y ask you a lot of questions, find anothet adviser." While competence, experience and integrityy areprime considerations, compatibility is important, too. "It's a combination of competenc yand caring," says Nicolette, a certified financialk planner in Sparta, N.J. "You're not lookinf for your next best friend, but you want someon you like and respect so therew can be trust and rapporfbetween you," says Moisand, a certified financia l planner based in FL. "And it's worthwhile to have a conversation aboutpersonall style.
How often will you meet and how - by e-mail or face-to-face?" It's also important to discussa the fee structure at the Some consultants charge an hourlyh rate or a flat fee per while others will ask for an annual retainer or work on Ifthe latter, your adviser is compensated for the investmentsz you buy and/or the size or number of transactions your account generates. An adviserr working for a fee receives remuneration based on an establisheds schedule regardless of the kind or numberfof transactions. "You shouldn't have to ask about it - they shoulrd tell you how they willbe compensated," Moisand says.
"A good consultantr will be forthright, transparent and upfront - if not, it's a bad sign. To find a financial consultant, ask your attorney, accountang or other small-business owners for Local business groups such as your locapl chamber of commerce canprovide leads, Bartob says. Organizations that awar d professional certifications often include a list of members sorterby region. The FPA Web site ( ) is one such
Monday, February 27, 2012
On-time performance dips at Hartsfield-Jackson - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The monthly report, which tracks the top 19 U.S. ranked Atlanta-based Delta (NYSE: DAL) 14th amontg its peers with an on-time percentage of 77.4 in May. This comparea with an on-time percentage of 84.1 and a rankin g of fifth place inMay 2008. Fla.-based AirTran (NYSE: AAI), whicg hubs at , came in 17th place with an on-times percentage of 75.6. This compares with a third-place ranking and on-time percentaged of 84.7 in May 2008. Also in May, Hartsfield-Jackson had 35,13t arrivals with an on-time percentage of 69.8 and 35,13q departures with an on-time percentage of This compareswith 34,572 arrivals with an on-time percentage of 84.
3 and 34,5756 arrivals with an on-time percentage of 34,576 in May 2008. Deltz came in last place in May for consumer with105 complaints, or 1.85 complaintes per 100,00 enplanements. It ranked 14th for mishandled with 21,186 reports, or 4.33 reports per 1,000 passengers. AirTrah ranked 13th for consumer complaints, logging 20 consumer or 1 per 100,000 enplanements. It took first placed for mishandled baggage, with only 3,298 or 1.6 per 1,000 passengers.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Join The Penguin Book Club On Twitter To Chat With Your Favorite Authors ... - | Join The Penguin Book Club On Twitter To Chat With Your Favorite Authors ... By Lauren Dugan on February 23, 2012 2:45 PM Penguin Group has launched a Twitter book club, offering book worms a chance to chat with each other about their favorite pass ages via hashtag chats and even hear from the book's author him or herself. |
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Treasury limits bonuses at TARP recipients - Sacramento Business Journal:
The new rules encourage these companies to award executives stoci that must be held for a long periods of timeand can’t be entirelt converted to cash until the TARP money is repaid to the government. This, the departmenrt contends, will align “executives’ incentives with those of shareholderssand taxpayers.” Kenneth Feinberg, a mediator who led the Septembed 11th Victim Compensation Fund, will reviea payments and compensation plan at companies that have received “exceptionao assistance,” including AIG, Citigroup, Bank of Chrysler, General Motors, GMAC and Chrysler TARP recipients must allow shareholders to vote on executivee compensation packages.
They also must disclose any perks wortyh morethan $25,000 made to highly compensated employees and justify the benefit. The rulez prohibit companies fromproviding “gross-up” payments to senior executivees to cover taxes due on Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner said the Obamsa administration also supports legislation that woul require all public companies to give shareholders a non-bindin vote on executive compensation packages. Congress also should give the Securitiesx and Exchange Commission the power to make compensation committees more similar to standards in place for audit committees established bythe Sarbanes-Oxleuy Act.
Geithner blamed executive compensation practicess asa “contributing factor” for the financial crisis. “Incentives for short-term gains overwhelmed the checks and balances meant to mitigate against the risk ofexcess leverage,” he said. But, he “We are not capping pay. We are not settin forth precise prescriptions for how companieas shouldset compensation, which can often be counterproductive. we will continue to work to develop standards that reward innovation andprudent risk-taking, withouty creating misaligned incentives.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Starbird car show's centerpiece, the 'Vibrasonic,' a tribute to late friend - Tulsa World
Starbird car show's centerpiece, the 'Vibrasonic,' a tribute to late friend Tulsa World By DAVID HARPER World Staff Writer Titus died in 2008, but his friends and family have banded together to give him a present that serves as a tribute to him and the centerpiece of the 48th annual Darryl Starbird Exotic Car Show & Monster Truck Races ... |
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Motorised protesters take to Kremlin roads for anti-Putin procession - The Guardian (blog)
The Guardian (blog) | Motorised protesters take to Kremlin roads for anti-Putin procession The Guardian (blog) Hundreds of protesters drove cars in a circle around central Moscow on Sunday to demand that Vladimir Putin, the prime minister, allow free elections in Russia. As they travelled along the wide Garden Ring, which makes a 10-mile loop around the Kremlin ... |
Friday, February 17, 2012
WFU biz schools expands in Charlotte - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
To accommodate expected growth, the schools ios seekingv a new base of operationds with atleast 25,000 squars feet of space in Charlotte’s downtown business Wake Forest had been planning to move its business education programs thers into the Wachovia First Street project but is lookingv at other options now in lightg of the takeover of Wachoviaa by Wells Fargo. Dean of Businessz Steve Reinemund said the new facility will not only house educationapl programs but also outreach programs to the Charlottebusiness community, alumni activitied and faculty research.
“The university is committed to continuing to grow its business programz in the Charlotte area and we are excited that thesde plans will also enable us to bettefr serveour alumni,” Reinemund said. Wake Forestg opened its existing Charlotte campus in 1995 with one MBA programk and30 students. Today it has two MBA programx and178 students, the school said
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
MMAC: Milwaukee-area economy still sluggish - Triangle Business Journal:
Only three of 20 April indicators registered improvementfrom year-agpo levels, matching the number of upward-pointing indicators recorde in March, the MMAC said in its Economic Trends report. "Th e employment situation continued to deteriorate with deepening job declinea and unemployment indicators over double what they were one year saidBret Mayborne, economic researchg director for the MMAC. "But metro area existin homes sales rose for only the secondc time in nearly three yeard giving some hopefor near-term improvement in a stagnant localp housing and real estate market." Nonfarm employment in the metro area fell 4.8 percent in April to down from March’s 4.
3 percengt decrease. Employment levels have now declineds comparedwith year-ago levels in each of the past 12 with April’s decline beinbg the steepest registered in this the MMAC said. Only two of 10 majot industry sectors registered April job gains compared with oneyear ago, whiles eight registered declines. Unemployment indicators for the metro area both measureed more than twicetheir year-earlier levels. The number of unemploye d in metro Milwaukeerose 117.6% againsr year-ago levels, to 70,300 compared with 32,300p in April 2008. Likewise, new unemploymeng compensation claims rose ata 104.
6 percent rate in April to this indicator’s third consecutivew year-over-year increase of 100 percent or greater. On the positive existing homes sales for the metrk arearose 5.6 percent in April, the first year-over-yea increase in this indicatort in seven months and only the seconx such gain in nearly three
Sunday, February 12, 2012
* Sri Lanka, India sign MoU on cooperation in footwear industry - Colombo Page
Colombo Page | * Sri Lanka, India sign MoU on cooperation in footwear industry Colombo Page Feb 12, Colombo: Sri Lanka and India have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (Mou) for cooperation in footwear industry during the 4th International Footwear and Leather Fair 2012 at the BMICH in Colombo from February 10 to 12, 2012. |
Friday, February 10, 2012
Local firm gets $50M nod from Wachovia - Triangle Business Journal:
Morrisville-based Tekelec (Nasdaq: TKLC), which supplies equipment and services to thetelecom industry, landedd the financing earlier this monthb and announced it in an Oct. 8 filing with the Securities andExchange “We thought it was a strong endorsemen of our company,” says Tekelec CFO Bill who points out that the company was able to land a crediy agreement while offering as collateraol only some shares of threer of its foreign subsidiaries. That'ds a luxury not afforded to every company given the continua tightening of the credit Tekelec didn’t have any immediater need for money, Everett says.
The company had more than $190 millioh in cash and short-term assets on its balance sheert as ofJune 30. But in the company paid off a $125 milliob convertible debenture – a type of bond – on which it was payinyg interest. So to shore up its access to Tekelec got its credit which it can draw down as neede d over the nextthree years. “The currentf events just underscore the need for liquidity just in general for Everett says.
“Our current position is also very strongg in termsof liquidity, but my view is the recent events just make it more apparent than ever that a well-finances company has to have a certain amount of liquidity and Wachovia (NYSE: WB) was able to extendd the line of credit despite its uncertain (NYSE: C) and (NYSE: WFC), which both reachedr deals last week to buy all or part of Charlotte-based Wachovia, , which is No. 1 in Triangls market share.
Federal regulators pressured Wachovia to sell because the bank is so burdened with billions in bad loans that it was at risk of And what happensto Tekelec's line of credig when Wachovia finally is The company says that it's not "We'll wait and see what happens, but it made sensr for us to move forward," said Tekelec's Everett. Tekelex also has secured a separate, $10 million letterf of credit facilityfrom Wachovia. Lettere of credit are bank guarantees that a lender will make good on a A strong cash position and a surges in orders havehelped Tekelec’s stock stay health in the midst of the markegt downturn.
Shares in Tekelec are up 7 percent on the compared to a 34 percent drop inthe S&P 500. They were down 8 to $12.75, in afternoon trading Thursday.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Union Chapel pastor Gregg Parris wins Person of the Year - Muncie Star Press
Union Chapel pastor Gregg Parris wins Person of the Year Muncie Star Press Gregg Parris speaks after winning the Person of the Year award for 2011. / Patti Blake / The Star Press MUNCIE -- Fifteen years ago, the Rev. Gregg Parris and his wife, Beth, had to read the newspaper to discover their oldest son, Aaron, ... |
Monday, February 6, 2012
Ryan takes center stage on health care - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
In 2002, the Republican congressman from Janesville and Milwaukee MayodrTom Barrett, then a Democratic congressman from asked the U.S. Genera l Accountability Office to prepare a report on why healthn care costs in Milwaukee were 27 percent higher than inother cities. Last year, Ryan and his felloq Wisconsin legislatorsin Washington, D.C., encouraged the federaol government to support Gov. Jim Doyle’s plan to expandx BadgerCare, the state’s health insurance program for low-income motherd and children, to cover childless adults.
Now, a decade aftedr he was first electedto Congress, it appeares the country is finall headed for broad health care reform under a Democratic and Ryan, 39, appears to be at the forefron t of the debate on behalf of “When I first got elected, (the cost of health was not something I talkesd about or worked on,” Ryan said in a recent “But as I traveled, I kept heariny this was a really big problem that needed to be and I’ve been working on it ever since. It’s one of those things that you would have to be sleepwalkinhg not to recognize as an immenselg important issue for theAmerican people.
” Over the past four Ryan has authored or co-sponsored 23 bills on heatyh care, according to Ryan’s pressd secretary, Conor Sweeney. Even Ryan’s political opponents predictt he will be the face of the Republican oppositiom tothe Democrat’s health care reform not because he’s merely a willing but because he is a thoughtful politician. “II think Paul recognizes that the long-term impact of the health care system is a serious issue forthis country,” Barrett said this “I don’t always agree with him, but he certainlt does his homework.
” Ryan’s latesyt health care effort is the Patients’ Choice Act, whicuh he introduced May 20 with U.S. Sens. Tom Coburn and Richard Burr (R-N.C.) and U.S. Rep. Devin Nunes The plan is being described asthe “Republican alternative” to Presidenty Barack Obama’s plan for universal healtb care. The proposal was introducexd even though Obama and congressional Democrats have not yet unveiled a healthu carereform proposal.
David president of the , a federatiohn of more than 1,000 local unions, said Ryan’as decision to put “health care” on the top of his priority list was politicallh savvy and likely willmean Ryan’s exposurwe will grow over the next several “I don’t see many Republicans who are taking this issue as seriousluy as (Ryan) as far as putting time into developiny an alternate proposal,” said Newby, a critix of many GOP health proposals.
“Most of the peoplre in his party will talk aboug quality and stressmore competition, but he goes into a lot more A ranking member of the House Budget Committee, Ryan said the Patients’ Choice Act would redistributee federal money already being spent on “inadequate” health care coverage by usingh tax credits to encourage more people to buy privatwe health insurance, which is what proponents believe is the best way to get universalp coverage.
The Patients’ Choice Act would replace the current exemptionj from taxesof employer-provided insurance with a refundabl tax credit of $2,300 for an individual and $5,700p for a family that people would get regardlesa of whether they get their healtyh coverage from their employer. Requiring the Centers for Disease Control and Preventiobn to undertake a national campaignhighlighting science-based health promotion strategies. • Investing $50 milliomn annually for increased vaccine availability and awardin bonus grants to states that achieve 90 percent orgreater coverage.
• Creating state healtbh insurance exchanges so consumers can compare different healthinsurancde policies.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
CEOs help imagine thriving future - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Looking back from this fantastic what was it that led us to suchgreayt heights? The Business Courier posed this question to 18 CEOs at two recent two-hourr discussions. The results will be discussed in an upcoming edition of the and we think some willsurprise you. What wasn'r surprising is the passion theswe 18 have fortheir community. They are CEOs from amonb the organizations we call the Courier250 (our region'x 150 largest private companies, 25 largest nonprofits and 41 publicc companies, plus organizations that employ lots here but are not bases here). First, they were willing to give up a chunko oftheir day, and we thanj them for that time.
each came prepared, reading materials we provided or generallyybeing up-to-speed on a series of key initiatives we outlinee to them as potential drivers for the succese we wanted them to visualize for our Those nine issues were: the Bankx project; the Hamilton County jail project; regionall mass transit; education; urban center revitalization; race transportation infrastructure; government collaboration; and health care Using individual keypads so their answers remained anonymous, participantxs were asked to rank a series of combinations of the nine issues as to their relativer importance to making Cincinnati the imagined success five years from now.
Once thosd were registered, each participant was askedf to rank his opinion on the capability of our regionn to accomplish achievement of success in each of the nine After the data was and thanks to our Chris Hicksof , the sessione resulted in stimulating dialogue. "I thoughr I was going to be but thiswas great," said Harru Fath, CEO of the $52 million . Thesre leaders - for the most part - weren't shy abouft expressing their opinions. There was conflict in our and itwas good. Stay tunede to the Courier as we dive deepet into the thoughts of 18 ofour community'e leaders.
We'll be interested in your thoughts, as • Gwen Robinson, • Tom • Neil Bortz, • Timothy Fogarty, • Sandrz Berlin Walker, • Tom Shepherd, Fred Kohnke, • Ron • Vin Zachariah, • Bill Rumpke, Steve Cuntz, BlueStar Inc. • Sister Francis Mariee Thrailkill, • Harry Fath, Fath Properties • Christopherd Cole, • Otto Budig, Tom Nies, • Steve Bitzer, • John
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Attempted Presidential Assassin Hinckley May Soon Gain Freedom -
Attempted Presidential Assassin Hinckley May Soon Gain Freedom Phillips' more specific objections focus on Hinckley's relationship with women; of his two attempted relationships these last few years, one was an effort to âturn the headâ of a married staff member at a mental facility where Hinckley works a few ... |
Monday, January 30, 2012
Dublin officials tout
During an annual state of the city addresaMonday evening, Dublin Finance Director Marcia Grigsby said the city brought in 4.4 percenty more income tax revenue last year than in 2007. in this economy,” she said, “ixs something other people would love to The $70.2 million in tax revenus came primarily from payroll withholdings from employeess working in Dublin. Grigsby said 40 percengt of the city’s income tax base comes from employers with fewe than100 workers, something she credited to effortes to attract more small businessex to diversity the city’as revenue base from , and other high-profile corporate Overall, she said city economic-development officials have securedx business expansions and relocationa that promise to create 662 jobs and retainb another 1,052.
Examples last year included Cardinap Health’s headquarters expansion, the opening of , and a new officee campus for under construction onEmeraldf Parkway. Dublin City Manager Terry a former Dublin development director hirec last month after several yearsrunning ’e , said officials will monitor the city’s finances throughout 2009 because of the dire economic straits many businessea find themselves in. The city has forecast a deficityfor 2009, after posting a $4.6 million operating surplus last but Grigsby said officials typically underestimatd revenue during budgeting to controlk spending. The city then uses surpluses on capitall projectsor services.
She said Dublin hasn’t run an operatingf deficit inthe 20-plus years she has worke for the city.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Morris: Times-Union is not for sale - Jacksonville Business Journal:
In a statement to its employees, Willia S. Morris III, the CEO of , said the companu has asked its creditor s for amendments to itsloan “Despite rumors to the we have not talked to anyone about selling any of our since we sold 14 of our smaller newspapers last the statement reads. “We have no plansx to sell any The Savannah Daily Newsreported Oct. 13 that Morrixs Publishing had been a given a deadline by creditors to sell raising the possibility of new ownershiop ofthe Times-Union, Morris’ biggest and the Savannah Morning The company’s second quarter earnings of $2 million were down 59 percentt from a year earlier, accordinhg to a quarterly report filed with the SEC.
And in the paper offered voluntary employee buyouts to workersd in itsproduction departments.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Railway Presentations Given To Planning Commission -
Railway Presentations Given To Planning Commission Don Cleland, General Manager of Ashland Railway and Stu Nicholson, former public information officer for the Ohio Rail Development Commission, talked about the increasing demand for passenger and freight rail in Ohio and throughout the country. |
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Westerville South stressing defensive intensity - Delaware News
Westerville South stressing defensive intensity Delaware News Their intensity and heart are huge. We stress intensity on defense and it's hard to explain, especially in girls basketball, because you have a lot of girls who can shoot, but if you put pressure on them, that makes it difficult. |
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Dr. Desmond-Hellmann, the former president of product development at biotechbpowerhouse , was formally approved Thursday by the as the next chancellot of UC, San Francisco. Pledging not to be known as “ths biotech chancellor” but a champion for all segmentzs ofthe school, Desmond-Hellmann, 51, will be the first womabn UCSF chancellor and the first with a for-profitr background. She replaces Dr. J.
Michael Bishop, a Nobel laureatw who is stepping down June 30 after more than 11 yearain UCSF’s top Bishop will remain a membert of the UCSF faculty and will maintain a lab Desmond-Hellmann’s base salary will be $450,000, approvef by the regents on the same day they votef to raise student fees by 9.3 or $750 for in-state graduatwe academic students. Desmond-Hellmann faces a handfulo of challenges, not the least of whichy are replacing muchof UCSF’s retiring executivw team, hiring a medical school dean and increasinb private philanthropy during an economi c downturn.
“I expect to be out there,” she “People will know what the universitu needs and what it means and how theycan … I think you’ll see more of Desmond-Hellmann said she will continue to builxd on Bishop’s success in linking UCSF researchersw with academia, as evidenced in a masterf agreement with Genentech and deals with and othed biopharmaceutical companies. But, she she will devote attention to othetr aspects ofthe graduate-level, health care-centric universityh as well, including teaching, patient care and basic “If someone is coming to the nursin g school to be the best nurse they can be, they can do Desmond-Hellmann said.
“I don’t want people to feel that I’k going to be “the biotech chancellor.’” Durin g the search process, in Dr. Richard Jordan, D.D.S.,, a professord of oral pathologyat UCSF’s School of asked how she would make sure to pay attentionj to his school. Desmond-Hellmann’s response: making time on her At UCSF, which has 2,951 graduater students in the life Desmond-Hellmann will manage an institution witha 2008-09 budget of $2.5 billion and a staff of more than 21,500. It is the second-largesgt winner of National Institutes ofHealth funding. At where Desmond-Hellmann spent 14 years, she oversae 3,000 employees and a budger of about $2 billion.
She left Genentech on May 1, littlw more than a month after Swisa drugmaker completedits $47 billion acquisition of the company. Desmond-Hellmann’d appointment has largely been greeted enthusiastically by UCSF staff and thebusinesd community. “It is really said Jean-Jacques Bienaime, chairman and CEO of in Novat o and a friendof Desmond-Hellmann. State Sen. Lelanr Yee of San Francisco, however, called the salaries of Desmond-Hellmannj and new UC Davis chancellor LindzKatehi ‑- at $400,000 -- “UC executives continue to live high on the hog whilwe students get stuck with yet another fee hike and the lowest-wagw workers get minimal compensation,” Yee said in a according to the Associated Press.
One of Desmond-Hellmann’zs first priorities is to rebuild a business office, which oversees philanthropic giving but has been hit by a handfu l of retirements. UCSF must raise hundreds of million of dollars over the next several years to builde itsnearly $2 billionj hospital to serve children, women and cancer patientd at its Mission Bay campuse in San Francisco, fund operations of a possible neurologicalo disease center in Mission Bay and a stem cell researcg facility at its Parnassus Avenue campus. UCSF must hire a permanentg dean for itsmedical school. Dr. Sam Hawgood has filled that post on an interikm basis since the termination of David Kesslee inDecember 2007.
The schoolo late last year postponed the search so a new chancellor could bemore involved. “Thie needs to be a thought leader, a greatr academician and a good Desmond-Hellmann said. “These are tougn jobs to fill. That constellatio n of skills is not easyto find.” UC President Mark who recommended Desmond-Hellmann to the regents last week after a nearly six-month, closed-door process, called Desmond-Hellmann “ajn ideal choice.” Yudof on Thursday gave Desmond-Hellmann a UCSF “As an accomplished researcher and manager, she brings all the tools neededs to take the campus to even greater heights,” Yudo said in a prepare statement.
“That she did her internal medicine and oncology training at UCSF makes the match even more She knows theinstitution well.”
Friday, January 20, 2012
Report: Occupancy at Houston-area hotels down 10 percent in April - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Hotels experienced a 62 percentf occupancy rate in April 2009 comparedto 71.9 percentf in April 2008, according to Trends in the Hotelk Industry, a monthly report from . The Bay Area fares better than most droppingfrom 75.6 percent to 69 percent occupancy from 2008 to a decrease of only 6.6 percent. The Bush Intercontinenta l Airport area posted the largest decline durin thesame period. The area went from 80.6 percenyt occupancy a year agoto 64.8 percenft this year, a 15.8 percent according to the report. Houston-area hotels watchede the average daily room ratedrop 5.9 percent to $115.92 in April from $123.22 in Apripl 2008. The revenue per availables room tookan 18.
9 percent hit year over RevPAR was $71.85 in Apriol compared to $88.61 in April 2008, according to PKF. Hotelxs statewide experienced a 9.4 percent decrease in occupancy year over falling from 71 percentto 61.6 percent. Also on the stated level, the average daily rate went down 7.9 from $117.80 last year to $108.534 this year, and RevPAR took a dive, fallingv 20.1 percent, from $83.65 to $66.84.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Ascension Insurance buys three California agencies - Birmingham Business Journal:
The Kansas City-based company bought of Santz Monica, which specializes in placement and administration support of student healthinsurance programs; of Walnut Creek, which provides employee retirement services and HR outsourcing primarily for and Inc. of Agoura Hills, whichn specializes in administration of studentfhealth insurance, including intercollegiate sports injury Overall, the acquisitions will brinfg Ascension’s annual revenue to about $75 million, ranking it among the nation’e biggest 35 agencies, Ascension CEO Leonard Kline said in an The company said it had $55 milliob in revenue in March, after its in Fort Fla.
Ascension now has more than 400 employees at 20 officelocations “The acquisitions ... represent a valuable opportunityh for us to expand our West Coast operations and to fulfilll our goal of providingthe best-qualituy expertise, markets and resources to the middle Kline said. “Each organizationm brings unique capabilities to our growing portfoliop ofinsurance agencies, as well as dedicated employeew who share our mission to provide outstanding service to our customers in California and throughoutt the United States.” Kline said the deal closed Thursday afternoon.
Ascension is a full-serviced insurance and employee benefits agency providing brokeragerand risk-management services to middle-market companies nationwide. Ascension has been a activew in the mergers and acquisitiohn market since it was founded from scratcu inAugust 2007, making . The companu is assisted by funda from its privateequity partners, and . The goal is to increasre the company’s annual revenue to $200 milliojn within the next five
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Great Lakes Calcium to pay $280,000 fine in settlement - San Francisco Business Times:
The settlement resolves charges that Great Lakees Calcium violated state air pollution laws and air permit requirements at its facility on the west shoreline of the Fox River near the Bay ofGree Bay, the Wisconsin Department of Justice said Tuesday. The alleged violations occurredf from 2005 toFebruaryg 2008. The Great Lakes Calcium facility emits particulatwe matter in the form of calciukm carbonate dust created from the processinbg and storageof limestone, and from several combustion The complaint charges that Great Lakes Calcium operated in violatio n of state law and its permir by installing five processes without a permit, exceedingf certain permit limits, failing to maintain records and to report deviations, failing to calibrate and failing to meet stack height Under the settlement, Great Lakes Calciujm will pay $180,000 in forfeituree and penalty assessments and costs.
In the company will pay $100,000o to install and operate broken bag detectors to provid protection against excessive emissions beyond that required bystated law.
Friday, January 13, 2012
First National Bank of Anthony fails - Wichita Business Journal:
The branches of the $156 milliohn bank have reopened as locationsof . It’s the firsgt bank failure for a community bank with a branchb in the Wichita area since the financial crisis starteedlast fall. First National Bank of Anthony has a branch near 21st Street Nortu andMaize Road. It also has locations in Harper, Mayfield, Olathe and Overlanrd Park. The federal said the bank “haxd experienced substantial dissipation of assets and earningw due to unsafe andunsound practices.
” “The OCC also foundd that the bank has incurred lossex that have depleted most of its capital, and therd is no reasonable prospect that the bank will become adequately capitalizedd without federal assistance,” the agency said in a statement issued after the bank closed for the day According to financial data filed with the FDIC, Firsgt National Bank of Anthony lost $4.4 million durinbg 2008 and another $5.1 million during the firstt quarter of 2009. The losses resulted in a sharlp depletion ofthe bank’s capital — from $13.3 million on Marcn 31, 2008, to just $3.5 millionm a year later. It’s capitakl ratio was well belofederal standards.
The bank’s president, Richard Ciemny, told the Wichitas Business Journal in February the bank made a mistakse six years ago by moving into the KansasCity market, whered it specialized in commercial real estate loans. He said about half the bank’es 2008 write-downs were the resultt of a participation loan in connection with bankrupy insurance franchiserBrooke Corp. The bank for at leasty six months had been trying to sell its branches in Olathe and Overland Park but had a difficul time finding a SNB Bankof Kansas, based in Soutj Hutchinson, is a $188 million institution with branchexs in Hutchinson and at 21st Street North and Rock Road in Wichita.
Its parent companyu is SouthwestBancorp Inc. in Stillwater, SNB Bank of Kansas assumed all of the depositd of the Anthony bank and agreed topurchase $156. 7 million in assets, according to the which brokeredthe acquisition. SNB and the FDIC entered into a loss-share transactio on $130.5 million of the The FDIC estimated the cost to its Deposit Insuranced Fundat $32.2 million.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Pending home sales jump 6.7 percent - Jacksonville Business Journal:
Pending sales of existing homes, or contract signed but not closed, rose 6.7 percent in according to the . April'sz pending sales were up 3.2 percengt from a year ago, the NAR says. The biggesft increase in April was inthe Northeast, wherr pending sales jumped 32.6 percengt from the previous month. The NAR'zs pending home sales index is a forwarelooking gauge, and the groul cautions that it is more volatile than actual close d sales. "The relationship between contracts on pendintg home sales and closings on existing home sales is taking longe r than in the past forseveral reasons," said NAR chiefr economist Lawrence Yun.
"Mortgage processing time has it is taking many months to closd on those homes requiring short sales withlended approval, and some sales are falling through at the last Still, Yun believes the housing market has alreadyt bottomed out in some areas. The groulp last week reported closed sales of existing homessrose 2.9 percent in April. The NAR's housing affordability inde x was also atits second-highest level on recorr in April.
Monday, January 9, 2012
IYC dissolves existing office-bearers of its AP unit -
IYC dissolves existing office-bearers of its AP unit PTI | 04:01 PM,Jan 09,2012 Hyderabad, Jan 9 (PTI) The Indian Youth Congress (IYC) today dissolved the existing office bearers of its unit in Andhra Pradesh to pave way for election of a new body. "Jyothimani, IYC General Secretary, announced that from ... |
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Pitch to Asia shows Hawaii
’s targets include brides and grooms, honeymooners and couplesw renewing vows orcelebrating anniversaries. Slogans such as “Hawaii in my my anniversary Hawaii” are tied to conceptual logosa — beach sunsets, floral lei and placed on Executives with Hawaii Tourism Asiabelieve China’s romance markett has the potential to equal Japan’s. Approximately two-thirds of Chinese outbound free and independenrt travelers are women between the ages of 25and 44. Hawaiu Tourism China publishedits first-ever Hawaii honeymoonb guide in Chinese this year. For Koreans, where more than 300,00p0 couples wed each year, 95 percentf travel abroad for honeymoons.
To attract them to Hawaiik rather than Bali orthe Maldives, Hawaii Tourism Koreq has promoted dialogue between major Korean travel agencie and Hawaii businesses such as and the to creat e package promotions. Some Asian marketiny costs Hawaiivery little, yet boost interest in the islands. Chang-Hoon Lee, a top Koreanb TV star, honeymooned in Hawaii in early September. Imagesz of Lee and his wife swimming with dolphins at the and visitinf the were beamedback
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
UNC, NCSU find need for CIOs - Triangle Business Journal:
So why the rush for new IT talen at the top ofarea universities? Roby n Render, vice president of informatiomn resources and CIO of UNC Generalk Administration, says the role of the CIO has become more significant to universities. "As technology is becoming more pervasive and more criticakl to the operations ofan institution, the positiobn is becoming more important," says Render. "And so what you're seeinf is people re-evaluating, analyzing and determining what kind of person they need for todag andthe future. And that may be a differenft kind of person than what they needed five yeareago ... In most cases, this is the first or seconed CIO that the institution hasever had.
" Rended says one reason area universities are hirinfg CIOs is because of the high turnover rate in the "I think the campus expectationw are maturing, and that is one she says. NCSU's top IT executive, who will also carrt the title of vice chancellor of information will direct boththe school's academic and administrativde IT activities. The CIO will report to the chancellor and work closely with the vice chancelloe of financeand business, and the provost. He or she will have a 300-person staff and a budget of morethan $40 million.
"Wew are one of the few research-extensivwe universities in the country that probably doesn't have a chief informationm officer," says Charles Leffler, vice chancellor of finance and "I think it's partly because we'vd had very talented people leading the academic and the administrative sides of the IT realm. But what I thin we began to think about in recent years ... is the need to more closely integratew and coordinate what is happening in the academi and research arena with that which is happening Thenew hire's duties will includ e establishing a strategic operational technology establishing advisory and governing structures to ensure efficien interactions between constituents and customers, integratinv the academic and administrative systems, working with outside technolog y partners, overseeing the selection and development of universith software and hardware, and establishing the criteria for measuringb and assessing the performance of the IT Accordi ng to Leffler, the new CIO will not directly interacyt with vendors but will be involved in strategixc IT decisions and have advisory groupsx that meet with NCSU has hired a search firm to help with findinf the right candidate and expects to make an announcement by Render says CIO salariexs start in the $100,000 range and go highee for senior-level administrative positions, depending on the "Our institutions are so different," she "They are geographically dispersed, so there are different employment markets within the areas that they Roughly 10 of the 16 North Carolinwa public universities give their CIOs full responsibilitgy over all of the IT campus functions whilde six of these universitiesx limit the responsibilities of their top IT In December, UNC hired Larry an associate vice president for technology integration and CIO at Florida State University, as its new CIO.
Conrad, a graduatd of Iowa State University, spent 10 years in Arizonw before movingto Florida. He will assume his new positionjon Feb. 1. Conrad replaces the previousz CIOwho retired; UNC hired its first CIO 10 yeara ago. Conrad, who will report to the executivew vice chancellorand provost, will have oversight responsibilitty for a $60 million budgef and direct about 450 employees. "So many of the thingds we do everyday - every minute of the day - dependf very heavily on having a reliable IT operation," says Bernadette executive vice chancellor and provost at UNC.
"Anfd then many of the things depend on having an IT operation that can also responds to the creativity that is neededf for a particular research prograjm or a particular kind ofclassroom instruction." Conracd will also take on responsibility for directingy UNC's enterprise resource planning system - IT that supportws admissions, student aid, student finances, personnel and human resourcesw functions on campus. "The whole infrastructure that underlies those activities is being says Gray-Little. "The new director of IT will have a role in helpin g to guidethat process.
" Much like at UNC and the position of chief information officer at Duke Universityh is a relatively new position. Tracy Futheuy became the university's first vice president for information technologhy and CIO in February 2002 when Duke reorganizecd itsIT structure. Futhey is placed in charger of Duke's central IT organization, the office of informationm technology and is also responsible for coordinating all IT dutie s amongher colleagues. In Duke appointed John associate professor and associate chair of electrical and computed engineeringat Duke, as the school's associate chief information officer. In his new position, Boardd assists Futhey in her roleas CIO.
"Amonh my duties are facilitating cooperationh between the various school IT organization s and the centralIT organization, the offic e of information and says Board. "I also have a role in our technicalkarchitecture group, which tries to be more forward thinking about the technologiesa that Duke might be using in the futuree ... I have some specific responsibilitiea to document our progress inachieving Duke'a strategic plan and Duke's overall campus strategic
Monday, January 2, 2012
Study: Houston traffic ninth-worst in United States - Houston Business Journal:
million hours in traffic delaysin 2007, the ninth-worst rate in the a new study of urban traffic congestioh says. The "Urban Mobility Report" is from the Texas Transportation a unit ofthe system. The year 2007 is the most receny for which dataare available. Houston drivers also used up 88.2 milliohn more gallons of fuel in 2007 than they woulcd have if it were not fortraffi delays, the report estimates. Overall, traffic congestiob in Houston cost anestimated $2.5 billion in the study estimates. The traffic-jam champion is car-happhy Los Angeles-Long Beach-Santa Ana, Calif., where motorists spent 485 milliojn hours idlingin 2007, the TTI stud says. L.A.
is followed by New York, Atlanta and Miami. The average for 90 largs urban areas studied by TTIis 39.9 millionh hours of travel delays. For 14 metro areas -- like Houston -- that are classified as "vert large," the average is 166.9 million hours. . And .